Gamespot's Fallout: New Vegas Demo at E3


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Some of you have seen it live yesterday. Some of you haven't. Nevertheless, E3 Fallout: New Vegas demo by Gamespot is available for watching and downloading.
Here it is:

<div align="center"><embed id="mymovie" width="640" height="391" flashvars="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=false&" wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="always" scale="noScale" salign="lt" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" name="mymovie" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></div>

It's nearly the same walkthrough that has been shown by J.E.Sawyer in 1UP's demo, but some new things are there. Bethesda's Jason Berman does the demo. More of the Strip is shown before entering the casino. You can see a couple of new weapons: some plasma gun which is called Multiplas rifle, a new sniper rifle called Antimaterial rifle, a bladed gauntlet and C4 with detonator. Also, you can take a look at the new third person view with over-the-shoulder camera.

More information on crafting too: you can make not only weapons, but health potions and poisons too.
Some "Mojave Express" will be available in the Mojave Wasteland.
I didn't notice any fallout in this upcoming game. They even said, that no bombs fell in Vegas. What the hell, Fallout without nuclear bombs?
"awesome" "awesome" "awesome" "awesome"

No, I just want to hear the improvements. Not how "awesome" the game is because you can use "awesome" explosives to make people go flying.
I hate it that now people put Gamebryo as the synonim of a bad engine because of Fallout 3. Gamebryo is great, heck, Civ IV was done with it. Beth's modified engine(Probably some stupid name based around TES) is the cause of most of their stupid bugs.

Even Epic Mickey is using Gamebryo.
I like the crafting idea, making potions and poisons, 'cause that sounds like Arcanum.
But the Strip, the Strip looks way too clean, it looks in mint condition for feck's sake except for some cracks in the pavement. Do they have an endless supply of light bulbs and repair materials or something? Look at the shrubbery: it's like they have an army of gardeners taking care of the place. It's silly. And the casinos, it doesn't matter that they have the architecture right, it's all too clean, too light, too spacious, too nice. Isn't this a post-apoc world, shouldn't things be looking a bit more gritty, dirty, broken, damaged beyond repair? But no: you see some NCR chicks dancing in a fucking... fountain? What? Why? Isn't water something that is really hard to find in the middle of the desert? Is this somehow different for this monster called Vegas? Having an entertainment industry this big in a fucked up world, it's... it's stewpit.

I think we're gonna see lots of good changes in the game mechanics and that's it.
Argh, hitting escape brings down the same menu as Fallout 3 - I hope they change this.

"There are seven possible companions you can have." What? This is way too little! You can have 6 (with Miria/Davin) at a time on Fallout 2! Damn!

"The game is about as big as Fallout 3, we have almost exactly the same number of locations." Seems like a good news to me, especially since they have more quests and dialogue.

"We have 40% more dialogue (than Fallout 3)." Good news.

@Alec: Vault City and NCR in Fallout 2 looked very clean too. Besides, in Shady Sands they had a well (infinite supplies of water), which made me think that water isn't that uncommon. Wasn't it like "water chip = infinite water"?
Blackened said:
@Alec: Vault City and NCR in Fallout 2 looked very clean too. Besides, in Shady Sands they had a well (infinite supplies of water), which made me think that water isn't that uncommon. Wasn't it like "water chip = infinite water"?

yeah, from what I recall water wasn't exactly a big problem in the first two games. FO3 introduced that idea. which is kinda logical, actually.

I don't really mind that New Vegas is so clean and well maintained. I think it's a pretty good comment on the nature of humanity that this is the first place that is up and running perfectly (more or less). that said, there is a reason why Vegas wasn't bombed and they say we'll find out during the game, which means it probably won't be a bullshit reason. this might affect your view on the whole issue as well.
aenemic said:
Blackened said:
@Alec: Vault City and NCR in Fallout 2 looked very clean too. Besides, in Shady Sands they had a well (infinite supplies of water), which made me think that water isn't that uncommon. Wasn't it like "water chip = infinite water"?

yeah, from what I recall water wasn't exactly a big problem in the first two games. FO3 introduced that idea. which is kinda logical, actually.
Water was the defining purpose of the first game. :crazy:
I know its petty and shallow but every time the guy refered to the work Obsidian did as 'We' even though he works for Bethesda (who SUPPOSEDLY had a relatively SMALL hand in the development of FO:NV) it bugs the crap out of me.

That being said, the 3rd person view looks BETTER but still awkward, especially with the gliding style of walking inheirant to the game. The combat looks smoother so this MIGHT be a better action game than the previous. As for the story / dialogue, was anyone else bothered by the fact that he refered to Caesers Legion as "the bad faction" when they were all SUPPOSED to have good and bad parts?
Well, Jason Berman is the senior producer of New Vegas, so he has to be involved a lot.
He's from Bethesda. He hasn't worked on the storyx. The only things he knows is what Bethesda tells him. If you watch the demos with him, you'll see he just repeats the same stuff most of the time. He sees people in red and black armor who capture slaves and he's gonna think, "Oh these people are bad."
well, in all reality you would NOT want to nuke nevada if you were in a war with the US.

at least not reno/vegas, but you would want to drop 1-2 on the assorted military bases, none of which is major other than groom lake.

and groom lake is the only nuke-worthy location in nevada and thats not near reno or vegas.

the only reason to nuke reno/vegas during a war is for ideological reasons such as islamics for their jihad and such. there isnt much actual reason to nuke it other than to kill people.
IMissLark said:
aenemic said:
Blackened said:
@Alec: Vault City and NCR in Fallout 2 looked very clean too. Besides, in Shady Sands they had a well (infinite supplies of water), which made me think that water isn't that uncommon. Wasn't it like "water chip = infinite water"?

yeah, from what I recall water wasn't exactly a big problem in the first two games. FO3 introduced that idea. which is kinda logical, actually.
Water was the defining purpose of the first game. :crazy:

yes, for your vault. but that was fixed with a little chip that provided clean water for all eternity. outside of the vault, water was not a big problem.
OakTable said:
He's from Bethesda. He hasn't worked on the storyx. The only things he knows is what Bethesda tells him. If you watch the demos with him, you'll see he just repeats the same stuff most of the time. He sees people in red and black armor who capture slaves and he's gonna think, "Oh these people are bad."

He's seen the game (the full version). All he needs to tell what the game is about is to pass an Intelligence check.