Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Первое не понял.
У всех acm есть значение сэмплрейта в хедере, 22050, но движок игнорирует значение и поэтому бесполезно туда вписывать 44100 для HQ музыки. Вот тут на других движках разбирали проблемы с acm

что-то там долго возится
Может буфер там добавить какой?
I'm just assuming you guys aren't dealing in illegal sex slaves from eastern Europe.
No Boss.. the conversation is within thread boundaries. They are talking about Sfall function AllowDShowSound=1. The one responsible for using other sound formats in classic Fallout games. The issue is that new guy noticed significantly bigger delay when playing other sound formats than .acm within the game. Although it beats me as well, why they didn't even consider pasting english google translate, of what they're sayng, *on an english speaking forum* ...
У всех acm есть значение сэмплрейта в хедере, 22050, но движок игнорирует значение и поэтому бесполезно туда вписывать 44100 для HQ музыки. Вот тут на других движках разбирали проблемы с acm

Может буфер там добавить какой?
А wav2acm разве умеет кодировать звук в 44кгц? - если нет, то и смысла нет что-то там ковырять.

Открытие и воспроизведение mp3 осуществляется силами Windows, в sfall только идет подготовка и настройка для открытия mp3 файла, ну я посмотрю может что-то изменю в алгоритме подготовки.
Я точно знаю что есть задержка около 1 сек. когда в первый раз подготавливается открытие файла, но при повторных воспроизведениях файлов никакой задержки уже нет.
200ms это меньше чем одна секунда, зачем там такая точность при воспроизведении музыки, ну начала она играть на пол секунды позже, что от этого измениться?...
Does wav2acm know how to encode sound in 44KHz? "if you don't, there's no point in picking at it.

Opening and playing mp3 is carried out by Windows, in sfall only the preparation and configuration for opening an mp3 file is underway, well, I'll see if I can change something in the preparation algorithm.
I know for sure that there is a delay of about 1 second. when the file is being opened for the first time, but there is no delay for repeated playback.
200ms is less than one second, why is there such accuracy when playing music, well, it started playing half a second later, what will change?...
А wav2acm разве умеет кодировать звук в 44кгц?
А ей и не важно сколько там сэмпллов в секунду 22050 или 44100, она их просто конвертирует, а потом приклеивает хедер с сэмлрейтом 22050, но мы его можем через hex редактор поправить на 44100. Только вот движок игнорирует наши правки и использует захардкоженное значение 22050.
And it doesn’t matter how many samples per second 22050 or 44100 are there, she simply converts them, and then shears the header with a sampling rate of 22050, but we can correct it through a hex editor to 44100. Only now the engine ignores our edits and uses the hard-coded value of 22050.
200ms это меньше чем одна секунда, зачем там такая точность
Пока что оно не критично, но в дальнейшем если это все будет использоваться для проигрывания звуков, то мы заметим рассинхрон с анимациями.
So far, it is not critical, but in the future, if all this will be used to play sounds, then we will notice a desync with animations.
Is there a list of features of this mod? The link in OP to Bethsoft forum is dead. SourceForge page has no documentation.
sfall 4.2.6 and 3.8.26 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs.
Changelog said:
>Fixed a hero appearance mod issue that caused the player's gender not to be reset properly when creating a new character
>Fixed a hero appearance mod issue that caused the player to lose some fire/electrical death animations
>Fixed a bug introduced in 4.2.3 that broke the PlayIdleAnimOnReload option
>Improved the pathfinding in the engine function when a multihex object is in the line of fire
>Improved the functionality of display_stats script function to also update player's stats on the character screen
>Improved the fix for incorrect positioning after exiting small/medium locations
>Removed AutoSearchPath from ddraw.ini. Now the folder path for auto-loading custom files is the fixed <GameRoot>\mods\
>Added a fix to prevent critters from overlapping other object tiles when moving to the retargeted tile
>Added a fix to prevent showing an empty perk selection window (crash when clicking on the empty perk list)
>Added a fix for NPC stuck in an animation loop in combat when trying to move close to a multihex critter
>Increased the maximum text width of the player name on the character screen
>New script functions: get_stat_max/min
Can someone say what am I doing wrong with most recent Sfall eXtended?
i want the option UsePartySkills= to work, however it doesn't no matter wether set to 0 or 1 in sfall-mods.ini it just doesn't.
I've applied sfall extended on top of fallout et tu. sitting in morbid's basement trying to use traps on a trapped locker however my character walks towards the locker not Ian despite him having higher skill than me??

Also the fix to graphic mode=4 regarding white color turning black has vanished it seemes. I often get the "Please Standby" loading screen and the letters themselves are black not white wtf? also trying to use AmmoGlovz.ini in sfall-mods.ini and both said files in config and game root and it doesn't work shotgun shells damage modifier is still 1/1 instead of 3/1...
can anybbody say what i'm doing wrong? using 4.2.6. athough shotgun shells and loading screens color bug existed prior to sfall upgrade...
Not sure about others, but didn't get black letters in the splash screens with DX9 mode 4 (have to increase the time length in HRP for them showing up on my spec).
are you sure we talk about same sfall branch? I'm talking about Mr.Stalin's sfall eXtended. Last time i checked standard sfall was fine, although that was some releases ago. after that i switched to eXtended for those extra cool functions, such as party npc skill usage, double click to de-equip weapon and armor in party member panel, etc.

