Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

FO3 or FO: NV?
Picking the lesser of two evils? I just play Fallout 1 instead.
FO3 or FO: NV?
Surf Solar said:FO3 or FO: NV?
Picking the lesser of two evils? I just play Fallout 1 instead.
You realize, that no one has pure water in Capital Wasteland?while he doesn't even seem to have access to the basic necessities of life such as food and water.
Languorous_Maiar said:You realize, that no one has pure water in Capital Wasteland?while he doesn't even seem to have access to the basic necessities of life such as food and water.
Literally, nobody.
Without mentioning food... People of Megaton propably ate another nuclear bomb.![]()
popej said:Mods really have made Fo3 a great game. Vanilla was average/good and a great dissapointment for me.
.Pixote. said:I haven't played F3, but surely by now it's been modded to an inch of its life. The modded version can't suck as much as the vanilla version...or is the game beyond salvation?
The Dutch Ghost said:.Pixote. said:I haven't played F3, but surely by now it's been modded to an inch of its life. The modded version can't suck as much as the vanilla version...or is the game beyond salvation?
The problem is, while the mods might fix some balancing issues, alter some of the game's vanilla effects, add some classic Fallout material and such, no mods have or probably can be made to fix the main issue; the bad storyline, the terrible dialog, and the fact that the world in Fallout 3 just doesn't plain work.
There are more raiders than civilians for example, there are no economies other than four random trading caravans and random people out in the wasteland who just stay at one place or wander around but don't seem to do anything like collecting things, farming or anything.
Only the traveling doctor seems to make sense.
Its not that they could have added such stuff as there are plenty of abandoned farms around that could have been turned into working farms.
And the settlements... the less said about them the better.
The Dutch Ghost said:I think in general Fallout New Vegas is a lot more stable than Fallout 3 as that game is really buggy from time to time, and I have experienced quite several of them.
Most of the bugs I did run into in NV got pretty quickly fixed with the patches, only problem that is not solved is why NPCs sometimes keep disappearing.
The locations to explore, and the size of the world were better as well.
I tend to disagree, most locations in FO3 were pointless filler, at least most in FNV have at least a quest to go with it.
Yeah there was a lot of space but nothing interesting was done with it.
I always wanted to wear Ranger armor, because it was the coolest but it obviously created issues.
They fixed that in Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road.
I couldn't even manage a second playthrough.
Funny, I have that with FO3 as it attempts to be an epic story telling game rather than a RPG, its linearity is what kills it for me.
The Dutch Ghost said:Sorry but the Enclave is dead.
Please let it rest and move on to new factions and organizations.
qwertywop said:I think the reason people like FO3 is because it was their first experience with the series.
The game was made long after the originals so the audience was from a generation that had never heard of Fallout before 3 came along. The game was advertised as a post-apocalyptic adventure, and that's what they got. In their minds Fallout is a world struggling to get on its feet after armaggedon. In reality its 200 years later and the world was fairly civilized ( at the most basic definition) 20 years prior. Its completely world breaking to go from cities, to little more than huddled communes.
Of course even given the 200 year stasis the capital apparently got trapped in, it doesn't make up for the rail-roaded plot. Neither for the crappy excuse for exploration that was the random buildings with nothing of value item or plot-wise. It got to the point where after gaining sufficient levels and gear that exploring delapidated building 204 was too much of a chore to go through just to come out with a few stimpacks.
Walpknut said:The buildings also make you question why people abandoned their houses mostly intact houses to live on a town built on top of a nuke, or a ship if their houses were in pretty much habitable condition.
Evil Banana said:maybe because of raiders?..or ghouls..megaton and the ship were pretty well defended from eitherbut your point is valid enough why not just build a wall around the hood..and as for fo3 vs Nv..i say burn them both and give me my good ol F2 wooo!
BFox17 said:BarryMcDingleFace said:I liked Fallout 3's gameplay. But NV has a better storyline.
3's gameplay was too easy in my opinion, New Vegas made it a little more challenging which I preferred. And yeah, I thought New Vegas' story was better too.
Izual said:Surf Solar said:FO3 or FO: NV?
Picking the lesser of two evils? I just play Fallout 1 instead.
Hey, you stole MY opinion !...
...marry me![]()
The Dutch Ghost said:One of the big inconsistencies Bethesda made when they created Fallout 3 is creating a setting that is still a disaster are even two centuries after the 'final' War happened.
In Fallout 1 it could be explained as it had only been eighty years after the great War, communities that had previously only focused on their own survival and not exploration or making contact with other only now started to venture out again, rediscovering the world and setting up trade lanes and communication lanes with each other for personal and mutual benefit.
Because of that eighty years later communities had grown and developed much more, more reflecting a world that is slowly reborn than a place where people barely can hold on to life.
