Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

Who is even arguing for anarchy? Also you don't even know what anarchy means from the looks of it either.
Wasn't your country formed from an uprising in the first place? Was that also "Total fucking anarchy"?
I guess if you can just brush off anyh and all bad things because you think aren't a big deal (because they don't affect you directly, so surprising) anyone who criticizes your country is just being "edgy".

I think everything would be the same if that wasn't the case so what's your point?
My point is that there are many means to control a population, and capitalism in it's current form has some very nifty toys that people ignore because they are also part of everyday's grind. Sure, even if it was complete communism there would be other ways to tame a population (I mean, just look at North Korea), just pointing out the one most used in the West.

Hell, the far right groups over here have been lobbying to have US like gun laws as a solution to everything, even the lack of infrastructure can be paved over with arming the population, they know what they are doing.
Walpknut said:
Who is even arguing for anarchy? Also you don't even know what anarchy means from the looks of it either.
Wasn't your country formed from an uprising in the first place? Was that also "Total fucking anarchy"?
I guess if you can just brush off anyh and all bad things because you think aren't a big deal (because they don't affect you directly, so surprising) anyone who criticizes your country is just being "edgy".

'Edgy', as in,

'Oh noes, the asylum seekers don't have better facilities, it's tyranny man.'


'Edgy', as in, 'Pro-choicers are clearly freedom fighters and pro-lifers = da tyrannyz.


Racial injustice - 'Tyrannical government yet you repubtards with your gunz do nuffin losers."

I mean look at Arnusts post if you want evidence.

Second, our country was born out of revolution yes. But, I repeat myself, breaking free from the yoke of British rule is NOT THE SAME as asylum seekers not getting enough beds or super duper facilities man. Forming a new nation is NOT THE SAME as the debate between pro life and pro choice.

Lastly, I encourage CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Small problems however do not qualify as TYRANNY. The government isn't terrorizing anyone. Nobody is being black bagged or press is being shut down Comparing asylum seeker facilities problems to ACTUAL concentration camps, is beyond fucking asinine and reeks of 'edgy', teenage drama. A proper debate at least requires intellectual honesty here.
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There's a bit of a difference between "having not enough beds", and being in the inhumane conditions they've been going through since the very start. Having to sleep on the floor, dehumanizing as it is, isn't exactly the same as having your daughter taken away, then raped or dead from terrible caretaking. That the government, or if you want to scapegoat, border security, are getting away with this just fine should prove more worrying to you than that some retard pro lifers getting bullied because of their utter ignorance in the subject they're arguing against.

I also was gonna say "who fucking cares about constructive criticism when nobody's watching, but I considered that "they" probably are, so fair enough.

Small problems however do not qualify as TYRANNY. The government isn't terrorizing anyone. Nobody is being black bagged or press is being shut down Comparing asylum seeker facilities problems to ACTUAL concentration camps
I'm not sure how can you literally "lalala I can't hear you" on social issues your own people has, and foreigners suffer elsewhere, and then be on a high horse about intellectual honesty. One instance that covers literally all of those is the current state of police brutality, which I'm sure you'll say planting of false evidence and constant tampering with their cameras, or the blatant bias against distinct demographics, to very little if any change in accountability, is being a drama queen.

I mean look at Arnusts post if you want evidence.
"Make a new constitution", the MADNESS. It's not like first world countries have about three incarnations and more editions...
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.. just pointing out the one most used in the West.
What you wrote is a conspiration theory straight from B-category eighties movie. Have you visited any western countries at all, or all this knowledge goes from watching TV in Cocaine Mexico?
Arnust said:
isn't exactly the same as having your daughter taken away, then raped or dead from terrible caretaking

Link? I tried too google this and came up with zero. Until I can read on it, I cannot comment on it.

Arnust said:
state of police brutality

And how is this exactly the 'governments', problem? Sounds like a city or state problem, most likely small group of officers. Much like my discussions with Crni, one has to PROVE that the 'government', is racist with openly racist policies as opposed to a small amount of racist fucktards.

Last I heard, the government was AGAINST racism.

Also, I NEVER said the mere COMPLAINT was being dramatic. If anything, these complaints are valid. However, to advocate that the 'repubtards should bring down the government', over this reason is absolutely dramatic and very asinine.

Comparing what happened to asylum seekers to fucking GENOCIDE, and Buchenwald, is beyond fucking asinine and clearly over reaction/teeny drama. This kind of stuff is INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY as it is an outright fucking lie.


Walpknut said:
Who is even arguing for anarchy? Also you don't even know what anarchy means from the looks of it either.

Arnust said:
Also all those invasions, concentration camps for alysum seekers, a terrible healthcare system, racial profiling, ifringement of reproductive rights, etc.

The Dopamine Cleric said:
Just like all of the other's hiding in a hole hoping that the hammer doesn't come down on them, having sexual relations with their assault rifles because that makes it all ok, because it's approved by big daddy, with restrictions, for today, because if my rights are gone tomorrow ill just wallow away and die in the woods somewhere all fucked up in the head trying to stay sane.

Boomer fudd fucks are the reason that the Republicans are overrun with fucking pedophile rapist religious oligarchs and corporate lawyers.

Dopes, yours, and Arnusts post were clearly about why aren't the republicans, who are against tyranny, bringing down the government, which would naturally cause a period of ANARCHY.

