We're dicks.
You're dicks too! I saw a docu once about Nokia and Congolese minerals

Step by step, it is pretty straight forward to understand though, I don't remember exactly which mineral, but I did wiki it myself, just to confirm - and indeed, Australia and Canada were market dominators for the longest time
Canada and Australian miners wear helmets, work boots, safety equipment: So much equipment per worker. Each work hour = so much money invested: Each ton mined = equivalent value = high price.
After 1990s, Congolese civil war (which claimed upto or more than 4 million people) sort-of at an end (fighting still upheld in the east), mining operatives also become ministers of mining in gvt, and can pretty much pull mining laws out their own asses, and run mines where miners do NOT wear helmets, do not actually wear boots(!) and in some cases dig with their bare hands, using rain and mud-slides as oportunities for opened ground = no money invested = low price
At this point the industry completely shifts, and for a while Congo was #1. Today it has dropped a bit in popularity because of heightened awareness, and Brazil and other poor-countries are dominating with their "more or less helmets", but in this documentary in particular Nokia was targeted as still trading significantly with Congo, for dirt-cheap minerals
What struck me was how aware the actual miners were of this, the boot-less, helmet-less workers. They took the docu crew to a HUT... this was their "storage department", a HUT... full of fucking rocks

in this hut, the docu-makers, now on a bit of man-to-man level with the workers, jokingly thanked them for the cheap minerals and in turn for the cheap mobile-phones. The miners laughed, sardonically, and insisted it was "no problem"
We all do shit like that though. After all, it's cheaper.
And just for the record, in case this is, by some, regarded as "white self hatred", the corrupt black African black Congolese black politician blacks are dicks as well. They're super-dicks.