Game Informer Unlimited FAQ and video

It is known that some developers/publishers recruit 'community liaisons', whose roles vary.. a lot.

Bethesda doing such a tactic really wouldn't surprise me. At the end of the day NMA is the #1 FO fansite, and the bad news for them is that we don't like em. They can't legally destroy us - so their only other option is to do the Borg thing, and try and assimilate/subvert the community.

Best thing they could've done, to that end, would have been to release the VB stuff (instead of whoever did). Beth giving the VB demo as a gift to the community would've caused all manner of confusion, and possibly some peoples heads to explode... not to mention creating a similar level of re-awareness and free PR generally.

Mind you, Oblivion dialogue would still have sunk 'em :)
Q: Will porting the game to consoles hurt the PC version?
A: Hmm... Well, the game’s not really being ported anywhere. It’s being built from the ground up for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

After reading that, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, quickly followed by tears of sadness.(no i didnt really cry tho i did laugh.) This guy is asking us to believe that BETH is making 3 games from the ground up? yeah right! Few developers even try to "adjust" their ports let alone start from the ground up. This in itself is enough reason to put the game against a wall and call the firing squad.
Look at the order the platforms that are given. Expect that to be the official portlisting.

Anyways the Q&A just tells us what we knew all along. "High and mighty" companies dont care about the gaming culture, fans or the roots. An indifferent Beth supporter is NOT a fan of the fallout series.

I can say alot of things to vent my anger and disappointment but it wont do any good, growing "older" makes you think before posting. Fallout had a good run in the spotlights, best thing to do is keep it underground (^^ dont mind the pun). Fallout aint dead aslong as we, gamers, hold true to its original spirit and keep playing 1&2.

For those who seek to have their revenge: Many gamesites have a player-review/player score feature. Best thing is to seek out the sites ans spread the word that eventho its called fallout its just a Oblivion-clone. It may cause some fellow gamers, new or old, to reconsider. That in itself is worth 10 mins of our time.
It's over. We waited 10 years for Fallout 3 and got a flawed tactical combat game, a moronic console lobotomy of a game, and a console FPS with targeted shots and handheld nukes.

The Fallout franchise is dead. It will shamble on in a zombified state, an undead blasphemy mocking its own life. The corpse still moves, but it is rotting, and the stench is unbearable.
Alienating the fanbase, as in many other past examples, has always been a bad idea and eventually leads to loss of sales.

As far as I'm concerned Bethesda may as well completely turn their back on the PC market and go totally with making console games. Just look at the vast differences between Morrowind and Oblivion. You can tell they are more focused on pleasing action gamers than RPG gamers.

I'm no longer looking forward to Fallout 3. If I buy it at all then it will be when it is $20 or even less. (that's a HUGE loss as compared to the $60 I was planning to spend on whatever collector's edition they are going to make). I might just rent it and not even purchase it at all. At least that's one positive of them making it for consoles. You can't rent PC games.

As someone else said, yes, simply not purchasing the game and telling others not to buy it either is the best way to get the message across. Hopefully this will send a message. It would be funny if FO3 does worse than FO: BOS... Is that even possible? xD

Well the only game I'm looking forward to now is Starcraft 2. At least Blizzard does not alienate the fanbase. Too bad they didn't purchase the Fallout license.

The only way I would purchase it now is if they get the dialogue tree right and the setting. None of this modern day orc crap....
PaladinHeart said:
Hopefully this will send a message. It would be funny if FO3 does worse than FO: BOS... Is that even possible? xD

That's not going to happen. It'd be a big message if it did significantly worst than Oblivion, tho'. But it's too early to tell what it'll do.
I really feel that they don't know what fire they're pokeing here.
It seems to me they think since most of us have waited a very long time that we as a group will just accept this.

*evil laughs come from the office window**Todd Howard overlooks the angry crowds*
"The Fallout fans have now seen my evil plan, mwahahaha I will see that this comes to completion.
Superma....err the fans will never stop me."

It does feel like he is acting like a loony villian from those comice books he cherishes so much.
CStalin said:
Ive completely given up on Fallout 3 at this point. Everyone seems to forget though that Brian Fargo is making Wasteland 2. Recently on 1up Yours like a week ago he said its going to be the spiritual sequal to Fallout 1 & 2. Wasteland 2 is going to be the real Fallout 3.

Well that will be Irony, if true.

Does that Make Fallout 3, Fountain of Dreams? :P

But, I'd really not hold my breath on that after his spiritual successor to Bard's Tale.
I_eat_supermutants said:
It does feel like he is acting like a loony villian from those comice books he cherishes so much.

He sure is acting like that foppish Lex Luthor from Smallville....

I wouldn't be surprised if one day we stumbled across a video of him wearing a bald cap and saying "Hey Clark!"...
Brother None said:
Added to original post, the video interview is one Youtube:

Addendum: the interview with Todd and Istvan is now available on Youtube (thanks KreideBein); part 1 part 2 part 3 both Istvan and Todd go on about tech advancing and the need to make it all look realistic, because it's more emotionally engaging (the new buzzword?) fucking clue these guys have...none whatsoever...
I think with a year and a half left for development bethesda should just throw out the oblivion style dialogue and redo all of it the correct way. Hell they probably haven't even done much implementation of the dialogue anyway yet since they seem to be concentrating so much on the action. Probably took them a while to figure out how to make the car kill those ants. Someone should make petition or something.
Bethesda knows how to make things look good- they are technically capable. However, in the creative aspect of writing meaningful story and dialogue it seems they are short of it. And, they also have an affinity to first person view.

