I wouldn't call myself a graphic designer, but I had graphic courses and what I learned tells me that this design is indeed rather bad. It takes more space than it should, it's inconsistent, it is positioned in a really awkward place and the colors are odd.
1: a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity
Good you can use the dictionary, now look back at what you wrote, you said minimalism was "it barely takes up space" which is not even correct, otherwise just rescaling everything would be minimalism. Minimalism looks to use as little visual elements as possible to create a clean easthetic, this means getting rid of as many elements as possible while keeping it functional an clean. A containingbox with a background color would be the first thing to be either be discarded in such a case.... a Box with a background color that has half of it's space completely empty would be the biggest no no on a minimalist interface, hell it would be a big nono on a regular interface design because you are taking up space with something that is serving no propouse and is making the list itself look unfinished and unbalanced. Why is half of the box empty? Did they remove options? Didn't they plan the size of the list? Why are all the options so close together then?
Is it so hard for you to admit that you are ignorant? It's perfectly acceptable, not everyone is a graphic designer, same way not everybody is an engineer, shutting up about a field of study and craft you know nothing about is smarter than insisting on talking about it even when people who actually practice it are actually trying to tell you how it works...
I wouldn't call myself a graphic designer, but I had graphic courses and what I learned tells me that this design is indeed rather bad. It takes more space than it should, it's inconsistent, it is positioned in a really awkward place and the colors are odd.
That's a fair criticism, but you're looking at a skewed camera shot of a TV and only a small part of the entire screen. So you can't really make a lot of judgments on it based on the limits to the image you're looking at.
I wouldn't call myself a graphic designer, but I had graphic courses and what I learned tells me that this design is indeed rather bad. It takes more space than it should, it's inconsistent, it is positioned in a really awkward place and the colors are odd.
That's a fair criticism, but you're looking at a skewed camera shot of a TV and only a small part of the entire screen. So you can't really make a lot of judgments on it based on the limits to the image you're looking at.
Maybe you can't, but I can, and I bet Walp can too. I've been looking at such things in my classes for hours, so I can see how it would look like straight on and it is not any better.
I don't understand why you're trying to defend an obviously flawed design. It is bad and no defending from you will change it. It's not an opinion, it's an objective fact.
What will they add? DLC? That's only one tab, will they divide up the settings menu into a bunch of tabs later? That's also bad design. They already have the New game, Continue, load, setting and credits, what else could they add to justify half the box being empty?
You are ignorant because you don't even realize how wrong you are, yet you keep insisting on talking about it. You like to argue because you just can't accept that Bethesda is being criticized. Even when you are being told why with detailed points you don't want to accept it.
How would a different camera angle stop the menu from being a half empty box with a pretty unappealing green? Do you even know how the vision works? Because it seems that you think cameras are magic reality warping artifacts.
"I a not upset You Pathetic INDIVIDUAL!"
Can't you guys tell how not upset he is?
Battlecross, you're an odd one. Someone, who knows better than you tells you, that something is bad quality(and it indeed is) and you still feel the need to argue.
I don't understand your way of thinking, You ought to know that what you're doing makes no sense, as you're in the wrong, but you still do it anyway.
Main menu is kind of ruined by the ugly green box. The green looked decent for the HUD, but who decided to put it in the main menu?
In fact, it's so lazy and half-assed I have to wonder if this is even legit.
I don't obsess over zombies but I like them as a "movie monster", what interests me is the humans. Exploring how they cope with the new world they're living in, exploring how they try to restore some semblance of normalcy when they've found a place they can protect and call home, exploring what kind of society will be born out of the horror that was the apocalypse.No idea what's people obssession with them, same with Zombies.