...The one with the devil in the castle. I forgot the name, but it goes something like this. A guy is walking in the rain, and is getting pretty sick from the rain and cold. Eventually, finds a monastery full of monks. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and asks the monk who answers to let him in because he will get sick soon and possibly die if not. The monk eventually denies him entrance, and slams the door on him (I think). I think he passes out and then wakes up in the monastery. The monks basically tell him he is free to travel anyway within the monastery, except for a certain room. Every night he ends up having trouble sleeping because of a howling noise, coming from the room the monks told him not to enter. Eventually he asks the monks about this, and the reluctantly tell him that he is not in a monastery, but a prison. The lead monk says that their prison was built to contain a single prisoner: the Devil. One night, out of curiosity, the man enters the room the monks told him not to enter, and where they are keeping the Devil locked up. Apparently, the cell the Devil is in is bound by a magical staff which somehow keeps the Devil from leaving/teleporting out of that cell. The man approaches the other man in the cell, who looks just like an ordinary man, not like any kind of Demon or Imp. The man in the cell tells the other man (the protagonist of the episode) that the monks are actually, indeed crazy. He begins to tell him how the monks at the monastery are all insane, and one day while he was walking the very same road next to the monastery the protagonist ended up walking and passing out on, the monks kidnapped him and imprisoned him, and kept proclaiming to him that he was the Devil. The man goes on to say that no matter what he told the monks, they would not let up, and kept insisting that he was the Devil.
The man in the cell then asks the Protagonist to let him out of the cell and free him, begging him to do so. The Protagonist thinks about it for a second, and them comes to the conclusion that the man is indeed not the Devil, and his story sounds legitimate. As he goes to take the staff off the door of the cell, beforehand he notices that the staff is blocking the door is infact the only thing keeping the door closed, and there is no locking mechanism. He also notices that the staff is weak and frigid, and that any ordinary man inside the cell would have easily been able to open the door, and the staff would have broken or fallen right off. When the Protagonist questions the man in the cell on this, and asks him why he hasn't just put his weight against the door and broken out yet by himself, he man in the cell says the he did at first (I think, may be wrong on this part), but the monks caught him and, after they caught him they put a locking mechanism in that could only be undone by opening the door from the outside. As the Protagonist begins to think about it, the man in the cell tells him to hurry or he'll never get another chance. The Protagonist finally takes the staff off the door and the moment he does, the door swings open, and the man walks outside. The man's appearance then turns into that of a Devilish type humanoid, looking like a human, however with horns, a tail, and a long black cape/robe. The man, or the "Devil", then laughs evilly as he teleports away and disappears. The monks then soon after, being only seconds late, barge into the door, questioning the Protagonist, asking him if he knows what he just released/what he just did.
The episode skips ahead several years, where the Protagonist is now an old man and it is the current day (current day being, the current day the episode was aired. So, the early sixties). The Protagonist starts giving a voice over, saying about how in his own guilt, he took the magical staff and hunted the Devil for many, many years. In the years after the Devil was released, the world peace had ended, and the two World Wars, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the beginning of the Cold War, and everything else bad in between had happened since the Devil's release. The Protagonist then proclaims to have finally captured him, in which the screen switches again. This time, it is a maid entering what looks like a hotel room. As she is cleaning, she hears a voice from the closet. Proclaiming that he is being held hostage and trapped in the closet, the maid removes the staff from the door, and again releases the Devil, again with the Protagonist barging in just seconds late, restarting the entire cycle.