By defending his post, you ARE advocating anarchy as how else would you define a situation where there is no rule of law and government? And if your trying to word play me, let me add that any kind of law and order is TECHNICALLY a government. Even on the tribal level, the chief and his advisers are considered a GOVERNMENT.
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Just as a suggestion, I would make sure that Dopa, Walp and Arnust have the same understanding of Anarchy as you do, since there are different defintions floating around. I don't want to sound like an ass, just saying. Nothing sucks more, than being mislabeled. But that's just me. For example, as atheist I often have to explain people, why Atheism, isn't equal to nihilism. And it's tiresome.

And how is this exactly the 'governments', problem? Sounds like a city or state problem, most likely small group of officers. Much like my discussions with Crni, one has to PROVE that the 'government', is racist with openly racist policies as opposed to a small amount of racist fucktards.

Comparing what happened to asylum seekers to fucking GENOCIDE, and Buchenwald, is beyond fucking asinine and clearly over reaction/teeny drama. This kind of stuff is INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY as it is an outright fucking lie.

We have in Germany this saying, resist the beginnings
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That red lining example was in the PAST. Nobody has ever disputed that there WAS systemic racism in America.

As for the 2nd part, that is not what Walpknut said. Walpknut SPECIFICALLY COMPARED the situation with asylum seekers as equivalent to Auschwitz, saying it was happening NOW. Were asylum seekers bussed to these locations against their will? NO. Are these asylum seekers being systematically annihilated? NO. Are these asylum seekers subjected to random executions, physical tortures, or generally something you might find in a gulag? No.

Therefore, the situation is nowhere near the same.

Crni, you are making a totally different argument about a possible resurgence of the far right and how that might lead to a rebirth of serious Nazism. While that seems like a bit of a stretch to me, I can at least understand your argument because it is at least somewhat believable.
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Hehe! Yeah. Mexicans are loved in America. Universaly.

Dude. The whole world makes jokes about this. It has a reason.
Hehe! Yeah. Mexicans are loved in America. Universaly.

Dude. The whole world makes jokes about this. It has a reason.

And what does this have to do with Walpknut comparing Asylum Facilities to GENOCIDE? No answer yet man, why, because he lied.

And the U.S. doesn't have a problem with LEGAL Mexicans. In my state, we have government forms in Spanish just for MEXICANS for crying out loud. No other race gets this privilege. If anything, the Africans, the Asians, Middle Easterners and more, they are the ones getting fucked over. Spanish on government forms is here because Mexicans are the majority so they get special benefits nobody else gets.

Also, why the fuck does the left always try to lump ILLEGAL immigration with LEGAL immigration? These intellectually dishonest examples are why a person like Trump got elected. We are simply sick of this shit.
@Walpknut isn't saying it's comparable to genocide. I can't really get into the details of it but the US interned the Japanese - we weren't killing them but it didn't make it ok. The conditions in the detention centers for Mexicans are sub-standard for a first-world country. I maintain that a country with the Statue of Liberty shouldn't be doing what it's doing right now. It's embarrassing, really, and we look like the cirque du soleil in the world theater. So much so that Mr Bone Saw letting women drive is more progressive than some of our recent policies.

This whole row between you, Crni, and Walpknut is so pointless that I'd argue you should maybe just chill out and layoff the patriotic kool-aid.
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Also apparently consumerism is a conspiracy theory, who would've thought.

Valcick: they are not comodifying empowerment to keep us docile, conspiracy theorist.

The US Department of Energy: We have officialy re-christened Liquified Natural gas as Freedom Gas! We need to export more molecules of freedom! America Number 1!
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Japanese Americans got internment camps.

Asylum seekers got facilities that were woefully under prepared as ever increasing numbers of asylum seekers have taxed them to their limit.

The Nazis had the actual concentration camps, with gulags a close 2nd.

When Walpknut uses the word 'concentration camps', he is purposefully invoking images of the holocaust and trying to compare the situation with asylum seekers for maximum, dramatic effect.

I don't think it is a row, just calling people on their shit.
Children are getting raped and neglected to death while detained and separated from their parents by the government. Is that less dramatic?
Children are getting raped and neglected to death while detained and separated from their parents by the government. Is that less dramatic?

link please? I know kids were getting separated and that was wrong, even if it was an act of desperation.

Let me give you an example.

Mom with kids comes to the U.S. They get released on their own because we cannot hold anyone with children as we cannot hold kids. Both kids and mom make a life for themselves here and when the government decides that their asylum claim wasn't accurate, everyone makes a big stink because you can't deport families. Rinse and repeat.
"out of the thousands of cases, which were mostly minors offending other minors, 187 alleged staff misconduct"

So essentially, these folks were abusing each other. While even one case is problematic, it is much harder to discipline offenders.

I can already see the press crucifying the staff if they laid hands on an asylum minor, even if it was to protect another minor.

But yes, those who are guilty of hurting children should clearly be punished and the overall situation should be improved. Again, these facilities are taxed to their limits as we literally had a caravan of THOSANDS hitting them at one time. I think these folks, who were willing to work with the system instead of cheating, were given a bad rap. At the same time, we have to understand our resources are finite and there is a limit to how much you can tax joe public for these facilities.

You calling them Rape Cages/Camps, while stretching a bit, is still better than calling it outright genocide.
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