General Discussion Thread of DOOM

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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Why don't they just have prostitution instead?

I've never seen a whorehouse inside of a castle before.

Ok, so this explains my shitty memory of why I stopped watching the series when the animation was...well shitty.

This lady is the problem with the Democratic party.

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You can say the same about both parties, really. I'm not saying it is hopeless but we are screwed and hope is dead.

It's not particularly interesting to say the GOP is fucked. That's like saying water's wet. But yes.

Until we kill the two-party "rock-and-a-hard-place" fuckfest and get rid of shit like FPTP it's going to remain fucked.
It's not particularly interesting to say the GOP is fucked. That's like saying water's wet. But yes.

Until we kill the two-party "rock-and-a-hard-place" fuckfest and get rid of shit like FPTP it's going to remain fucked.
The only answer to the problem is more Cow Bell.

If everyone had more Cow Bell, there would be no more crime in the world. With these new policies in place Cow Bells will return to this country, and make Cow Bells, Cow Bell again.

>read mildly interesting article linked in post
>get to bottom where "related stories" and such tend to pop up


It somewhat reminds me of the show I watched not too long back where some dude from the middle east picked up some fat chick online, moved here into her home with her numerous kids, and proceeded to fuck her over and run all over town looking for some tail. He basically had sex with her once, likely so the marriage would stick. Sadly I cannot remember the name of the show because it was the most cringe worthy shit I have seen in a longtime. It was so awful I sat transfixed to the screen, simply needing to see what happened at the end.