FOnline second open test started

Lexx said:
Three guys in combat armor? My scout said they talked english.
Maybe it is a deceiving tactic indeed. One could think they're people speaking English.
How useful are the barter and gambling skills?

Also, since there's plenty of grenades and throwing weapons, is tagging throwing now a okay thing to do?
Barter is usefull if you trade much. Gambling more not at the moment.

Grenades and stuff is good too. Not as main weapon but you can do funny things with it.

I was also wondering, now that PAs are rarer, where can you actually get them? (other than PKing)
Lexx said:
Three guys in combat armor? My scout said they talked english.

yes but they are not english

They used Kirillic when i was there.....

i managed to escape the " triggerHappy band"

lisac2k said:
Lexx said:
Three guys in combat armor? My scout said they talked english.
Maybe it is a deceiving tactic indeed. One could think they're people speaking English.

don't know.....

but IMHO
they ask things only after the shooting
We took down the next three bad boys today. :) Was a long and epic battle. And we won. Of course.

Also there are rumors that there are only 2 days left until the open test closed. But I have no official statement for this.
I just played for 3-4 hours.

Other than coding, it's obvious the designers don't have much experience with what works and what doesn't in MMOs.

If I was designing this game (and god I wish I could code), I'd make this as least frustrating as possible to have 100+ players playing instead of the same 15-20 dedicated 24/7 players they will most probably have after beta.
^ Well, hey, it's a beta test, just to see how well the thing runs. It's in the works. At least it's going to be refreshingly different from the traditional style MMO. I'd rather be PvPd all the time than be unable to attack other players and be limited to monster-grinding.
I've decided to make a very unique character.

One that focused on some unpopular tag skills; Melee, Throwing, and Gambling. This character is capped on Intelligance, Agility, and Luck, with Finesse and Gifted traits. I had to sacrifice Endurance and Charisma for those attributes.

Currently at level two and grinding slowly by crafting.
The game is not that hard, really, get on irc and ask for help.


Got the unique character at level 3, but unfortunately this will probably be the last, as it seems like Gambling isn't worth it.

I came to this possible conclusion that every 3% in gambling = 1% chance of winning. To me, it's not worth it, especially since the only outcomes are you either win or lose 5 money.
I've won 50 caps (at once) when I tested it the first time. But also I lost at least 100 caps for trying.
Lexx said:
Also there are rumors that there are only 2 days left until the open test closed. But I have no official statement for this.

Would be a shame, since i've only started.
Oh I noticed: in the cathedral, you can lockpick some doors in the upper floors. When you close them they automatical become locked again. So you can lockpick them again. 50exp each successful unlock. But only recommended if you have some points in the skill and way too much time, since lockpick has a 'cooldown' of 2 minutes.
Uh and near San francisco I got a lucky encounter where some npc's did shoot the crap out of each other, so I got a power fist and some other stuff. :D
I am slowly learning what I can kill without any weapons, too.
He used super stims to heal himself. So we followed him from north to south, from east to west in the first level of Mariposa. We lost some of us during the fight, but basically we have had the better man power. Still, it needed it's time. :)

The PKer can kill us if we are alone, but not if we are in a group. Heh.
I collected about 7 guns, my plan was.

- Give them to Unity members for free.

I cannot find anybody. So I kept searching. Then a guy in green armour showed up, and shot me with a plasma gun. 1 shot and I was dead without any reason. He robbed me.

Somebody tell me. Why he killed me? If he need a gun, why don't he ask me? I offer guns for people for free, because I have few, always. I don't get it. :(