FOnline open test

can i ask a question? how many cities are there on the map? i only see the den, and everytime a die, i respawn into a military base which is very far away. and i can't really do anything... :( :(
almost all that were in F2 (apart from Broken Hills, toxic caves, raiders, and I'm not sure about Valut 13 and 15 - haven't been there yet), some people claim that there is also a small tribal village left from the respawn point

just type "fallout 2 map" in google images and use it to find other cities (after you walk onto the right square, the city will appear on the map), for example: New Reno is on 18:18.
I have a UK version with the no-children patch but still can't see them, since the client only uses the two .dat files (and the children sprites simply aren't there).
Some Playerkiller killed me and took all my stuff. :( I hate him and don't know his name, because it was kyrillic.
Lexx said:
Some Playerkiller killed me and took all my stuff. :( I hate him and don't know his name, because it was kyrillic.

These are hard times for Unity...all scattered around the wastelands, almost all robbed...

But the Unity will prevail.
scypior said:
Lexx said:
Some Playerkiller killed me and took all my stuff. :( I hate him and don't know his name, because it was kyrillic.

These are hard times for Unity...all scattered around the wastelands, almost all robbed...

But the Unity will prevail.

When the server comes back, contact us though radio, before the server went down, we were almost all regrouped in Navarro!

That previous Navarro raid was a disaster, but we'll survive!
Slaughter Manslaught said:
When the server comes back, contact us though radio, before the server went down, we were almost all regrouped in Navarro!

That previous Navarro raid was a disaster, but we'll survive!

If only I had the radio...I'm looking for ya

This guy in powerarmor killed me twice and killed all the other players too.
Now all of you have a great opportunity to help this project financially.
All collected money will be spent on dedicated server.
We want to know what money transfer system you prefer.
Do you use WebMoney?
Devs will aknowledge when they ready donate system, it is fully voluntary, no one required to pay anything.
I guess as soon as money is involved (even just for server hosting), Interplay would have a strawman argument to shut the project down. I wish you best of luck but I'm a bit sceptic as I see basically two options:
1. The project doesn't attract too many players and stays under the radar of Interplay this way.
2. The project attracts a lot of players and interest and therefore receives a cease and desist letter from Interplay sooner or later.
Both servers are up

Main server available at
Secondary server ( also will work.
mvBarracuda said:
I guess as soon as money is involved (even just for server hosting), Interplay would have a strawman argument to shut the project down.

Straw man? I do not think that term means what you think it means. "This is our intellectual property, you have no right to generate any sort of revenue voluntary or otherwise based primarily around our IP or to otherwise damage the value of our IP" is not a straw man argument, it is law.

That said:
a) Interplay has neither the time nor money to sue people.
b) Interplay does not hold the Fallout IP and could only interfere in this kind of project if they can show a damage in one of their own assets. That's unlikely, which means the ball is in Bethesda's court.