And yes I'm using a potato with jury-rigged more or less modern graphic card. namely core 2 quad and Radeon R9 390X from MSI, hence i can run decent quality graphic in low framerate

I also have a question is th new mechanic to keep the .dat files in mods folder also related to sfall.dat and f2res.dat?
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are you sure we talk about same sfall branch? I'm talking about Mr.Stalin's sfall eXtended. Last time i checked standard sfall was fine, although that was some releases ago.
Both builds share the same DX9 code.
The reason I need to increase the time for splash screens isn't because the game starts too fast but the screen stays black at launch in a longer period for DX9 fullscreen, which makes me only see the opening movies. In windowed modes (5/6) it's fine, guess that is due to my system or driver.
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I, too, also delay splash screen a bit so that I can see the arts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Reload action can be used for the USE action. It's hugely convenient when we want to use lockpick/booze/etc on target.

So I suggest activating reload shortcut key in Sfall as a default action.
Can someone say what am I doing wrong with most recent Sfall eXtended?
i want the option UsePartySkills= to work, however it doesn't no matter wether set to 0 or 1 in sfall-mods.ini it just doesn't.
I've applied sfall extended on top of fallout et tu. sitting in morbid's basement trying to use traps on a trapped locker however my character walks towards the locker not Ian despite him having higher skill than me??

Also the fix to graphic mode=4 regarding white color turning black has vanished it seemes. I often get the "Please Standby" loading screen and the letters themselves are black not white wtf? also trying to use AmmoGlovz.ini in sfall-mods.ini and both said files in config and game root and it doesn't work shotgun shells damage modifier is still 1/1 instead of 3/1...
can anybbody say what i'm doing wrong? using 4.2.6. athough shotgun shells and loading screens color bug existed prior to sfall upgrade...

Have you try standing next to party members and use skill? That was precondition for it to work I think.
Can someone say what am I doing wrong with most recent Sfall eXtended?
i want the option UsePartySkills= to work, however it doesn't no matter wether set to 0 or 1 in sfall-mods.ini it just doesn't.
for me this works.

also trying to use AmmoGlovz.ini in sfall-mods.ini and both said files in config and game root and it doesn't work shotgun shells damage modifier is still 1/1 instead of 3/1....
for me this works.


well I've implemented sfall eXtended to Fallout: et tu, in order to check few things. Now I'm sitting in Junktown in doc Morbid's Lab. I've wasted the midget and now i'm trying to disable traps on the locked locker. I haven't invested in traps skill yet, so Ian has this skill a bit higher than me, however Ian doesn't walk towards the locker to try to disable the trap, and instead my dude does that. This happens regardless of the difficulty setting and no matter if I'm standing next to Ian or somwhere else, it just doesn't work. tested v4.2.4 ; v4.2.5.2 and v4.2.6. with the 4.2.6 the only difference is that intiate combat bug from v4.2.5.2 is indeed gone, as i couldn't get to junktown before, because I always got random encouters which locked up the game. with v4.2.6 this bug is gone, however i can't force Ian to mess with the locker.

Actually UsePartySkills= is the main feature I've switched to eXtended for Fallout: et tu, as I've planned to make an extensive use of this feature with Katja ( she has decent lockpick skill). current playthrough is however on hold until I manage to solve the party skill usage issue.
Here you go...
this is a legit playthrough. the Night Vision perk is there because I use fo2tweaks. beyond that there's also stealcheat.int and Nirran's RapidPerks (although I didn't use the "Here and Now perks" perk in my legit playthroughs.).
I haven't touched the files in any way. Just saying to be clear.


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I'm trying to make RP work with SFall but it is slow/laggy.

Downloaded RP from there:

No mod added other than French trad (that should not impact Sfall as far as I can tell by checking trad files):

By deleting or renaming ddraw.ini, the game run as expected at normal speed. But, if I'm not wrong, it disables SFall.

I tried various trick as using the speed section of ddraw but it seems to have no effect. Even started the game at 10000%

Tried each option of GPUBlt.

Tried to restart the game each time I changed ONE parameter (maybe I have not done so sometimes).

Also searched a lot on various forum and was able to set exactly the resolution I want by twicking SFall and f2_res_Config.exe. 1920*1080 in ddraw and a resolution of 950*540 (as explained in this thread https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/how-to-set-correct-widescreen-resolution-for-fallout-2.213432/)

I've propably missed something but not able to find what.

Have someone got any clues?

I would appreciate any help because it seems good work have been done in Sfall and I really want to use it.

I do not post computer specs or things like that because I do not think it is related to issue, but feel free to ask.

PS: added my current ddraw file


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