Game Informer Unlimited FAQ and video

radnan said:
Lol Bethesda must be the biggest pricks in PR history :) the conclusion to be drawn from the way they are handling this is ... some rapists do love their victims in a way :)

Well... Bethesda has their heads way up in the clouds. They won the Spike TV video game awards (pay off). No one in the crowd even knew what Oblivion was when it beat Gears of War for game of the year. There was like 3 people clapping in the crowd. The rest of the audience sat in stunned silence.

Seeing the way Bethesda is acting now reminds me of the way Sony acted for the last couple of years while the PS3 was ending it's development phase and approaching production. Total and complete arrogance. The didn't listen to anyone, and they thought they knew what was best because they've held the lead position for so long. However, they've forgotten what got them there in the first place.

If any Bethsoft guys are reading this... Look at my next statement closely... Handheld nuclear catapult rifles and cars that blow up to kill ants do not belong in the FALLOUT universe. Save that crap for a Duke Nuke'm game.
Oh, come on Havok. Gears of War sucked. It was just UT2004 with prettier graphics - i.e. a graphics engine with a game shoved on top. Oblivion was better than Gears of War. At least it wasn't a tech demo.
What. The. Hell.

Great job, Bethesda. A moronic, pausable combat system? Weapons and mutants that look like they've been stolen from a doom or serious sam game? Slow motion death sequences (silly)? But for the love of god, morrowind style dialogue? Ok, that's it. You've ruined it.

To be honest, the first person pov doesnt bother me at all. In my opinion, it gives rpg's a sense of realism and immersion (which is however totally demolished by, hmh, *nuclear* catapults) that is lost in 3rd person or iso. Also, the childhood tutorial/character development sounds nice. But everything else in the game sounds and looks just like cheap, consoley, actiongamish trash.

However, if you’re a fan of the Fallout universe, of the unique look of the world, of the moral ambiguity, of the dark and often violent humor, and the invigorating branching story paths, then everything about what I’ve seen of Fallout 3 should please you.

Nice try, Matt. No matter the amount of hype you try to rape my mind with, if the game stays as it is, it still won't get me to buy this abomination.
Mr. Teatime said:
Oh, come on Havok. Gears of War sucked. It was just UT2004 with prettier graphics - i.e. a graphics engine with a game shoved on top. Oblivion was better than Gears of War. At least it wasn't a tech demo.

I know it runs off of a version of the Unreal engine, but I don't own an XBox and haven't played it. However, GoW cleaned up at that show until the game of the year award.

As for Oblivion, I own it. I was looking for an alternative to WoW and Oblivion failed in almost every way a game can fail. I certainly don't see what's so good about it, there are other programs that do the same, and pull it off in a much better fashion. Personally I'd rather play Wasteland or the Ultima games on my C=64. 8)
What really saddens me about all this is that it's really symbolic of the current state of gaming.
Casual gamers who don't want to think and money-worshipping big business have won.
Art and substance are forfeit to hype and gloss. Fallout is just another victim.

You know what I think? What the games industry needs is another crash like the one that wiped out Atari. Sweep away all the current lazy, cynical, moneygrubbing companies like Bethesda.
Vault 69er said:
Art and substance are forfeit to hype and gloss. Fallout is just another victim.
A read an interview with someone about shutting down clover studio (they made Okami on ps2, by many consider as a piece of art). He said that Okami is a brilliant game, they made a fantastic job, but computer/console games aren't supposed to be art. They are supposed to be product that sells good. And what sells better? "Boring" rpgs or action packed fps??

In the end, Okami didn't sell very well, and they close the whole studio...
Hi guys,

I'm new here, but basically an old-skool fallout-fan.

I'm following the entire Bethesda Fallout story.
1st i was sceptical of how it would become.
But honestly i'm starting to get pissed off, this is 100% rape of a great classic.

This piece of crap has nothing to do with it's predecessors.
This definitely doesn't deserve the name Fallout.

It seems with every bit of news it get's worse.

What did they pay for the IP?
5 million??
I honestly hope they are gonna lose money on it, and that another company will rescue the IP afterwards who respect the REAL Fallout.
But not this cheap rip-off. :evil: :evil: :evil:

My apologies, i have to let off some steam.
Unillenium said:
Don't worry you guys we got everything we need. In this primarily 1st person game WE CAN CUSTOMIZE THE APPEARANCE OF OUR CHARACTER! So that the npcs can witness our unique pwnage.

