FOnline second open test started

We have 2 servers. It would be no problem to say server 1 == english, server 2 == russia. Also the game needs to be translated first or this solution is void too.
There's as much english-speaking douchebags as russian ones ;) I think the whole thing would work better if a server app would be released (when the whole thing is done, duh) to allow us run servers with smaller, more concentrated playerbases.
coliphorbs said:
There's as much english-speaking douchebags as russian ones ;) I think the whole thing would work better if a server app would be released (when the whole thing is done, duh) to allow us run servers with smaller, more concentrated playerbases.

I'd call it Not-So-Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game,:)

Also I've once posted an idea how to assign roles to players on start:
(not everyone can access this forum, sorry)

Basically, it was about that some 'special' players starts with role assigned, while other players start normally and can join the aforementioned ones so that they can do quests for them, etc... Nothing special really, but nothing overcomplicated too. Surely won't work for everyone though:/
swampcat said:
slaytanic said:
swampcat said:
slaytanic said:
Fallout is fuckin Fallout and it's a tough game .

there's a game called counter-strike
You should try that :roll:

There's a game called Hello Kitty Online.

i just said they think it's a FPS
but it is a roleplay ..... if people cannot see the difference
well that's their lack.....

The name says all : a post nuclear role playing game
(not a isometric shooter or FPS )

Right and in Fallout 1 & 2 you never had encounters where you were immediately attacked. What if someone is roleplaying a raider or some poor soul that has gone insane in the wasteland attacking all in sight. Or that roleplaying possiblity should be null and void because you don't agree with it? Nobody says there shouldn't be any rules, but in Fallout 1 & 2 the idea was for you to have as much freedom and choices&consequences as it was possible at the time. If you play a rampant raider there are consequences for that, people hunt you, and you yourself will die alot. What needs to be done about it is to make revenge as satisfying as possible, something that already is implemented to some extent.

I get it, you want to roleplay a friendly trader, or something along those lines, that roams the wasteland , that never dies, everything works out good for him and somehow he always remains unharmed. Come on where is the fun or point in that.

This may sound like a cliche but it is a freaking harsh wasteland. Somebody is always out to get you, salivating at the thought of your juicy loot, just so he in return will get killed and loose it eventually.

Think of such movies like Mad Max, A boy and his dog, etc. Think of the world and atmosphere that the post apocalyptic genre implies.

I agree that killing someone just for xp( I mean I've even saw people in hell farming for xp on different accounts ... ) is indeed lame. But when you meet someone in the wasteland and you feel that you may be able to kill him and take his possesions, that is always a good incentive for most people roaming the wastelands. It would be retarded to have a postapocalyptic world where all people that meet in the wasteland talk nice to each other and peacefully part ways.

What actually needs to be done is to balance pvp a little, and to have a level cap, so no more godlike characters will exist. Make phat loot a bit more harder to get and properly balance the world.

As it is now it is impossible for proper roleplaying to happen anyway. Besides privately held 2-3 player Nwn games I've never really seen roleplaying done properly in a pc game. If there is a playerbase of 100-200 people you can't force people to roleplay take my word on this. I've seen alot of servers for Ultima or NWN and similar games that had big playerbases and tried to force roleplaying on people, eventually they died pretty fast. For proper roleplaying purposes I would recommend Fallout PnP. Personally I've given up hope to see PnP roleplaying happen in an online pc game with hundreds of players.

Maybe you could have a server with an avg playerbase of 30-50 people where you could roleplay properly, but it would need very good organization, a continued storyline, some sort of plots that may or may not intertwine. Also alot of gms that carefully follow everyone so that they play out their roles( it would get boring pretty fast for them).
Playing this game, much as I love it, is an act of pure masochism. The final release will definitely put us on a much more even playing field when we can actually do quests, and I hope to God the amount of equipment available is significantly reduced. I'd hope that seeing someone in PA would be a rare, rare sight, with such suits only being a reward for something extraordinary, or even the equipment of devs only. Think how many folks you saw in the Fallout games wearing PA or even CA. The game should reflect this. The majority of large scale ganking usually takes place when some moron with his 10 strength 10 endurance 10 agility gifted character build gets hold of PA and goes batshit.

