Gamespot's Fallout: New Vegas Demo at E3

I think this guy's quite pleasant for bethesdian, especially in comparison with Todd Howard.
My favorite moment comes right around 4:20 in the video...

Dumbass: Now, luck is a familiar… um, skill?
Jason Bergman from Bethesda: Yep, well, it’s a trait- sorry, stat.
Dumbass: Which one is it?
Jason Bergman from Bethesda: I’m going to get emails about that. It's a stat.
Dumbass: Now, Are players who got into Fallout 3 going to recognize this stat?
Jason Bergman from Bethesda: Yes, well… It’s the ‘L’ in ‘S.P.E.C.I.A.L.’…

Hey, I've got a great idea, lets give a bunch of people who don't know what they're talking about the ability to judge something they know nothing about. We're Bethesda, so we have enough money to pretty much pay them off anyway, give me an accountant whose never played a video game before to interview me.

After three years of this, you'd think I'd be used to it, but it still pisses me right the eff off.
Eternal said:
was anyone else bothered by the fact that he refered to Caesers Legion as "the bad faction" when they were all SUPPOSED to have good and bad parts?

YEA. he also said ncr are "good" somewhere i think

...well maybe he knows better and is just using terms that their target audience can relate to. I don't like it either way
compared to fallout 3, i am extremely excited about this game!
unlike fallout 3 its looks more mature and "fallout'ish" i am inclined to give the guys from Obsidian the benefit of the doubt in terms of filling the few obvious problems with good plot.

on the other hand the technical aspect of the game, its still FO3 (obviously) and was unimpressive, compared to IDs work on rage, if i am to play FO in First person, i would prefer id guys to do it ...


E3 presentation

even their site is better than anything Bethesda ever done with FO3:

the only problem is that Bethesda shoved their nose into this and now will publish it ... so i bet that even with heavy moding we will never be able to make a dissent RPG out of it :(
Acra said:
I think this guy's quite pleasant for bethesdian, especially in comparison with Todd Howard.

O I totally agree, he doesn't come off as nearly as much of an egotistical fratboy d-bag.

In all fairness though, the only person you probably could stand next to Todd Howard and not go 'this guy's quite pleasant compared to Todd' is Robert Kotick.
aenemic said:
IMissLark said:
aenemic said:
Blackened said:
@Alec: Vault City and NCR in Fallout 2 looked very clean too. Besides, in Shady Sands they had a well (infinite supplies of water), which made me think that water isn't that uncommon. Wasn't it like "water chip = infinite water"?

yeah, from what I recall water wasn't exactly a big problem in the first two games. FO3 introduced that idea. which is kinda logical, actually.
Water was the defining purpose of the first game. :crazy:

yes, for your vault. but that was fixed with a little chip that provided clean water for all eternity. outside of the vault, water was not a big problem.

Except for the entire city of ghouls that you steal the water chip from, and all of the little towns with broken or radioactive wells...

There was even a faction that had a monopoly on water production in the most populated area of the game and who could concievably control the entire Hub and outlying territories thru hydraulic despotism.
Burrich said:
mor said:
even with heavy moding we will never be able to make a dissent RPG out of it :(
That's a good thing though, right?

:shock: if i wanted an FPS, i wont be looking into FO, from SP to MU, team heavy or skill heavy...

here i am looking for an RPG, not FPS with RPG elements using the post apocalyptic theme...

so yes i consider its a bad thing, because i doubt that we will see much more post apocalyptic themed games in a while and i consider ID engines far superior to anything gamebryo can ever achieve.

Incognito said:

try hitting the SD button, maybe its your bandwidth limitation...
Eternal said:
I know its petty and shallow but every time the guy refered to the work Obsidian did as 'We' even though he works for Bethesda (who SUPPOSEDLY had a relatively SMALL hand in the development of FO:NV) it bugs the crap out of me.

2 things:

The guy in the preview talked about how excited he was to work with Chris Avellone because of how much he enjoyed Planescape: Torment. So I figure he gets a little bit of street cred because of that.

Also, it doesn't bother me as much as when they identified Josh Sawyer as a Bethesda employee.
I had a bug with the HD for the first one, too. It said 00:00/01:00 plus the replay button, which behaved like it's 0-seconds-long vid. But my connection is good enough for a HD.
I finally got it to work. Bergman should either work out, drink less beer or wear slightly larger t-shirts.
Oddly, I'm looking forward to this game. I'm giving Obsidian the benefit of the doubt here.

I think I've finally resigned myself to the reality that the Fallout style games (F1, F2) have been killed.
A couple of things (these might not all be from that video)

1) The inner bully in me wants to beat that guy for no reason

2) They managed to make the walking animation even worse.

3) The ugly green tint is still there. Maybe the Fellout mod will still work without any modifications

4) That many lights is a bit much but making neon lights shouldn't be impossible for them. The first one was made 100 years ago. Neon is extracted from liquified oxygen. I'm not sure how you can do that, but I'm sure someone could pull it off since it was done over 100 years ago from now. Neon signs are usually done by hand anyway.
squeehunter said:
That many lights is a bit much but making neon lights shouldn't be impossible for them. The first one was made 100 years ago. Neon is extracted from liquified oxygen. I'm not sure how you can do that, but I'm sure someone could pull it off since it was done over 100 years ago from now. Neon signs are usually done by hand anyway.

We had this discussion in another thread. While that's totally possible, you have to keep in mind that Vegas (in the real world in the fifties to today) doesn't support its own engineering aspects from the city itself. They import all of their repair, maintenance, upkeep, etc. It would make sense for Gizmo to have a small neon sign in Junktown because the town's economy was based on the resources from the junkyard and trade from the hub. Where is Vegas getting the supplies to make an eight-story tall "Vault 21" neon sign?