HI all.. I've been monitoring this site for ages.. mostly to check on patches or to see if there was any Fallout 3 coming along.
And I'm sorry that you hate what people have shown you about fallout 3.. although most we have seen just confirms what we already know.

Still... (besides the nuclear catapult witch I hope will be renamed to rocket launcher and the butugly supermutant waving a metal club)

There are some things I like... could be because I'm just interested in fallout but ain't considering it the best game ever. And I think there are a lot off people like me that can get excited from what they have seen about Fallout 3. People that are not scared away by first person perspective (I loved Deus Ex and System Shock) Also I wasn't shyed away when other titles took drastic turns (GTA for example)

When I look to this picture I linked, I still feel fallout it breathes fallout for me and probably will for the people that have not hyped the game to godhood over the past decade.

Anyways you guys might be in need some perspective just look what EA did with my beloved Wing Commander in the Xbox Live arcade :S) I would love for a half decent developing studio to pick that one up and put some money to it :(

I sincerely hope Wasteland 2 will be for you guys what you hope it to be though. Sorry about your fallout..

You can now flame me to hell and no I am not payed by bethsoft.

Oh and Gears of War was WAYMORE than just another action game.. just saying :P
Dishwasher said:
You can now flame me to hell and no I am not payed by bethsoft.

*Flames you to Hell*

Nah. Honestly, I sort of share your opinion on this, that there are things that I like, and I do like that Screenshot you linked.
By the way, a blurb that Game Informer has up on their website,
Game Informer Video Interview Introduction said:
No this isn't the late great Black Isle Studios' triumphant return. In some ways, it's even better: proven next-gen RPG developer Bethesda and its crew of self-proclaimed Fallout nerds are finally ready to pull back the curtain on the rebirth of this storied franchise. We have the world-exclusive first look at the direction this post-apocalyptic, tounge-in-cheek, open-ended role-playing game is taking.
hehehehe, he's got his nose stuck so far up Beth's ass that for such hardcore brownnosing to be physically possible, he must be freaking pinocchio!
Modesty? I dunno, I kind of read it like.

In some ways (gun erosions, graphics), it's even better. In every other conceivable way, it's worse.
Havok said:
radnan said:
Lol Bethesda must be the biggest pricks in PR history :) the conclusion to be drawn from the way they are handling this is ... some rapists do love their victims in a way :)

Well... Bethesda has their heads way up in the clouds. They won the Spike TV video game awards (pay off). No one in the crowd even knew what Oblivion was when it beat Gears of War for game of the year. There was like 3 people clapping in the crowd. The rest of the audience sat in stunned silence.

Seeing the way Bethesda is acting now reminds me of the way Sony acted for the last couple of years while the PS3 was ending it's development phase and approaching production. Total and complete arrogance. The didn't listen to anyone, and they thought they knew what was best because they've held the lead position for so long. However, they've forgotten what got them there in the first place.

If any Bethsoft guys are reading this... Look at my next statement closely... Handheld nuclear catapult rifles and cars that blow up to kill ants do not belong in the FALLOUT universe. Save that crap for a Duke Nuke'm game.

I have not played gears of war but I was looking into getting it and saw that all multiplayer consists of is exploiting insane bugs. I know people who play it and all they do is brag about exploiting the chainsaw and jumping out of the map and firing down on everyone.
I hear the SP wasnt all that great and its more of a multiplayer console shooter (hey bethseda console shooters suck) that couldnt even get that right. Am I wrong here?
My opinion is that almost everything we've seen sucks

I don't know why, but that made me lol. Can't disagree with you though.

Anyways, I do think there is something that should be known to people.

Some guy posted this in the Meet the devs thread:

I admit that the Oblivion-style dialoge system sounds like a coffinnail. But I still prefer to stay positive 'till the day I see an actual set of screenshots or better a gameplay video following a ingame conversation before my final vote.

And socrates200x answered simply:

Good idea.

Which seems to indicate that the GI guy might just be sucky at communicating what he saw (wouldn't be a surprise to me).
Just figured I'd throw that out here.