The problem is that preventing this is difficult while trying to remain true to the spirit of the game - I think that drastically reducing the amount of high end equipment is the best that can be done. People are a lot less likely to assume they're invincible when they're in leather armour or a combat leather jacket.

As for the insane amount of ganking that takes place, I realise modifications are probably in the works to stop it in towns, and while I feel some degree of derision toward folks like slaytanic in their quest for 'loot' I agree wandering the wasteland should be dangerous - exactly why the majority of people in the Fallout world stay safe in towns. Murdering someone unprovoked in a town should have dire consequences, and slaughtering an entire town should be made infinitely more difficult, even if it does mean equipping Jo in Modoc with an absurd amount of hit points.

Edit: Maybe such acts should result in that town being unenterable for a great deal of time, as well as an enormous loss of karma points. Is there any way to implement a system whereby those with low karma are increasingly likely to face npc 'bounty hunters'? While I think it is viable for people to behave like sociopaths, there are currently no real consequences for behaving as such. People aren't comfortable in the presence of total psychotics, even when every day is a constant struggle to survive.
Lexx said:
I meaned with this, that there is a server app of course... but not for public. A released server app will not change anything. What could change anything is what I've wrote above.

yes..... if Gamespy or even NMA make the server
it could be cool to have a english speaking server with
RPG and not
14years old crazy russian screaming around....

it could be even better than what we have now....
there were some "jobs" like making armors in ultima online....

i don't see problems in having Guilds of armor makers and
Guilds of weapons makers....

Edit :
i got a radio message but i didn't manage to answer
even if i press shift+ enter....

Edit 2 : a psycotic guy called "Wait " kills all NPC and Humans
players at The Den .... he is hidden into a home near the entrance.... at server 213......

he got advanced power armor .... somebody slaughter that
brain-dead retard ! :twisted:
swampcat said:
Edit :
i got a radio message but i didn't manage to answer
even if i press shift+ enter....

Try 'enter' (to open the chat) and then type '/r ' before your message. I was able to use the radio that way.

edit: well in most mmorpg you won't find any good rp. Even on the 'rp'-labeled servers, good rp is scarce. Or so I hear. Never really played on one of these servers, to be honest.
Hjotorn said:
edit: well in most mmorpg you won't find any good rp. Even on the 'rp'-labeled servers, good rp is scarce. Or so I hear. Never really played on one of these servers, to be honest.

While you may not find good RP on RP servers, something I found, in WoW at least, was that the label of an 'RP Server' did go a great deal in filtering out the kind of braindead undesirables you get in any kind of PVP RPG. While in regular servers you'd get folks called HOTWHEELZ and all manner of shit, you'd find a greater number of players with at least some degree of decorum and civility. While labelling a server 'RP only' may not ensure quality roleplaying takes place there, it may very well act as a filter for the most frustrating people you encounter out in the wastes.
Lazlo said:
While you may not find good RP on RP servers, something I found, in WoW at least, was that the label of an 'RP Server' did go a great deal in filtering out the kind of braindead undesirables you get in any kind of PVP RPG. While in regular servers you'd get folks called HOTWHEELZ and all manner of shit, you'd find a greater number of players with at least some degree of decorum and civility. While labelling a server 'RP only' may not ensure quality roleplaying takes place there, it may very well act as a filter for the most frustrating people you encounter out in the wastes.

Sounds like I should have played on a rp server. Might have spared me some gray hairs.

Oh, and I have soooo much luck in fonline...
I finally have managed to hold a base long enough to net me the supplies. Okay no stuff my character could use.
I decide to sell some stuff and store the most in the bank. I arrive in NCR, see a whole lot of corpses and decide to go to broken hills.

I arrive in Broken Hills, walk 3 hexes and get shot my a dude in PA. He gets shot by a NPC. Some random guy walks in and is a rich man.
Oh and on the way back to broken hills I get killed by reactor, also in PA.
Oh and in Hell I get instantly plasma killed by two guys in APA...

