exclusive Fallout 3 footage

Outbreak, I'm talking about the music I heard during combat when still inside the vault. I stopped watching after that, as I really didn't care anymore. If you are talking about the retro music, then I think it will probably be the only good music in Fallout 3.

Offtopic: And by all means, DO play first Mafia on PC (loading times are really not a problem on PC, especially on modern machines, and loading only happens before new missions), believe me you are missing out a pure gem. I like GTA series, but I think it doesn't even come close to Mafia. Especially in storyline department. It comes close to watching a decent mafia movie.
Pope Viper said:
If you're looking for non-cliche' storyline, and overused type of bosses, this is not the game you want.

I agree. I read some of those spoilers here (and tried to put my own comments in the "spoilers" tag, which didn't work.... maybe it's a Mac issue thing?) and they all sound so horrible. Just ridiculous. Like a bad Silver Age SF story or something... plus guns! *pew pew*!!
Super Mutants 'get stupider' as they age? What? And they grow bigger and turn into Behemoths?!

What the hell is this?

Stop raping the series! Please! *Starts crying along with Stan and Kyle*
Fear_Embodied said:
The game will make tons of money and go on to win more rewards than you can shake a stick at.

Yep and we will see several DLCs with the same spirit of story telling following this.
And after Beth has finished Elders Scrolls 5: Terminal Boredom we will see Fallout 4 that will be even more immersive than Fallout 3.
Multidirectional said:
Offtopic: And by all means, DO play first Mafia on PC (loading times are really not a problem on PC, especially on modern machines, and loading only happens before new missions), believe me you are missing out a pure gem. I like GTA series, but I think it doesn't even come close to Mafia. Especially in storyline department. It comes close to watching a decent mafia movie.

Heh its funny, I just literally two hours ago installed Mafia again, and got stuck in it for those two hours, playing...its a real masterpiece.The first time I finished it, I played in czech localization, now I decided to try english and its even better...even heard some of those voices on The Sopranos.

Anyway, Mafia 2 is a MUST BUY.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Fear_Embodied said:
The game will make tons of money and go on to win more rewards than you can shake a stick at.

Yep and we will see several DLCs with the same spirit of story telling following this.
And after Beth has finished Elders Scrolls 5: Terminal Boredom we will see Fallout 4 that will be even more immersive than Fallout 3.

Wherein we will find out that the radiation the standard wasteland dweller deals with every day at low levels has started to make some remarkable changes. Some folks are slightly furrier, others have gold skin, others are more reptilian...

In other parts of the world, folks somehow ended up like the Master (don't you know, China had FEV as well), only they were never stopped. They kept absorbing people into themselves, and they didn't just get the odd bit of telepathic power, they full-on ascended to abstract entities. Called the Daedra. One of the first things they do is change the Mireluks into smaller, less dangerous, but more annoying crab creatures. That enjoy crawling in the mud and screeching.

Slowly, the planet begins to heal, but has changed shape altogether.

That's right, we find out the Fallout series is really just the precursor of the Elder Scrolls, millenia upon millenia before even the First Age.

Genma:TheDestroyer said:
That's right, we find out the Fallout series is really just the precursor of the Elder Scrolls, millenia upon millenia before even the First Age.

NooooOooOOoOOOOOoOooooOOoooo! :shock:
Westbend said:
Genma:TheDestroyer said:
That's right, we find out the Fallout series is really just the precursor of the Elder Scrolls, millenia upon millenia before even the First Age.

NooooOooOOoOOOOOoOooooOOoooo! :shock:


I can asure you guys that TES V will have some easter eggs (or some other random shitz) linked to Fallout 3.
Super Mutants 'get stupider' as they age? What? And they grow bigger and turn into Behemoths?!

Super mutants getting senile with age was established in FO2.
Ausir said:
Super Mutants 'get stupider' as they age? What? And they grow bigger and turn into Behemoths?!

Super mutants getting senile with age was established in FO2.
and game designers makeing sequals that are not as good if not worse than the original has been established by virtualy all game developers out their.
I have to stop reading all of this. You guys say the storyline is horrible, but I really can't trust you guys.

Right. As if I hadn't seen someone with the same nickname logged into stream-video site, posting comments.
Ausir said:
Super Mutants 'get stupider' as they age? What? And they grow bigger and turn into Behemoths?!

Super mutants getting senile with age was established in FO2.

They don't keep growing, and turn into enormous mindless ogres though.

At least, they didn't until now. And we know of at least one Super Mutant who still was quite intelligent years and years later.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Wait, you mean that Super Mutants turn into Behemoths?
Aparently they are being rediped.

[spoiler:de53379a2e]no wait! this aparently took place BEFORE Fallout 1! aparently F3 takes place in 2097[/spoiler:de53379a2e]
The Dutch Ghost said:
Wait, you mean that Super Mutants turn into Behemoths?

Click on the link, and skip to 'Behemoth Rampage', they talk about how there is a hierarchy to the Super Mutants, and the older they get the stupider (they actually use that word) they get. The Behemoths are 'biggest and stupidest', you can imagine they've been around for a long time. There are only a few of them.

In other words, the longest lived Super Mutants have grown to be mindless, gigantic Behemoths.

So yeeeesssssss. Feel Bethesda's genius.

Is there a Marcus Behemoth wandering around?
Simeon said:
seriously, even bethesda's forum plants are mediocre.

I think Beth needs to improve the AI of their viral forum drones as well.

What's FO3's budget anyway? I think they must've spent at least 1/3 of it on drones and hype.