I love JPZ1987 argumentation.
So FO3 is better, because it has specific mod, which isn't for FNV.
I see your point since the new Fallouts weren't specifically designed for PC.
Since I play (and have only played) both on PC, I do incorporate mods. I would never have any reason to go back and play either version in its vanilla form beyond the first playthrough. So that is indeed the lens I am viewing this poll through. Bottom line, I didn't find either game challenging without mods.
I guess maybe you guys could do me the favor of telling me what FO3 mods you have in fact played that game with because all your comments here make me question that. Especially these ones:
I don't think add more enemy makes game more replayerble but just add some meaningless fight. If you want more mods to play why don't you play Oblivion which has far more mods?
Mods doesn't make game replayable.
Yeah, some weak enemy walking down without any reason and killed by small effort of attack
And I don't think fo3 has challengable fight since VATS was just powerful. And for enemy, most are just POS, nothing worth of challenge. Only 3 enemy is challengable but horribly designed(both visual and system). DR actually encreases hp of enemy. but with AP ammo you can ignore DR and kill them easily. but there's no AP ammo in fo3 so enemy who has high DT has high HP so doesn't have to encrease both DR and Hp. but beth's horrible balancing encreases both HP and DR so game became boring.
I am saying that I enjoy the basic gameplay of one of the FPS fallout games over the other with the right combination of mods. This isn't 'X is better than Y solely because the mods are better.' FNV has a lot of good mods, many of them better than anything possible in Fallout 3 (e.g. bounty hunter). But I don't enjoy playing FNV modded as much because the wasteland was almost too developed, depriving mod creators to add NPC patrols/population/city/house content to the wasteland.
You allege that enemies in Fallout 3 pose no threat to the player and VATS is overpowered. But that is the purpose of mods. With MMM/FWE it drastically increases the deadliness of enemies, not simply through damage bonuses and the amount of enemies but by increased chances to cripple and kill your followers (who, in vanilla version almost can't die) and weapon choice (rockets, LMGs, energy etc).
With those two mods and Wasteland Patrols you could find yourself in the thick of a Talon vs. Raiders battle (amount depending on what settings you put it on) and easily be outgunned. VATS in such a situation works as a balancing factor rather than an overpowered ability. That encounter could also be in an area previously useless in the stock version of Fallout 3, making more use of the game content.
The way DR works also ensures that even if you get power armor, you can still be highly vulnerable to these kinds of damage levels.
Vanilla FO3 enemies being 'too easy' and VATS overpoweredness equally applies with vanilla FNV. In fact some of the ammo types in FNV break completely the DT factor the other poster claims to work so well (yet enemies rarely have those ammo types themselves to break the player's DT - is that balanced?). That setup produces the same compromise of RPG-elements Languorous claims is affected by the mods I use with FO3.