FOnline open test

Grayswandir said:
that does mean that our old character is as good as deleted, deosn't it?
Or will we be able to get it back with tomorrows server ?

I kinda liked my morpheus with PA and our Gang's car...

PRAY...OBEY...I got used to it, too...and I wanted to continue that story....
Me to :( UNITY, same radio frequency please, I have been spamming you guys for ages, but no answer.
Come to IRC, we have to talk about it....cause we;ve been playing on this server a little, then i exited, and now i dont know why i am dead, so no radio...
Yes, I like my Nikopol too. :/

/Edit: After reading the last entrys, I don't know, why I wrote that... strange...

Ah.. I remember.. if the server will change again, I would not like it to start again from scratch. :/

/Edit²: How exactly does the radio work? And: The most time I automatically write only in a bright blue tone. Why? I don't know... And I can not change it or better: I don't know how.

You need to set channel, then press that switch. Of course you have to have your radio in a hand (not necessarily the active one).

Than as you write your text, you have to enter it with 'shift+enter'.

The text will be displayed above your head in the same fashion as whisper (alt+enter) and all radios set on that channels will receive this message. And the people who are <= 2 steps from you, will hear that too. I must admit I like that thingy.
first you have to have it in your hand.
choose a frequence. 0 is the public one, click the little thingie.
Click enter, like for the normal talk, and write "/r " (....) what you will say will be heard by anybody who listen to the same frequence.

If you want to know the frequence of the Unity, just send me an Mp... But remenber that you will have to praise the Master... (and the holy flamed pizza).
Right now i think i am alone, (and poor and level1, that for the third's hard to travel again after having doing it with a car..)

Ho Scypior? where are you?
Hi Morpheus, praise the master. I could join but I do not have a radio, so we should meet somewhere...
i am in reno,s omenone went amoc there and killed everybody...
let's meet in the den in 10 min?

Sometime i think the news forum aint the right place for such talk... :D
Hey guys, was a cool day today. Nice roleplaying and so on. :)
Small photo story from yesterday:

I started and found a sledgehammer randomly. My luck, so this was my first real weapon. Cool. \o/

But not lucky, after a while I was nabbed while I wanted to steal some stuff from some other guy, who shooted me then in thousand parts and more.. :/

I meet Helios and Scypior. Helios and I want to join the Unity.

After joining the unity, we are on the way to a small village, I found.

We are in the village. Really peacefull here, nice place and nothing is looted!!11 (wow, the first place I found, and nothing was looted. Happy tribals.)

After a while, we decided to go to Navarro, etc.

While we waited in Navarro, a Server reset becomes true and we could loot the shit out of the location. Weee! :>

Right after that, DeadBeef and some other guys from the Enclave saw us and surrounded us. Dangerous! But happily nothing happened. So no shooting and no dead guys from us and them.

We are going back to Den...

In Den something happens and DeadBeef was killed and looted by some guy. We searched for him, but couldn't find him. Damn.

Well, was a nice night. :)

By the way: It is really good, that the texts are now translated to english. It isn't good english, but at least it is english and not russian.

/Edit: By the way²: I like, that there is not so much ammo and stuff. So you have to think about it, when you shoot on something. For me, I felt really cool while wandering around with my double-barreled shotgun and only a hand full of ammo. :)

/Edit²: Also a big thanks to Catcher, who gives some stuff to newbies. After everything is looted, it is really hard to get weapons and armors. If you don't team up with other people, it also could become impossible to get stuff.
No, you have a key and travel with the jeep faster on the worldmap. But I also don't really like the fallout tactics cars...
Yes, if you die and someone will loot your stuff (or if he is stealing from you), he can take the key, as far as I know.
Diary of the Unity, day 2.

Yesterday, we made some new Recruits. One of them indicate us the location of a small tribal village. We went there and claim the village in the name of the Master. We proclaimed the Free Village of the Unity on all open channels. We tried to convert the locals, but they can be very stubborn. Maybe we will have to flame them. One day.
Nikipol took the tent with two women. I took the tent with one woman inside. She told me she has a son named Sulik. I think she is old…
Maybe I should kill Nikopol and take his tent?
Or even better! Send him to the Glow! I think the Master wants me too…
So we sent our new acolytes in a holy mission!
Sadly the goal of our mission wasn’t here. So we head for Navarro. The Master did provide some stuff for us. Praise the Master.
We met the Enclave again. They were nice. They didn’t killed us.
We went to the Den together. Cornedbeef (Enclave Officier) and Scypior (Unity member) got killed in a fight. Life in the Wasteland.
We met with Catcher. Done some trade together. He joined us for a while. Even if he didn’t seem to be interested praising the Master, we decided not to flame him. Together we took out the alcohol family in New Reno. But I am not sure the Master wants us to moonshine.
Then we had to rest for some time…
here's the translated FOnline.cfg file for those of you who can't run FOConfig.exe

[Game Options]

# User interface language.
# engl - English
# russ - Русский

# Server parameters.

# Last entered login and password.

# Sound volume.
# From 0 (off) to 100 (max)

# Screen resolution.
# 0 -  800х600
# 1 - 1024х768
# 2 - 1280х1024

# Full screen mode.

# Global luminosity level (don't touch unless you were told to do so).

# Scrolling speed.
# From 1 to 32.

# Additional scrolling speed control.
# 4, 8, 16, 32. 32 is like in original Fallout 2.

# Mouse speed in full screen mode.

# Base time for text messages in milliseconds.
# Calculation: TextDelay + 1 symbol * 100 milliseconds.
# i. e. for "Hello" -- 3000 + 5 * 100 = 3500 milliseconds.

# CPU load.
# The greater is the value - the lower is CPU load and FPS get lower too.
# From 0 (off) to 10.

# Keyboard layout switching.
# 0 - Ctrl + Shift
# 1 - Alt + Shift
# 2 - Right Ctrl

# UI files paths (do not touch unless you were told to do so).

# Invert chat messages order.
# 0 - newer messages below (like in original Fallout 2) 
# 1 - newer messages above

# Taskbar notification when inactive. The game will notify you about messages, encounters etc.
# 0 - Off
# 1 - On (default)

# FOnline resources path (DO NOT confuse with original Fallout 2 data files!!!).

# Original .dat files (MASTER.DAT, CRITTER.DAT, can be found either
# on the disk or in your original game folder (depends on which installation you have chosen).
# If they are located in your FOnline folder - do not change.
# Unpacked .dat files are supported

# FOnline patch file (do not touch unless you were told to do so).

# Cached sprites (do not touch unless you were told to do so).

# Sprites texture size. Must be the power of two (256, 512, 1024...).
# Do not touch unless you were told to do so.

# Vertical synchronization.

# Aditional background clearing (for debugging purposes).

# Log messages. Logging time - logging with timestamps.