I would say the biggest problem isn't the look but how usefull the UIs are and since Morrowind Bethesda has been on a steady decline here, with Skyrim beeing the biggest offender. Seriously, who ever designed and approved that UI needs to be slaped or send back to user interface 101. Most graphic/design students in their first term would not make such blatant mistakes.The UI can be the ugliest compared to all other games out there, but it's a very small bit of the rest of the product. And if everything else is at least above sub par (I'm not expecting too much from Bethesda at this point), then nitpicking over a thing like this is just stupid. Hate newspapers is one thing, but this? Really?
The biggest issue in my opinion is wasted space. Their UI's always waste so much space without offering any real informations to make their content easy to read and memorize.
The second issue is the number of menues, it's simply to much. The game requires way to much navigation trough menues and sub menues like going back to the stats, your abilites, the inventory, the skills and so on. This leads to a lot of clicking and spending time with the UI that you don't have to if it was solved in a more straight forward maner.
The other part is no real support of PC controlls. It is painfully obvious that the console is their lead platform and the PC comes later.
I have no doubts that Fallout 4 will follow this evolution where they focus on visual presentation over usability.
If it was minimalist they would've actually looked to MINIMIZE the ammount of elements, they didn't, they put in an ugly box with nonsensical empty space. The main menu from the previous games was minimalist as it was just the options listed without a box, just text.
Yeah ... that main menu in that screenshot looks like someone slaped an ugly type of drop-down menu randomly on the screen instead of a real minimalist design which could have been simply green Text over a simple background, closer to Skyrims main menu which was just a white font on black background.
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