Bethesda has recreated the setting in what I feel is a grim dark one, there is no development of settlements and societies because they want to keep the world in a perpetual dark age as they think that that is what Falllout is all about, not taking notice of how real world history plays.
Even the dark ages despite the loss of much knowledge was not a complete pool of ignorance.
Furthermore Bethesda is also quite inconsistent and contradicts itself on various occasions.
Why would for example a person set himself up as a DJ in a radio station that for some reason apparently still has working radio equipment and power for that matter and start making broadcasts while he doesn't even seem to have access to the basic necessities of life such as food and water.
Does someone give or pay him for what he does? And why?
Languorous_Maiar said:You realize, that no one has pure water in Capital Wasteland?while he doesn't even seem to have access to the basic necessities of life such as food and water.
Literally, nobody.
Without mentioning food... People of Megaton propably ate another nuclear bomb.
Man... I know. I'm one of those old fallout fanboy.
There is no diffrence for Three Dog if he is at GNR or Megaton.![]()
Zergystardust said:New Vegas hands down. I felt Fallout 3's map was generally pretty boring to explore, and it all looked the same. I felt like 3 had no where to really go, you can go to Rivett city, or Megaton to go buy stuff. Plus Fo3 just gets...
I hate re-making a character on 3, because I hate how long it takes to get outside. I know it doesn't take THAT long, but compared to New Vegas or the classics, it's pretty long. I don't want to spend my time going through the vault smacking radroaches with a police baton. Plus it kind of annoyed me how basic and dulled down fallout 3 dialogue was compared to the others. Also the game was a cake walk.
New Vegas I felt was done alot better, as the story intrigued me more then "Go rescue daddy and stop the enclave because they're bad guys". The gameplay felt a lot more fresh, and I liked the overall scenery more. Plus, I felt like the guns in NV were more varied. And the rounds were cool too. I liked how they brought back some of the older factions, too. Also I'm a sucker for westerns, so this pulled me right in.
Also I'm glad the BoS weren't good guys. All the factions have their own upsides and downsides(major factions that is).
Except I still miss Rotgut and Gamma Gulp ;~;
didnt fix the story though, which is the problem.popej said:Mods really have made Fo3 a great game. Vanilla was average/good and a great dissapointment for me.
Ehr, 200 years has gone from the apocalypsis. Raiders can't live of air. If there is noone to raid, they can't raid. I think it's basic logics...Makta said:Might just be me but a post appocalyptic world would probably haver a lot of so called raiders so for me that is no problem.
And the people just "standing around"? In new vegas the it's basicly the same except the caranvans are un named. Alltho the gun runners got their factory!
It makes sense 200 years after industry died in the war, items from before the war, which happen to be consumable, tend to be few.Makta said:Same goes for NV except some of those buildigs didn't even give you stims!
A short distance from Megaton there is a complex of houses, IIRC, and there is Silver alive and safe there.Makta said:Some people might.. You know.. die? Or being forced out due to location ex raiders and such? And a big city is better guarded vs those kinds of problems.
The fact Fallout 2 was flawed too doesn't invalidate the fact it's a far better game than Fallout 3.Makta said:This is probably the best answer so far except that F2 was flawed to!
Why would the BoS care about 3 dog, for gods sake?!Makta said:There could be a difference in the area. DC is under constant attack from mutans and from what i understand by the lore it was heavely nuked. Not to mention the talon company and the huge ammount of raiders. Those "things" could cripple the advancement quite well.
/predjudice mode on! For example we live in the 2xxx and yet there are people living in huts in Africa! This can't be true!![]()
Also 3 dogs place is a resting stop for the brotherhood and they protect him and are resposible for his needs i guess?
I don't really get how do they define their priorities. They've got electric light everywhere, radios working, etc. But they took 200 years to figure out they need water to survive.Makta said:They do have pure water but not enought
It makes sense 200 years after industry died in the war, items from before the war, which happen to be consumable, tend to be few.
Anyway, I wouldn't like to inject myself with a 200 years old medicine.
A short distance from Megaton there is a complex of houses, IIRC, and there is Silver alive and safe there.
The fact Fallout 2 was flawed too doesn't invalidate the fact it's a far better game than Fallout 3.
Why would the BoS care about 3 dog, for gods sake?!
And the constant attacks from the mutants ARE A PLOTHOLE ITSELF!
There is no communities to raid, what the fuck do so many raiders do for a living? Selling life insurances??
Oppen said:I really can't think of how did I miss that. The whole war was about petroleum and uranium, how could I miss the fact that even with China knowing about the rig, they would be morons if they dropped bombs there. The other facts, thank you, I do see how I missed them, I wasn't paying attention![]()
Languorous_Maiar said:Makta, I see you're expert in Fo3 Lore.
Explain me, how Little lamplight still have only childrens 200 years after great war?
The question of how Little Lamplight's population of children is replenished is left unaddressed.
