Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

Main menu is kind of ruined by the ugly green box. The green looked decent for the HUD, but who decided to put it in the main menu?

Is this where we're at now? Criticizing menu colors? It can likely change, and it really looks fine anyway.
If it was minimalist they would've actually looked to MINIMIZE the ammount of elements, they didn't, they put in an ugly box with nonsensical empty space. The main menu from the previous games was minimalist as it was just the options listed without a box, just text.
Also "Barely different", You obviously have no idea how color theory works if you think that "green is green, whatever".
It's called Graphic Design.....
Now this might not be a problem to most people, but that doesn't mean is not badly designed. If I were to present this in a class I would get a failing grade.
Dude, if you don't know what you are talking about don't try correcting the ACTUAL graphic designer....
No, everything you said is inaccurate, you jsut don't realize it because you barely even know what design even is. One thing is being ignorant about something, the other is insisting on talking about it despite not knowing anything. Like you use the word "minimalist" but you don't even know what Minimalist design even is. Then again,bethesda fans, they will even defend the bugs.