Tora said:
1. Problem that you seem to understand
2. The style of battle + the new design of the orc.... I mean, the super-mutant.. and that other thing that I forgot the name of. the AP + called shot seemed almost like a bullet-time thing added as an afterthough... it feels worse, at least to me, to have something like that where you shoot while paused (at least that's what it read like to me) in battle.
3. True, fallout isn't that non-linear if you look at it in terms of the *main* goal, but you really can't help that with programmed games. Only with PnP games can you truly get a really good non-linear gameplay. However, what was important about Fallout is the all the sidequests *could* effect the ending, as well as how you approached the ending.
4. Er, FPS, First Person View, Shooter. What more do you need to see the FPS portion? Yes they've said they're working on a 3rd person view, but until they show a good 3rd person view and game play in that all we've seen from that one battle screen looks just like a FPS no?
5. I don't really know if I'd like a game developed with stuff like the Xbox achievement points in mind.... just so they can make certain things near-impossible to do. Fallout didn't really have anything like that. If you knew something was there, you could find it, do it, no particular player skills needed. Also, given the fact that I doubt the console version is going to be using a mouse, I really doubt I'll be able to do stuff like finding random items lying in non-obvious places, unless its done in the usual I-don't-actually-see-the-items-so I'll-have-to-walk-along-the-wall-pressing-the-search-button-repeatedly-style, which would likely mean the interesting descriptors for things will no longer be there like in fallout 1/2, though I *could* be wrong and they have a work around for this.
6. Er.... historical background? Setting? You *can't* just whip out new allies/enemies and such out of thin air with disregard to the original setting. Well, you *could*, but that's why people don't consider Fallout: Tactics or BoS to be canon.
2. Well, what would you suggest as an alternative. I'm all ears.
Lets just start with the turn based thing though. Cause AP only really works in a turn based environment.
Do we all understand why we can't have a turn based game? Not for a modern audience, anyway. 3D games are too complex to do turn based. It just wouldn't work.
Now that we've gotten THAT out of the way...
Can we also see why doing stuff like eye-shots and whatnot in a real time environment would also be a very bad idea?
For one, how would you change from standard shots to eye shots? Would your character randomly try to get eye shots if he had a "good" chance? Would you have to trigger it? Would you just set your character to constantly aim for the eyes?
None of those are really great solutions. I don't remember Fallout Tactics that well, but isn't that something similar to how they did it? Basically you interrupted the action and told your character to do a called shot, and they just kept trying until you told them something different?
I barely remember it, but I do remember it was clunky as all heck, and I just resorted to whipping out a shotgun and unloading instead.
The VATS system seems to be a better way. By default, you sit there and shoot. This isn't a twitch game though -- your shots, presumably, will still have a %% chance to hit or be deflected by armor. And you won't be able to just wail on the left mouse button and go to town -- the game will no doubt be balanced, and bigger weapons will require reloading, prepping for shots, etc.
The AP system seems like a great way to add the old eye / groin / etc shots to the system. You still shoot as fast as you would normally -- and lets be honest, in a firefight, you're not going to "store up" power or whatever. You're going to be shooting like mad. And every so often, when your AP charges up -- which does charge faster if you take a breather -- you can make an aimed shot for your opponent's vitals.
It seems like a much more intuitive way to do things to me. And more balanced. I loved just sitting there outside of San Francisco, getting into random fights and shooting idiots in the eyes, but I will be the first person to admit it wasn't balanced at all.
The combination of AP + real time + recharge delays + the enemy being able to do it right on back makes me think it'll be much more balanced than before.
3. They've already announced 9-12 endings. That's NOT including any modifications to the ending. I'm sure they're planning on going over what happens to the various villages and whatnots that you visit during the game. They're following Fallout 1 and 2 too closely to ignore that.
4. I can see your point. But I wouldn't call Oblivion a FPS, and it's mostly first person -- since the 3rd person sucks. Badly. But they're redoing that for Fallout 3.
5. I think you might be misunderstanding the Achievements system. This isn't going to be "Killed 100,000 Deathclaws". This is going to be "Saved the town of Bone Gulch by talking the raiders into joining the town." and "Saved the town of Bone Gulch by Slaughtering all the raiders" and "Saved the town of Bone Gulch by scaring the Raiders away."
And yeah, there will be some hard ones. Like "Killed every single living person in Washington DC." So? There were challenge guides in Fallout, too. Like "Killed every single NPC in the game" and "Never killed anyone."
Same difference.
6. I still don't see the point. There's no way anyone here would EVER consider Fallout 3 to be cannon.
I mean honestly. Think hard. Can you think of ANYTHING Bethesda could have done to make everyone think this is a "real" Fallout game. OTHER than just releasing Van Buren or a updated Fallout 2 engine?
I can't either. So with that in mind, I don't think any of the comparisons to BOS or FOT are valid, at least not yet. Especially since we haven't even gotten much information about the game at ALL yet.
BTW, am I the only one that considers the whole "zoom in and watch a gorey death in slow motion" to be the natural evolution of the Bloody Mess trait? I loved watching things go FZZZZT in Fallout 2 with the bigger guns and that trait on.