This ghoul has seen it all

Wait the Wombats kill things with their ass?
Yeah.Wait the Wombats kill things with their ass?
They could be good pets except they [..] smash anything they think it's in their way (fences, doors, the ground, etc).
You've found out our secret!Is Australia a portal to the Pokemon world or something?
Only the males though.I will admit wombats are pretty cool, but I find platypus's cooler. They can shiv you with a poisonous spike which causes paralysis and extreme pain.
Only the males though.
EDIT: Just a little curiosity:
Australian animal names in Portuguese (english-portuguese):
Wombat-Vombat | Kangaroo-Kanguru | Koala-Coala | Dingo-Dingo |Cassowary-Casuar | Quokka-Quokka | Platypus... ... ... ...-Ornitorrinco
Not exactly surprising since French, Italian and Spanish got their roots from Latin.Ornitorrinco (plathypus in spanish) is just Bird Beak in latin.
If not a fitting one. But yeah, could have been more interesting like... the Duck Billed Fake? Would that work in Spanish or would that be too long?THe point is that is kind of a lame name.
Yeah, we call them "Schnabeltier", also "beak-animal". I love descriptive languages.We just call them "nebbdyr" "beak-animal"![]()
Yeah, we call them "Schnabeltier", also "beak-animal". I love descriptive languages.
That in German would be "Rüssel". Because German.In Norwegian "snabel" means trunk, as in, on an elephant
TIL that playtypuses have spurs that go Jingle, Jangle, Jingle.
Huh, never thought of that. Now everytime I see them that song will play in my head.TIL that playtypuses have spurs that go Jingle, Jangle, Jingle.