Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

stormcrow said:
Read the article, the transcript, saw the pics. (Thanks to all involved in putting themup).
My overall feeling is a point. The background, atmosphere, Vault-Tek, ... they are present. Some details do suck however: the nuclear grenade launcher, for exemple. However we ain't got the real game yet: we have a year to convince Beth that such a device sucks and they can remove, its not like if it sounded like it is a central plot item.
The super mutant. Looks allright, Beth are allowed to develop their own vision of Supermutants.
The mutant looks absolutely nothing like anything from Fallout, nor anything from 50s sci-fi. In fact, it looks like something from bleeding Resident Evil. I don't see how that could possibly be positive.
I've read the whole article. They have screwed up Fallout 3. This will surely be an excelent game, but it is not Fallout 3.
It is like converting Pro Evolution Soccer 7 in a Sensible Soccer engine... It doesn't fit.
So unless there's something they're not telling us, there's no reason to assume anything other than weird bullet-time.

People are thinking in classical PCGaming terms, while they should be thinking Mass Effect/Final Fantasy XII with Max Payne. Let's not continue the "is it TB?" talk, that showed up because of the lack of knowledge of the concept by the next gen gaming reporters. It's a real time system with a novelty mechanic, there, let's move on.
I think its gonna be like playing Fallout:Tactics in terms of using AP points in live action. Pausing to make aimed shots.

Needs the option to go full Turn based though. Hell, check your local modder after release... maybe. Nobodies done anything that drastic with the MW, Oblivion mods yet. Course no inspiration to try with that community anyways. Least to my knowledge.

PS: thanks for the clarification and Vindication of those Nuclear weapons :) I gotta avatar that gif lol
First things first, long time lurker and fan. Pretty much agree with most of you who find this supposed Fallout 3 is a complete bastardization of the true Fallout. Thanks to you who scanned the article and to those of you who did the transcript, even though it was full of vile and disgusting things. One thing I noticed while I skimmed through it:

Food, weaponry, and ammo are in short supply,


...this first-person game so chock full of guns doesn't become an FPS.
- R.I.P, isometric camera. :cry:

- As Alec mentioned, Pipboy 3000 looks too modern.

- Interestingly, destructible enviroment... Jagged Alliance 3D?

- "Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S) is what assures that this first-person game so chock full of guns doesn't become an FPS." ... The fundemental of turn-based and isometric combat system of Fallout is D.E.A.D.

- I thought I saw some mutated creature of Resident Evil game making a cameo here... :lol:

- Supermutants D.O.E.S look like O.R.K.

Problems I seen are the lack of isometric camera (which can be overcome by a rota table camera), V.A.T.S, and not-so-50 artwork.

Btw, how many voice actor they use this time? :shock:
Erh.. what do I start with..

The perspective. Troublesome. It might be interesting to explore a post-apocalyptic wasteland and everything, but it seems to make the game (as a Fallout game) somewhat too pretentious in terms of.. realism. I mean it makes it kind of hard to keep the subtile 'comic' (this would be a conjunction of humour and comics, I suppose) feel of the Fallout games by making it (combat included) too fast, too furious (how 'bout Vin Diesel for a voice actor?) and ripping out the whole relaxation thingie which made the 'immersion' aspect of the game an, err.. intellectual one. On the other hand, it's still a long way to go and maybe it will be possible to rotate the camera enough to get a more 'strategic' view or smth.

The story. I got really worried here. Yeah, they promised a dozen of endings, a ton of dialogs, but the actual thing mentioned was something like:
'you are born, your mom dies, your dad raises and teaches you, your dad wanders off, you must find your dad, you wander off, find a town, agree to blow something up, 'couse you're 'so bad', you are attacked (by a super ORC), the BoS comes in, saves you and says 'Come with us', you think 'OK, THEY'RE HEADING MY WAY ANYWAY', than a bigger.. ORC comes in, no one else can shoot it, so you find your first weapon since the BB Gun - a nuke launcher and the slow motion deaths start, I guess...'
I'm not very intrigued by the 'find your dad' start (the temple of trials and 'save the village' sounds similar, bet there was a G.E.C.K. , which covered it up quite well). Also the story sounds quite non-non-linear and when it comes to the Fatman on the dead body, a lot of FPS get-your-gun reminiscences come in. Come to think of it, the story (and the world evolving from it: a GOAT? come on, how's that funny when you're older than 15) might become the biggest problem (maybe because I like stories, though I'm a fanatic of the fallout TB combat too (still hoping it could be saved somehow, of course))
Hm, what else. (hopefully) SPECIAL stays, traits stay, perks stay.. nothing else to extract at this time, I guess.
Oh yeah, do you reckon there will be a blunt weapons class? since I noticed the two Orc fellas wielding some genuine maces there (although it reminds me of a pipe thingy in an old gangster game called Kingpin more).
Way to go beth

Why listen to the fans

Just had to use that oblivion engine no matter what

Fallout + Oblivion = Oblivout or perhaps oblivious
Not happy with the article, don't like how the game looks at all. The Orc looks like a generic FPS bad guy rather than a super-mutant. And I think he/she is holding a sledgehammer, or at least Beth's take on one, although why is it all shiny? I noticed this same stupid effect was used in Oblivious where metal objects seemed to have very shiny surfaces, as if they were sitting under a bright light. Is this a deliberate effect so that weapons stand out more on console systems?

And what's with the Behemoth? Does this mean there's going to be big bosses that you have to kill like in Doom3? Didn't Beth state in the article that there would be non-combat options, and yet in the little side story the hero's firing a short range nuke at a super-super-mutant! :?

Combat and viewpoint? On the surface it seems like they're trying to appease everyone, but the game can supposedly still be played in pure FPS mode. Beth has most likely devised this VATS system so that it gives the appearance of turn-based or tactical combat, and yet doesn't hinder their standard FPS combat system. After all they can't upset the console kiddies.

Weapons and armor that degrade... where have I heard of that before? Seems Beth just can't think outside the square. :roll:

Agility affects your Small Guns and Sneak skills, and the number of Action Points available for V.A.T.S.

That implies real time doesn't use AP's. So it looks like there will be retarded gimmicks even in the combat system, which will be horrifically clunky and won't even loosely resemble FOT, let alone Fallout.
Why you'll have random encounters!
The Super Mutants will wield random weapons each time and a random number of them will occupy the randomly placed dungeons around the game map :P
Jimmious said:
The Super Mutants will wield random weapons...

There's Super Mutants in FO3?!? Where? Are they going to show us any pics, all I've seen so far are Orcs and Behemoths! :P

Todd did play FO1/2, and called FO3 a RPG...I'm just hoping he's on the level.

It's possible that the VATS can work. In game footage of VATS would help.

I was glad they didn't talk to much about the story.
They have completed the story alright, but it looks kind of bad when they can sum it up in less than 5 sentences in it's entirety.