*sigh* :roll:
@swampcat : All of your posts are how you got killed and how devs should do something in game mech. so you won't get another buu-buu when them evil ruskies come and send you to hell. You would proly like same insurance system as WoW has. WRONG KID this is fonline, one of the most br00tal cutthroat game i seen in a while. And it should be so.

What did you expect?

Seriously WHAT DID YOU EXPECT will happen when you get 100+ players in a fallout world where you start with a radio and bare fists. 85% of those players are ruskies who don't know and to be honest don't really care about interaction with other players. AND MOST OF ALL they DON'T give flying f*** if you had a nice time playing in the desert. So please to all of you who are playing this game for the last week and didn't get past level 1 press alt+f4 and forget about it. Its just not your thing.

Player killing.

I did my share and before this test is over ill proly double the amount of kills. I'll be honest, i like it. I like the rewards and dangers that it brings. Its probably the best way of making xp and money/quip, it makes you stronger and it keeps you sharp. Almost every player that i have killed or robed had something useful to me or my friends so on.... And don't you even dare to use this as an argument against me playing FO fps stile. Its something i was taught by ruskies after playing this game for first 20 min. And so it all began :twisted: i killed 1 then next one ....


I would really like to see you role play with someone with a cyrillic written name while dodging bullets and rockets. And don't get me wrong. I tried playing KHANS DRUG DEPARTMENT. Usually people don't respond when they are asked to stop so they are taught a lesson. If they actually manage to stop i check em out(stealing) for illegal drugs. If they poses any they must hand them over and i teach em not to use drugs coz drugs are bad m'key. So far only one person did as it wos told :clap:

SS...Korgoth out...SS
Well the most important thing is to have fun. Don't cry if your die. We all died and lost stuff. Just be carefull and avoid Cities without scouting. Play in Groups, lone player are easy targets. And remember, its just a Beta, what can you lose? :D
swampcat said:
yes..... if Gamespy or even NMA make the server
it could be cool to have a english speaking server with
RPG and not
14years old crazy russian screaming around....

it could be even better than what we have now....
there were some "jobs" like making armors in ultima online....

i don't see problems in having Guilds of armor makers and
Guilds of weapons makers....

Gamespy? What the fuck?
Go play fucking Ultima Online then, or play the game single fucking player. Yea, "it could be cool to have a english speaking server with Role Playing Game " ... I already explained in my post, that even if you could get a proper RP vibe going on people should still kill you in the desert. You are a fucking carebear selfish idiot that wants the game to function like he wants just because he cannot adapt to it.
Guild of Armor makers? Guild of weapon makers? What the fuck... Seriously, what the fuck. You are obviously an idiot and I don't know what fucking World of Warcraft or Oblivion community you came from but fuck off back there.
Why are these guys all swearing that much? Makes it strong in the interwebz? Do I need to do this too? Saw the same in the FOnline forums. All are swearing like what ever, if someone posts something they don't like to hear.
See, slaytanic, you're part of what he's referring to. There is plenty of scope in FOnline to do stuff other than PK everyone. Such as making stuff. Just because it's a big, bad, post apocalyptic wasteland doesn't mean that everyone and their dog(meat) is a psychotic killer.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people?
Sounds to me like the FOnline idea is pretty much dead unless there will be major changes.
Beware, you are writing on NMA, it's very strict here, and for good reason.
Do I need to do this too?
I couldnt stop laughting after reading this :lol:

First of all, sorry I couldn't have played lately, internet problem and stuff.

On present topic, I have to say I tend to aggree with Korgoth and killshot. You guys have made quite a name for yourself by the way, the Master is very pleased :D
With the present game mechanic, and no quest to do, we have no other choice than to kill and get killed.
We all have russian nemesis, people that we don't even understand the name and that kept killing you, well you know what? The russian have Korgoth and Killshot as nemesis... Hail to you two then.

But I disagree that the game should be only about killing and getting killed. And that wasn't the way of the original fallout either. "Find the Geck. Save the World. Go!"
A game with player killing as only goal would be boring, and in the end, there would only be a handfuf of player still playing. And even with a "good excuse" to kill someone, that aint enought.
You kill someone, get his stuff, get killed, lose your stuff... But what is it that you get in the end?
+ if you start the game one week after the beginning, you have to play against player who are already level 20 or so... I don't think you have any chance to enjoy the game. It aint a fair fight.
I think all type of player should have the chance to enjoy their fallout online: those who can play just one hour a day, or one hour a week.

