exclusive Fallout 3 footage

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The exclusive Fallout 3 footage of is now up on the site: Apocalypse, Meet Fallout 3. The Fallout 3 coverage is spread out over the video but easy to navigate, and includes an interview with composer Inon Zur.
Heh, Todd is good at dodging questions about - say - your Father or Eden, even though the story is well-known to anyone who wants to know it by now. The lid is gone, Bethesda.

But that's no reason to spoil in interviews, and interviewers should know better than to ask for mainplot details like that.
Yeah, am glad he dodged those questions. Really stupid from Keighley to ask them though. All in all, I was kinda dissapointed with this coverage, they didn't say anything too interesting, plus the footage..some of it I liked, some of it I didn't. But the wasteland looks imo much more interesting to explore than downtown DC..

Btw, the older mutants get, the stupider they become? Thats new..
Yep, and it's worse than you can imagine. It's rare that such crap sees the light of the day, even in the video games industry.
PM me some of the details of the ending, FTR, I want to know what happens after (serious mainplot spoilers coming)
[spoiler:23a6323806]You take your dad to the Memorial and start Project Purity up again. I've heard some stupid shit, like the Enclave capturing you and some stupid giant robot and Lyons sacrificing herself, but I'm curious about the details.[/spoiler:23a6323806]

From what I've seen (I think I've only seen the mainplot through halfway and heard some details about the rest) it's really, really...very, very stupid. And it fucks over lore. It's also badly written, both in dialogue and in dramatic moments and in plot overall.

Seriously, it's terrible.
* sniff * I just learned Brother None, I just learned :( :( :( :(

I read the Van Buren storyline a long time ago and when I compare it with this it makes me want to cry, well yell out in anger.

Avellone, Taylor, Puuk and the others had crafted a storyline worthy of Fallout, and even added space travel, one of my favorite things in this.

But this...... I don't drink, but I would probably put down a six pack or something.
And I know it's pointless to ask, but is the storyline bad in and of itself, or is it just a really bad FO storyline? ('m avoiding spoilers and videos so I don't know most of what's come out in the last week or 2)

Well either way I will love to see what Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation does to the game once it's out...heh.
the only thing i kind of liked was the art inspirations bit - the rest was the ussual let down -

the more you know the worse it sounds
It can't possibly be worse than MQ of Oblivion, can it?

But if its on that level, fuck I will be pissed.
Brother None said:
Heh, Todd is good at dodging questions about - say - your Father or Eden, even though the story is well-known to anyone who wants to know it by now. The lid is gone, Bethesda.
That was awkward even by Todd standard's. After the third time he asked the question, Todd curled up into a little ball like an armadillo.
[voice cracks]what?

And would somebody please get Todd a stool, I'm tired of seeing interviewers all hunched over like that.
I loved the part at the end where the behemoth smacks some BoS soldier in the face so hard it would've have pulverized the head and a little message pops up in the upper-left corner saying "Sarah Lyons is unconscious".

Don't worry kiddo, she's just sleeping!
Damn.... Now i see why everybody is using V.A.T.S instead of playing it as a pure shooter. The FPS part of this game is rather pathetic, they should have at least picked the KOTOR approach instead of this mess.

Oh, and i really like the moment where Todd was speechless for a few seconds, that was hilarious. :D
Geoff: Seriously, Todd, do you find your father or not?
Todd: (tries casting Evil Stare of Death)
Geoff: C'mon Todd! Give your pal the scoop!
Todd: (grabs Survival Edition off table and starts beating Geoff with it) I'm your father!! That's who!! I'm your big daddy, you mother-!
Directer: Cut!!!

The awkward silence was funny though. :)

I think what I liked the most out of the video was the player working with the BOS. (of course, that is what they showed the most of) Along with the combat, the dialogue being thrown back and forth between the team seemed to really pull you into the moment. I hope you can join into any random encountered battle in this way and the A.I. can figure out whether you're friendly or not.

The fact that downtown DC was supposed to be so crowded too made me think that is where those 'compression' problems come into play. Hopefully the main wasteland isn't so chaotic. I also liked most of the character models too; it's just that sheriff that looks weird. His beard makes it look like half his face is melting or something.

I sure got annoyed with them flipping between games though. (skip skip skip)
Hey I don't know if this has been pointed out yet (or even if it's relevant) but if you look at her left shoulder you can see that Lyon's daughter has changed her BOS patch

Don't wanna be mean or anything but :



Max Payne 2 was released 5 years ago...and you could play it on a 1.2 Ghz with a 32mo Video Card...
@MrBumble: I think we all agree that FO3 is behind the times in graphics, (I could even compare the movement to Deus Ex to an extent) but I will say in it's defense, that as far as nonlinear games go, it's OK. Not great, but OK. Size & scope seems to limit graphic capabilities. We'll see how Far Cry 2 & Fable II looks. Maybe they will help change that.

I also forgot to add that I also liked the bit about the radio station. I thought that was actually clever and cool that you could actually effect something like that in the game. That's something I always wanted to do in GTA, like blow up one of the station's HQ.
Much of the new footage is looking a whole lot better than before. And I'm liking the squad combat videos. Even though it doesn't even feel like Fallout.