Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

I tried to trigger the 'NPC turns into a container' bug in the game with official sfall 3.6. I use a custom CriticalOverrides.ini to make all critical hit effects for 'men' critters be knockouts.
The bugs description inexact is frequent. The reason of a "NPC turns into a container" consists not in "knocked out/down", but in "lost next turn".
NPC receives DAM_LOSE_TURN + player leaving map = 'NPC turns into a container' :-p
I tried to trigger the 'NPC turns into a container' bug in the game with official sfall 3.6. I use a custom CriticalOverrides.ini to make all critical hit effects for 'men' critters be knockouts.
The bugs description inexact is frequent. The reason of a "NPC turns into a container" consists not in "knocked out/down", but in "lost next turn".
NPC receives DAM_LOSE_TURN + player leaving map = 'NPC turns into a container' :-p
Ah, yes, now I can trigger the bug if I leave the map when they just got their 'losing next turn' in combat. Thanks! :)

EDIT: OK, I've tested the code. Here's the sfall binaries of the latest source code (commit 5b2eea0bd711245c3c914694d91b0caa478d1c47): https://www.mediafire.com/?gwjypxrm00k2z6s
(build version: 3.6.999.7, 3.7 alpha7)

Simplified change log:
New features - HighlightContainers, StackEmptyWeapons, DialogOptions9Lines
Togglable engine bug fixes - TooManyItemsBugFix, InventoryDragIssuesFix, NPCDrugAddictionFix, ArmorCorruptsNPCStatsFix, NPCTurnsIntoContainerFix
Also some other minor engine bug fixes.

The archive file includes four DLLs:
  • the one in the root directory of the archive - normal sfall for WinXP SP2 or later.
  • trace - the debugging version.
  • win2k - for Win2000 and WinXP RTM/SP1.
  • win2k_trace - the debugging version for modders on older OSes.
The included ddraw_adv.ini has almost all settings recognized by sfall. The only settings not included are main menu offsets (currently only useful for FO1 to FO2 conversion).
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I tried to trigger the 'NPC turns into a container' bug in the game with official sfall 3.6. I use a custom CriticalOverrides.ini to make all critical hit effects for 'men' critters be knockouts.
My test character is an all-10 cheater with both Slayer and Sniper perks. I knocked out Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy, and accessed their inventory while they're unconscious, plus moving to another map quickly before they woke up.
But I can still interact with them normally. Does anyone know if there's any other requirement to trigger the bug, [strike]maybe the knockout has to be done by other critters[/strike]?

EDIT: Nope, I made some super Brahmin and provoked them to attack/knock my NPCs out, but still can't trigger the bug. Now I wonder if the bug still exists in the current 1.02d exe.
It massively does, I've had it with both vic and goris.
I was playing with the Jinxed trait for the first time when it happened, and I hadn't encountered the bug before that.
Could it be related to critical failures?

I've encountered this before - my solution was to engage in combat again, and Sulik woke up and after the fight he behaved normally again.
For some reason - Sfall (the newest version) doesn't work on Windows 10 (64 bit).
The game doesn't want to use it, for whatever reason.
Whenever I run the game (Fallout 1.02 US) SFall isn't showing any messages, it doesn't change the 'versionstring' when I set it up, etc.
In short - it's not being used by the game at all and it does nothing.

How can I force the game to use it? Please, help me.. For this reason only - I can't play the game, anymore..
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Nope.. I've tried the current, official version from sf.net. Also - the svn build which has been compiled and linked on the previous pages of this thread.
I've also tried SFall v2.12a that has been included in MIB88 2.44. Neither of these have worked.

It looks like Windows 10 is forcing the game to use system ddraw.dll, while disallowing ddraw.dll from SFall.
That's strange because similar concept with ddraw.dll file in the game folder, acting as proxy-library is being used in case of Jagged Alliance 2 (unofficial patch 1.13).
Basically, since the release of Windows 8 - they are shipping ddraw.dll library which has been taken from WINE, with their package. It's being used to translate ddraw.dll calls into opengl calls. And it works both under Windows 8 and Windows 10.
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Any older one works? If none of them works, you might want to check if it has something to do with KnownDLLs registry entry.
At least I heard one case that happened in Win8.

So, today I've added ddraw.dll on the list of ExcludeFromKnownDlls which is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

Then, after the reboot,SFall seems to work! Thank you very much for your tip!

I've included the windows register fix for Windows 8/10 Sfall users in the attachment


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i was hardly tryin to play jims overhhaul mod but arraysBehavior=0 ruins most of all my saves. setting it to 1 or removing this entry solves the problem. is it realy necessary to keep it till i gonna update sfall during my playthrough? (win xp sp3 sfall 3.5)
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Any older one works? If none of them works, you might want to check if it has something to do with KnownDLLs registry entry.
At least I heard one case that happened in Win8.

So, today I've added ddraw.dll on the list of ExcludeFromKnownDlls which is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager


I just checked my system for these things to find out that apparently, by default, ddraw is not a "known dll" on a fresh win10 install.
Thus, SFall should work just fine for most people (as it does for me).

