Game Informer The Pitt interview

Syraxith said:
Since they're starting to reuse material from Van Buren in the DLC, I wonder if we'll see references to Caesar's Legion in Broken Steel.
I doubt it, broken steel seems to be another shooter experience like anchorage, just with Enclave instead of chinese.
Yeah, I suspect that we most likely have to destroy a number of remaining Enclave bases while facing mutants and ghouls in between as well as the 'new' critters.

Who thinks like me that they will be floaters and wanamingos?
TheRatKing said:
Damn, if it's one thing its another with those like you, you should happy Beth decided to use concepts from Van Buren, better to get something from the true creators of Fallout than some random BS from Beth.
Some things from Van Buren are cool, but it's sometimes a letdown to know how much cooler they would be in Van Buren. An example is these trogs. It appears as though they could be interacted with in VB, but in The Pitt, they seem to be just another creature for you to kill.

My poor trogs have devolved into nothing more than simple cannon fodder. *sigh* :(
See, there's a difference in how Beth picks up ideas from Fallout 1+2+Vanburen and when someone bases his writing\story on a model and other influences. Bethsedea is taking Fallout ideas and dumbing it down \ changing them based on all these contrived notions. The human suffering in the game for instance is contrived as hell.

Using Fallout as a model should expedite the writing process and produce better writing but it isn't really. Fallout 3 should be easy to write because what you're supposed to do is build on the creativity of the prequels. Not what Beth is actually doing.

Either way, the Trogs are a fairly lame idea in the first place. For all the cool ideas in the Fallout series they could logically extend, it was the Trogs? I thought Van Buren was stupid on all fronts anyway.

Honestly this game has nothing to with Fallout anymore. It looks fun, as an Oblivion expansion pack or something. When I saw that you had to repair your weapons (like ur glass swords) I died a little on the inside.
a lot of the features are a almost diercty copy paste work from Oblivion with a few tweaks here and there, which also explains why so many do like Fallout 3 actually. Cause it feels in its core very similar to Oblivion, though a lot will not admit that.

But the armor system, damage and repair are very similiar compared to Oblivion. The Hand to Hand combat is even almost exactly the same. Even its animations. I would have no issues with a system to repair weapons and armor. Just the way how it is working in F3 is rather anoying. Hands down a Sniper that becomes useless after 30 shoots, forcing you every 10 min to travel to a town, find someone to repair it and to make matters worse most of the time only up ti 60%. Without mods that fixed this "issue" I would have never even touched the game for more then 5 min.
Crni Vuk, even with mods this beast is a hard thing to tackle as it gets so incredible boring and repetitive after a while.

I managed to play through it once, but God honest, I feel no desire to start this thing ever over again, so called choices be damned.
I hate Oblivion with a passion, as its pretty much the anti-thesis of what RPG should be, a "Larp Simulator" or in other words sand box adventure game (or something).

Fallout 3 is Oblivion with Dialogues, with bad ones at that.