According to Todd Howard's interview, their belief is, Fallout 3 in first person/third person will bring more "emotion" to the gamer "in a real way". That's just incorrect assumption.

He says they don't want to reward twitch play, but their main gameply is in first person combat with just an add-on of a pause feature.
He's being inconsistent. He's trying to please Fallout fans by saying one thing but it clearly shows who their main audience is.

This is just sad, depressing, frustrating.
It seems funny to me that all the Beth plants that have popped up the last few days here have been arguing the same points that this interview comes out with for the most part. "It's about the setting and feeling and style not the game play or mechanics of it...." Go back and read some of their post and you'll see how they pretty much mirror these guys statements. Not plants. Yeah right. I wonder where they all went to :?
Brother None said:
That's not going to happen. It'd be a big message if it did significantly worst than Oblivion, tho'. But it's too early to tell what it'll do.

That seems pretty unlikely to me as well, considering the fact that the Xbox 360/PS3 userbase will probably be about double what it was when Oblivion came out, when F3 comes out, if not more.
Slicerdicer said:
It seems funny to me that all the Beth plants that have popped up the last few days here have been arguing the same points that this interview comes out with for the most part. "It's about the setting and feeling and style not he game play or mechanics of it...." Go back and read some of their post and you'll see how they pretty much mirror these guys statements. Not plants. Yeah right. I wonder where they all went to :?

That's right. People nowadays are just wowed by shiny things, like dumb animals. They forgot about gameplay matters too.

Gameplay (perspective, story, dialogue) creates the experience, not just the look. Mr. Todd Howard, remember what matters is on the inside not the outside. Didn't you learn that in grade school? If I have a shiny toy, but have not the right interaction for it, its totally useless. It becomes a door stopper.
Brother None said:
PaladinHeart said:
Hopefully this will send a message. It would be funny if FO3 does worse than FO: BOS... Is that even possible? xD

That's not going to happen. It'd be a big message if it did significantly worst than Oblivion, tho'. But it's too early to tell what it'll do.
Unfortunately I don't think poor FO3 sales will tell Bethesda that they did it wrong, and to pay more attention to the fans next time. The only message Beth will take is that the Fallout franchise is inherently unprofitable. While the fans may know otherwise, Beth can do no wrong and will lay the blame elsewhere.
Okay, just to get it right.
We will get a Oblivion/Resident Evil 4 game, while we should get a Fallout, or at least (if first person / 3rd Person would be okay for us) we should get a Vampire : Bloodlines.

So let's focus on bloodlines, what made this game so great, beside it's technic sucked pretty muched (when you opened the console you could see tons of errors).... Hmm the style, yeah, to a few (?) people F3 look's to blue. The nice looking characters.
Oh yeah, let me compare the shit-faced Oblivion NPC's with Jack, Lacroix or any other Bloodlines NPC, wasn't there also the information, that they will use again their face-generator? - Yep, my prognose is that they won't match the facial expressions and so on of the Bloodline NPC's. Okay, what else? The great dialoges of bloodlines,' fully' with different options for different clans (i loved the Malkavians) - Oblivion style dialog system ahahahaha....

so okay... we won't get a 'Second best' 'Fallout' game, but the generic 'The younger Discs - Fallout' crap, as it seems to me...

Okay, so enough complaining.
The Answers are quite good, giving a bit more insight (dialog system; original fans to wich the gameplay was also a part, won't like it and so on...).

Thumbs up for the guts to tell 'us gameplay fans' that we won't like it, i mean it's sad that nobody at beth got the guts to do so until now...
I tried to watch the 3 vids but my patience grew short, after 1 min I juste wanted to take one of the ques and beat the little fucker to a bloody bad september 11 didn't happened at Beth headquarters, this bad dream would have never happened.
quillab said:
Bethesda knows how to make things look good- they are technically capable.

I would contest that. They have good modellers, but they don't have creative/good level designers (or at least not post MW).

Comparing MW to Oblivion you see a huge difference in artistic quality, MW was very interesting visually and the level of painstaking detail that went into it was staggering. Oblivion may have higher poly counts, higher res textures and more shaders, but the creativity and design skills are lacking. You get the feeling they just threw a load of generic prefabs into the maps, without bothering to make them feel a part of the map. They then made Lizardmen bipedal (because they were too lazy to make a different skeleton), beast races used human armour (they couldnt be bothered doing different sets) the list goes on.. :P

The games sky effects, characters, and trees were quite nice - but underneath that it was actually rather ugly and poorly put together. A lot of the fan mods are of the 'graphic improvement' variety, mostly fixing glaring graphical problems.

Here's some examples of their crudeness: 3.JPG 5.JPG
monsharen said:
They are so obsessed with "updating it". It's like they think it must be "updated" to match the fans expectations. Yet they say they are doing this for themselves. Making it the game they want to play. I guess they're the ones most thrilled by this "next gen tech". Probably inevitable when you get to see what it is capable of all day long though...

Like the old saying goes... "If it ain't broke... Don't fix it."

wyatt said:
My god.....what do we do now?

Where do we go from here?

1. Declare war? Spam the board?

2. Silet protest, leave their forum 100%?

3. Go on their forum and plead or side, try and reason?

Whats it going to be? 1 2 or 3?

You wait until it comes out, then stand in front of the boxes on the aisle at Besy Buy and talk about how bad it is and you just bad mouth it into the ground... warn people away from it... Tell them to save their hard earned money for some new Pokimon cards or even the the GluttonCreeper d20 nuclear card game....