Just putting this here to make sure no one alters their registry needlessly.
Here's the sfall binaries of the latest source code (commit 65492941cc8a08f02652512aee4a04bde5f356f7): https://www.mediafire.com/?44u8vg4p9m2ptb4
(build version: 3.6.999.8, 3.7 alpha8)

Simplified change log:
Added a new setting - DisplayBonusDamage, which displays additional points of damage from Bonus HtH/Ranged Damage perks in the inventory.
Fixed bugs in PerksFile setting related to Heavy Handed trait. (since 2.8)

The archive file includes four DLLs:
  • the one in the root directory of the archive - normal sfall for WinXP SP2 or later.
  • trace - the debugging version.
  • win2k - for Win2000 and WinXP RTM/SP1.
  • win2k_trace - the debugging version for modders on older OSes.
The included ddraw_adv.ini has almost all settings recognized by sfall. The only settings not included are main menu offsets (currently only useful for FO1 to FO2 conversion).
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Hey guys, first i'dl like to thank you all for your hard work and efforts.
I have a small problem to report here with regarding a sfall string and it's potential french translation.

It seems to be translated in the french.ini but doesn't show up in game :

SaveInCombat=Tu ne peux pas sauvegarder en ce moment.
KarmaGain=Tu gagnes %d points de Karma.
KarmaLoss=Tu perds %d points de Karma.

attached screen : bottom-left "Cannot save at this time".

Quick questions:
1) Does the "cannot save at this time" is or is not the "SaveInCombat" string ?
2) What should i put in the french.ini to translate this "cannot save at this time" string ?
3) Does it requires an update of the sfall dll ?

ps : this is sfall 3.3 from restoration project 2.3.3

Thanks you very much for your help !!


  • scr00007.jpg
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Quick questions:
1) Does the "cannot save at this time" is or is not the "SaveInCombat" string ?
2) What should i put in the french.ini to translate this "cannot save at this time" string ?
3) Does it requires an update of the sfall dll ?
1. Yes, it is.
2. Make sure you setup TranslationsINI setting in ddraw.ini correctly. If you put the french.ini in the same folder with ddraw.dll, it should be:
3. No.
sfall 3.7 is released on SourceForge, along with modders pack and win2k version.

Changelog said:
>Fixed incorrect bonuses on AC and Melee Damage from Heavy Handed trait when using perks.ini
>A new hook script: hs_invenwield (when wielding or unwielding an armor or a weapon by a critter)
>Expanded message_str_game function to support all pro_*.msg files as well
>ExtraCRC can now accept multiple CRC values
>Merged sfall debugging features into the normal version, thus removing the need of a seperate debugging version for modders
>Removed obsolete Jim's damage formula
>Removed a few options from ddraw.ini that should never be turned off

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Crafty:
>Fixed SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims not displaying the correct negative value when HP drops below zero
>Rewrote the Sharpshooter perk fix to match its description correctly
>Rewrote the dodgy door fix to apply to both melee and ranged attacks
>Added a fix for a crash when leaving the map while waiting for someone to die of a super stimpak overdose
>Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused party members having incorrect stats when they level up while being on drugs
>Added a fix for the unlimited ammo bug
>Added a fix for negative values in Skilldex window
>Added a fix for the clickability issue in Pipboy and an exploit that allows to rest in places where you shouldn't be able to
>Added a fix to prevent 'Too Many Items' bug from corrupting save files
>Added a fix for the save/load exploit that you can gain stats from more than two doses of a specific chem
>Added a fix for the original engine issues with reverse order of items in memory relative to visual order in the inventory list
>Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused party members to be able to unequip multiple of the same armor and reduce their stats to below the proper values
>Added a fix for the original engine issues that caused the game not checking NPC's addiction properly and Jet Antidote not working on NPCs
>Added a fix for the maximum width of the total weight (Wt.) text element in party member trading window
>Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused NPCs become unresponsive and act like walking containers if you move to another map while they are under 'lost next turn' critical miss effect
>Added a fix for the original engine issues with being able to charge the car with using cells on scenary/critters and cells getting consumed even when the car is already fully charged
>Added an option to stack empty identical weapons, no matter what type of ammo was loaded before
>Added an option to highlight containers as well as items
>Added an option to allow 9 options (lines of text) to be displayed correctly in a dialog window
>Added an option to display additional points of damage from Bonus HtH/Ranged Damage perks in the inventory
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Novarain - Nice to see lots of fixes for fallout 2, btw, where is crafty? he disappeared or decided to stay in the russian site dedicated to fallouts?

Mr. stalin - congrats for the GUI for sfall, just a suggestion: make the GUI bigger so the phrases remain in a single line, gives a better appearance this way. ;)
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I just got "new" Fallout 2 from GoG, it does have sfall already but it seem like it is outdated, so how I can update it manually?
I just got "new" Fallout 2 from GoG, it does have sfall already but it seem like it is outdated, so how I can update it manually?
You need to overwrite the ddraw.dll and manually merge the content of ddraw.ini.
Does anyone have any experience using the sfall ddraw.ini to change the default player model?

I'm having trouble in finding that it will only change the player to certain critters, and I cannot understand why.
It will, for example happily change it to MAGCKO (golden gecko)
but what i want is the NPC armor mod critters (for example NMSUCA - sulik combat armor) and when i uncomment it and change it to NMSUCA the hero critter just goes blank, as if the art does not exist, even though sulik is standing right next to me in combat armor.
Any ideas?