About roleplay: during the time I played, i had (we had) a pretty good vibe with the Unity, I think. We will have to wait for an english server to see if it is viable. I never played other Mmo or dungeon things, so I don't know really about RP, but i know i couldn't enjoy the game any other ways as a Unity member, or Enclave sergent, or Khan cuthroat or whatsoever. Hope its the same for the other players.
I hope the game will allow you to join or create "real" faction (no mere clan or guild), and that you can bring victory of the session to your side.
Play the game at 100%, but remember it still a game.
So what if a raider kills you, and you can't open a savegame, don't whine, try to fight back. But then, i agree, the game must provide you some ways to fight back, some places to be safe (but not too much), some stuff to get by...
Which ain't the case enought right now.

Well, just my thought anyway.
Trithne said:
See, slaytanic, you're part of what he's referring to. There is plenty of scope in FOnline to do stuff other than PK everyone. Such as making stuff. Just because it's a big, bad, post apocalyptic wasteland doesn't mean that everyone and their dog(meat) is a psychotic killer.

I never said that should be the only scope, when did you ever see me say that? The point is everyone should choose their scope in the game. That's what this is about after all, isn't it? Choices.

I explained why, in my opinion, in a post apocalyptic world, there should exist paranoia, people killing people maybe even just for food. Others should make their own living, peacefull, inside organized camps, that in turn may be attacked at some point by wandering bands of desperate men in search for food/equipment. That is what the post apocalyptic genre implies. I mean I am a huge fan of this genre, watching movies, reading books, playing the Fallouts till I had the soundtrack imprinted in my DNA. In this sort of game there should always be conflicts, alliances, betrayals maybe. It's the way this game is supposed to work. This isn't fucking World Of Warcraft setting here people. Think about all the PA fiction you have gone through, movies, books, games. There is always madness, people desperate for survival, greed, the struggle to live to the next day, humanity at it's worst, and things just aren't fair. I mean come on, war never changes. Sure there will always be hope, and people acting like civilized human beings in all this chaos. But conflict will always ensue. And the game is a PA game after all, and there are plenty of other games that incorporate mechanics where conflict amongst players is at it's minimum.

All I'm saying is that the game should be about the choices and consequences each of us make. There must be diversity.

Grayswandir said:
But I disagree that the game should be only about killing and getting killed. And that wasn't the way of the original fallout either. "Find the Geck. Save the World. Go!"
A game with player killing as only goal would be boring, and in the end, there would only be a handfuf of player still playing. And even with a "good excuse" to kill someone, that aint enought.
You kill someone, get his stuff, get killed, lose your stuff... But what is it that you get in the end?
+ if you start the game one week after the beginning, you have to play against player who are already level 20 or so... I don't think you have any chance to enjoy the game. It aint a fair fight.
I think all type of player should have the chance to enjoy their fallout online: those who can play just one hour a day, or one hour a week.

I also disagree that the game should be about playerkilling. It should be about many, many other things aswell, with an emphasis somehow on survival maybe. And thanks, we tried our best. Too bad you couldn't play more.

By the way, original Fallout? Geck ? Haaaa gotcha! :P

Anyway in the end, the game still needs alot of changes, but then again it is in beta so hehe. I hope that equipment will be harder to find, ammo aswell. Also the level cap should be at around 24 in my opinion, no more super duper gods walking the wastelands with 500 hp at lvl 40.
Lexx said:
Why are these guys all swearing that much? Makes it strong in the interwebz? Do I need to do this too? Saw the same in the FOnline forums. All are swearing like what ever, if someone posts something they don't like to hear.

I agree, i just think it could be cool to have a RPG and not
a FPS game ( with isometric view ).....

They probably don't like to hear opinions of other people....

slaytanic said:
You are obviously an idiot and I don't know what fucking World of Warcraft or Oblivion community you came from but fuck off back there.

I referred to Ultima...... Not WoW.....
You cannot even read....

It's over now, over now, over now.