I do think before posting, but thanks for your suggestion.Makta said:Ohh lord.. Time for some bashing because people can't think for a second before posting.
I didn't say NV was better about that. I just say it makes no sense in either game that there are lots of stimpaks and old consumables everywhere.Makta said:And yet you can swim in stimpacks in New vegas to and instead of stims you find old food/medicine bags.. And they are all fine!
A single junkie who is stupid enough to be more affraid of her old boss than of raiders can manage to survive there, any thinking person can.Makta said:A sinlge junkie is hiding from her old boss not far from raiders.. Perfect spot for any normal person!
First, I can't agree on discussing about modded games. First, because I didn't gave them a shot, so I would be pretty unfair criticizing the modded F3.Makta said:The fact that vanilla F3 is worse doesn't mean that vanilla F2 is awesome. And before you ask i do like F2 but i'm not blinded by fanboyism.
They're low on recruits, but they say they keep with their closed doors policy. So, pointless propaganda, since they wouldn't work with wastelanders anyway.Makta said:He is basicly kissing so much ass that people are trying to help the BOS and most important they are trying to join the BOS. If they where close to unknown how would they get people? Correct me if i'm wrong but in the game they said that they are running low on recruits.
I'm pretty sure they do raid too often the isolated shipMakta said:And of course there are not a single non raider settlement in the entire DC. Megaton/Rivertcirty/Canterbury Commons are not settlements.. They are just an illusion!
Makta said:Edit: Taken from another post of yours!
Oppen said:I really can't think of how did I miss that. The whole war was about petroleum and uranium, how could I miss the fact that even with China knowing about the rig, they would be morons if they dropped bombs there. The other facts, thank you, I do see how I missed them, I wasn't paying attention![]()
I bolded the biggest problem with this community! So it's not just you!
Oppen said:I do think before posting, but thanks for your suggestion.Makta said:Ohh lord.. Time for some bashing because people can't think for a second before posting.
I didn't say NV was better about that. I just say it makes no sense in either game that there are lots of stimpaks and old consumables everywhere.Makta said:And yet you can swim in stimpacks in New vegas to and instead of stims you find old food/medicine bags.. And they are all fine!
A single junkie who is stupid enough to be more affraid of her old boss than of raiders can manage to survive there, any thinking person can.Makta said:A sinlge junkie is hiding from her old boss not far from raiders.. Perfect spot for any normal person!
First, I can't agree on discussing about modded games. First, because I didn't gave them a shot, so I would be pretty unfair criticizing the modded F3.Makta said:The fact that vanilla F3 is worse doesn't mean that vanilla F2 is awesome. And before you ask i do like F2 but i'm not blinded by fanboyism.
Second, I'm not blinded by fanboyism. I actually enjoyed F3, I was even introduced to the series through F3, so I wouldn't even looked for the previous games if I didn't like F3.
About vanilla F2. I love the game, but I'm not unable to see its several flaws. It DO breaks the atmosphere with that many pop culture references and easter eggs, to name one failure plotwise. I enjoyed them, I really liked them, but they're silly and pointless.
About comparing both games, I'm always comparing vanilla against vanilla, since I didn't play modded F3. And vanilla versus vanilla, F2 wins by far, IMO. I didn't call F3 a shitty game, though, because I don't think it is. I do consider it a poor Fallout game, because of many plot issues (I'm more interested in games's plots than most of the other factors, so I might be biased by that fact)
They're low on recruits, but they say they keep with their closed doors policy. So, pointless propaganda, since they wouldn't work with wastelanders anyway.Makta said:He is basicly kissing so much ass that people are trying to help the BOS and most important they are trying to join the BOS. If they where close to unknown how would they get people? Correct me if i'm wrong but in the game they said that they are running low on recruits.
I'm pretty sure they do raid too often the isolated shipMakta said:And of course there are not a single non raider settlement in the entire DC. Megaton/Rivertcirty/Canterbury Commons are not settlements.. They are just an illusion!
Anyway, you're right, I exaggerated the "no settlements" thing. Which I mean is that there are TOO MANY raiders. Also, they don't seem to produce anything they can live from, so the point stands, with the little correction of "no productive communities".
Just think about it. There is thousands and thousand of raiders, who manage to survive by raiding only hundreds of people who barely survive themselves. Don't you think the surplus that little communities produce must be really huge to provide for that many raiders?
Makta said:Edit: Taken from another post of yours!
Oppen said:I really can't think of how did I miss that. The whole war was about petroleum and uranium, how could I miss the fact that even with China knowing about the rig, they would be morons if they dropped bombs there. The other facts, thank you, I do see how I missed them, I wasn't paying attention![]()
I bolded the biggest problem with this community! So it's not just you!
First, touché.
Second, I can't speak for the rest of the community, since I'm new here (and also, I wouldn't speak for others even if I really know them). I do pay attention to what is written, I just can't recall all the facts all the time.
Oppen said: