Game Informer Unlimited FAQ and video

Brother None said:
Mad Max RW said:
Even the idiots at Something Awful can't deny the suckiness of Oblivion/Morrowind's dialog trees.

They will now that you've said that, Mad Max. They really dislike us, enough to accept anything Bethesda does with Fallout 3 as long as it pisses us off.

I've read their forums and specifically remember them agreeing on how much their walking encyclopedias suck ass. I don't think anybody around here except a few lunatics get physically angry in real life at how Fallout is treated, because after all it is just a game. The SA goons are mostly kiddie console gamers willing to consume enough shovelware until a few years go by and they grow up to what's going on around them. There are some genuinely intelligent PC gamers there. The rest are pseudo PC gamers who jerk off while playing Eve and Supreme Commander.

I think this is another Invisible War scenario. There were a lot of die hard fans (such as myself) who picked it apart prior release on the official boards and were torn apart for it. Then it came out and the rest of the idiots realized how much they were screwed. Console gamers don't give a fuck about PC franchises like Deus Ex and Fallout. If they know anything about a particular game it is only to mock it (see Something Awful).
this is a week full of disappointment.

f3 will be great for console gamers and people looking for a throw-away action rpg.

*sigh* i guess i'll continue to play f1 and f2 for another decade.
Re: Game Informer Unlimited FAQ

Kukident said:
<blockquote> If you are a fan who is adamantly against some significant changes to the way gameplay occurs in the Fallout series, I’m going to tell you right now and save you the disappointment: I don’t think you’ll like Fallout 3. However, if you’re a fan of the Fallout universe, of the unique look of the world, of the moral ambiguity, of the dark and often violent humor, and the invigorating branching story paths, then everything about what I’ve seen of Fallout 3 should please you.</blockquote>
i dont like how he reduces the things we might not like about fallout to only the gameplay and then mentions like 10 other things we would perfectly like about the fallout 3 as it is...

come on, just look at those or... i mean, mutants, or if i just think about the dialogues.. ugh

They look like The Hulk with a shaved head. Terrible. Just terrible.

ronin84 said:
this is a week full of disappointment.

f3 will be great for console gamers and people looking for a throw-away action rpg.

*sigh* i guess i'll continue to play f1 and f2 for another decade.

It's certainly looking like it.
Or more realistically, you could spread "awareness" about this game.
Tell all those gamers who want to buy Fallout 3 and think this is how the series has always been, what the real original games are like.
If possible make them play these games and experience a richnes and diversity they will probably not find in this 'recreation' called Fallout.

But don't call them idiots or Bethesda whores if pople like it, opinions will always differ in what games a person will like, but they can't change what Fallout really is.
i still have hope that "similar style of dialog tree doesn't mean that its the same no brain interface from oblivion. i have a hard time believing that they would be so dumb as to not recognize that dialog was so important. if that is true however, its really sad. it means if your int is at 1 you'd still have the same dialog options as if it were at 10?

i don't buy it.
wyatt said:
Where do we go from here?

1. Declare war? Spam the board?
2. Silet protest, leave their forum 100%?
3. Go on their forum and plead or side, try and reason?

Meh, all 3 are flawed. Personally i'm going to call in the Space Marines to vanquish the Orc scum. Seriously spamming boards will do sod all (and be childish), you will be banned and NMA blacklisted. It's best we do what we do already, glow with hate but keep it self contained and spread the truth with a degree of civility.

Googling for 'Fallout Fan/Forums' leads you here, #1 hit. Hopefully come release time (when people are looking for the low down) they will chance upon us, if the reaction on the #1 ranking FO fansite is negative - maybe, just maybe, it will impact their sales a notch.

Other plan is to support other games, don't buy it. Tell your friends not to get it - instead support indie games, like Omega Syndrome, Age of Decadence etc.
Sad. Seems to be confirming many of my fears. Ditching gameplay whilst trying to retain setting and atmosphere.

So dialogue will be "highly immersive" if similar to Oblivion. Still, they could have decent speech even with a horrible interface, if they add some more scripting and are actually paying real writers to put the effort in.

Combat uses gimmicky RTwP. It does add some strategy, but looks like it will be more of an annoying restriction. 'Yeah, I'm the best marksman in town, but I can only aim every x seconds.' Again "highly immersive". There could be more details that could explain good balance though.

Mixed messages about it being an RPG. But my expectations aren't too high now.

heh heh. Just remembered that Games Workshop has their LotR tabletop game, so orks, orcs, wastelanders, and power armoured soldiers.
I feel a tad worried, or insecure, with the answers so far. It seems like they are trying to bring more action into the game. That's sad news for me, since I usually tried to avoid the action. Even if there are options that will let me "skip" battles, I will always know that the game was designed for other interests.

