My dad thinks that a large part of stuff on dinosaurs is absolute rubbish or baseless assumptions, while I can see where he's coming from I have high hopes for the future of fossil science and how we can use technology to learn more about our past. While dinosaurs may seem stale and boring, to me they're really interesting. It's why I love shows like walking with the dinosaurs even though a large part of it is assumed bullshit.
There's a difference between "bullshit" and "speculation"

We simply can't know how they behaved, untill we see them, which is never. So, as scientists we can go "that's it then!" and never study them again, or we can try to gleam whatever we can from fragments - which DOES sometimes yield behavioral information, such as a fascinating incident of finding self-healed bone-fractures on a Tyrannosaurus leg, strongly indicating that it was being fed - kept alive - by a peer, while the foot healed.
Then again, there is a lot of speculation that is groundless, or too directly based on living animals. There is a fine balance to follow, to accept dinosaurs as different from living creatures - but also living creatures just like the ones we have today, smelling, hunting, sleeping, swimming, vocalizing, clawing, digging, pooping, peeing, fucking, and so on
The fauna was, without a doubt, very different from todays mammal fauna though. Mammals "allow" certain ratios of giants/miniatures, certain growth-rates from young to adult, certain limits to size, etc, that dinosaurs defied. This means the "Morrison Formation" for example has a WHOLE lot of enormous Allosaur-like fossils, which compared to Serengeti would mean lions and tigers and jaguars and leopards and bears and wolves all over the place. This was normal then - because a single dead Sauropod could feed all of that - and there were *millions* if Sauropods on those plains

It's pretty wild to think about, and compare to modern nature.
(in fact there were so many Sauropods, that they might have caused the Jurassic-Cretaceous biological collapse by eating up all the forests. In the Cretaceous dinosaur evolution almost had to "start anew", this is when birds begin to flourish, alongside "raptors", horned dinosaurs, and the famous Tyrannosaurus, evolving from tiny survivors of the collapse)