Furries in NMA

You wait until they figure out that they get to use the pepperspray if they dress up like lemmings.
Mikael Grizzly said:


Also: I'm a furry
Heh, the Black Templars are awesome.

Also for the people here who are furries, what's your fursona if you have one, or just which animal do you generally find closest to what you'd be?
If it's not visible enough: Cat, and every Felidae family of it. Tiger, lion, puma every think that way ending on Eurasian lynx, becuse they are cool ^^
Human hamster hotel looks for me like made for lulz, i don't see any human even furry living like that, but i could be wrong.

AskWazzup you know it's kind of my motto: people never stops learning even after death they realise that all those religious stuff is bullshit.
vilaz said:
you know it's kind of my motto: people never stops learning even after death they realise that all those religious stuff is bullshit.

And apparently they never learn proper grammar and spelling.
They apparently never learned language through teachers. And forgive me my grammar and spelling I'm writing under some disease/sickness/ilness and fever handling in minimum of 38C so i can't spend more times catching mistakes

I'm sick, and I feel sick and also I'm not changing my opinion about religions. Sorry for using rough words but it's how i feel about beliving in things.
vilaz said:
They apparently never learned language through teachers. And forgive me my grammar and spelling I'm writing under some disease/sickness/ilness and fever handling in minimum of 38C so i can't spend more times catching mistakes

I'm sick, and I feel sick and also I'm not changing my opinion about religions. Sorry for using rough words but it's how i feel about beliving in things.
and even if you "believe" you yet sound like you have some kind of tested hidden "knowledge".
vilaz said:
AskWazzup you know it's kind of my motto: people never stops learning even after death they realise that all those religious stuff is bullshit.

Now I am not a religious person either (not in the sense of someome who spends every sunday in a church or needs to pray 5 times a day), but I think to call a religion "bullshit" only cause "you" dont believe in it could be seen as ignorance.
Then I have to apologize again, it's weak explanation but the only i have: I couldn't use any better word to describe it, and here again is appering my weak english.

I want to apologize people who might be offended by that what is said.

and even if you "believe" you yet sound like you have some kind of tested hidden "knowledge".

There is some things which i'm less or more sure about in faith topic. It's about something called 'out of body experiences' and my own knowledge about it, strongly based on own my experiences. But this is going far offtopic.

Edit: I'm wasted, have to grab some sleep at least , good night.
Subjects about death and after death can be all debated, but never proven. This sort of subject is unknowable. By anyone.

"Out of body experiences" (OBE) are just that, an experience, and cannot be passed as fact. It is an unprovable claim. Just like you think religion is "bullshit," others' may believe OBE is "bullshit."

There's no need to apologize, if you believe something, so be it. But, just because you don't believe something someone else may believe, doesn't mean you should go bashing that belief.

There's my two cents. :D

*waiting patiently for the inevitable split/vat*
vilaz said:
I am not concerned by "what" you believe actualy as that really is nothing of any issue. But it was just the way how to explain it. If one would even say he is thinking negative about religion, so be it. Who could blame him? Its not like religion was always positive in its outcome and a lot of it just looks plane insane to someome outside looking at it. Its as said more or less to not go in the typical "one line comments" as that would go in the same direction as to just simply say "amercian politic is bulshit" or any other generic comment which never is true. By the way english isnt either my native language so I am still learning :)

vilaz said:
There is some things which i'm less or more sure about in faith topic. It's about something called 'out of body experiences' and my own knowledge about it, strongly based on own my experiences. But this is going far offtopic.

Edit: I'm wasted, have to grab some sleep at least , good night.
Some of my friends with experience in drugs told me the same.
8 pages in, and yet, no mention of Sonic the hedgehog and his furfag friends who ruined a promising franchise.
Aaah, do you hate us that much Rufus Luccarelli?

Outside some game con in which people are dressed up as mascots/in game characters in order to advertise for an upcoming game, I would feel severally ashamed being around these people.

There are cosplayers who have really nice costumes, I have seen photos of girls who wore incredible nice looking Samus Aran power armor replicas which was definitely the result of love for the franchise.

But this?

Being instantly killed by lightning would be a relief.