Still letting this ship land though, since there seems to be nothing stopping it.
Having only lurked here for the time I've been registered I might as well say that this FAQ, coupled with the GI scans have left me with a very, very bad taste in my mouth. I have honestly lost all interest in The Elder Scrolls V: Fallout after having seen the "marvels of modern technology", "immersion" and "reinvention" applied on the supposed sequel.

I'll go back to Fallout 1 & 2 for another decade or so, like I suspect many others will.
They are so obsessed with "updating it". It's like they think it must be "updated" to match the fans expectations. Yet they say they are doing this for themselves. Making it the game they want to play. I guess they're the ones most thrilled by this "next gen tech". Probably inevitable when you get to see what it is capable of all day long though...

It's wandering away from being a game. Becoming more of a eye gem that we can explore, feel, touch and even interact with (!). If I designed the game I guess I would have gone for the game experience (because it is still a game!! (I hope)).. not some realistic virtual tour.
Is it me or do none of them seem at all energized in discussing their product? I've seen a lot of meet the dev type films, and none of them have been this, for lack of better words, 'dull'. A good comparison would be the Bioshock stuff.

The lack of love shines through like a torch. Listening Todd bleat on about FO1 being ten years old and being 'like on a different canvas' made me want to VAT him, then and there. Regardless of whether he has FO on his laptop, 10 bottle caps says he never really played it, or loved it. He has no idea, whatsoever what he is talking about.

Oblivion was a shite RPG, but an ok/average 'game'. I doubt this will be even that, from the vibes I've got thus far.
Ive completely given up on Fallout 3 at this point. Everyone seems to forget though that Brian Fargo is making Wasteland 2. Recently on 1up Yours like a week ago he said its going to be the spiritual sequal to Fallout 1 & 2. Wasteland 2 is going to be the real Fallout 3.
Tannhauser said:
Absolutely not the first option, we will ban anyone who cross-site trolls.

And rightly so... but isn't it funny that Beth don't mind dipping into their dirty tricks bag (eg. Star Wars fan sites), but would react strongly if anyone did the same thing to them. And someone mentioned in another recent thread (sorry I can't find the post) that supposedly Beth pay people to infiltrate other forums. I hope this isn't true.

I am so tired of Bethesda fucking this up. I really will stop at nothing to ensure I prevent as many sales of this product as possible.
Nim82 said:
Is it me or do none of them seem at all energized in discussing their product?
He did not create this. His job right there is to try and explain why this half working mechanism is worth buying in a year or two (Imagine the general telemarketing dude). I bet the people with the more hands on tasks shines when they're coding away or whatever they are doing. Of course I bet Hines too smiles sometimes. But this is just another product to sell. The fun lies in his job is coming up with campaigns and that sort of stuff.
Mick1965 said:
And rightly so... but isn't it funny that Beth don't mind dipping into their dirty tricks bag (eg. Star Wars fan sites), but would react strongly if someone did the same thing to them. And someone mentioned in another recent thread (sorry I can't find the post) that supposedly Beth pay people to infiltrate other forums. I hope this isn't true.

Yes, we do indeed have to play the nice guys. We've been playing nicer with Bethesda, as an organisation (not from a userbase perspective) than they have with us from the start. But that's just the way it is. No cross-site trolling has always been the rule, tho', I can't stand that kind of behaviour.

As for plants...well, it's funny that when I first brought up the subject on Bethesda's forums, it was acticely discussed, and me and some other users here even talked to the Bethesda mods about it. A week or so later, I suddenly, out of the blue, get a warning level on the Bethesda forums for calling someone a plant. Tried interrogating the mod, the same mod whom I had chatted about plants with before, to understand what's up, but he was really vague. Suddenly calling people "plants" has become a flame and a thread-lockable/warnable offense.

Seriously, if that isn't suspicious, I don't know what is.
2nd vid. Getting a feel for damage/location in real time combat?

Hammering the message of leaving nothing to the imagination. Gratuitous violence and min/maxing fun. *sigh*

I don't recall hearing about a planned Wasteland 2. Hope that turns out well.

Joking about the "plant" stuff makes one look silly. Bethsoft shouldn't take it so seriously, as that only causes more trouble.
Game Informer said:
(something about scaling, transcript removed :growl:)
Desslock said:
You're reading too much into the Gaming Informer statement. The actual situation is more "complicated". Sorry, but I'm obliged to be cryptic right now.
Matt Miller ...sorta said:
: won't have level-scaling "like in Oblivion"

You know what this tells me? There WILL be level scaling, it will just be "different". As NMA said, either level-scaling is there or it isn't. No-one who's seen the game denies it's there.

If I recall all GI mag said was you can't walk into a bad area and expect not to be killed. Sounds like they've just put a minimum level on mutants etc. Bet your shirt that the magic loot they drop is scaled according to player level.