General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Started GTA: Vice City.

While the game and the voice acting seems cool, I spent several hours trying to correct the graphics without succeeding ...

The game looks like shit, and judging from other screenshots I have seen there has got to be something wrong.

(GTA 3 looks sweet on my computer in comparison.)

I hope I will be able to work out what is wrong so I can enjoy the game...

(My graphics issue is this; even though I change the resolution to 1400x900x32 the game still looks like shit, and it seems the icons for the minimap and the current weapon have got some kind of glitch; the colour is pink, and in screens I have seen it is supposed to be black. The graphics look very chunky and basic, so it seems like the resolution change has no effect.

I know I have to press LMB or ENTER to make the game accept the resolution change, and I have, but it still seems wrong - there is no discernible difference to the game after I change the resolution...)
Whatever you do, DON'T download patches without backing up your PC first. Rockstar patches have the nasty habit of deleting everything that is precious to you.

I'm re- playing GTA IV since the newest patch deleted ALL my savegames.

Wooz said:
Far Cry 2.

Not THAT bad. It looks very good, reminds me of my trip to Kenya/Tanzania, and the 'effectzors' are fan-tas-tic. Animations, the way enemies react to the player, the way fire works, etc etc. Firing a rusty, malfunctioning RPG-7 has never been this much fun.

On the other hand, the missions are repetitive, and a lot of things don't make much sense. Some elements seem forced and contradict each other.

Still, worth the eye-candy and non-linear shootin'
as much as the game felt repetetive i must say that the atmosphere was nice, especially the missions that took place in the desert part.
Quake 4 and SW: Kotor, roleplaying good ole Darth Vader (heavy armor proficiency, lots of Force Kill usage, Dark Side obviously), having been inspired by a video of Mision getting killed by her pet wookie.

I'm experiencing a rather nasty game stopping bug where it crashes every time I try to poison the water on Manaan to kill the giant shark. I can't even begin to imagine what's going wrong because I'm playing it on Windows 7 with a cracked executable that's also been patched to run the game in widescreen reslution. Possibilities are endless :(
True, Bioshock is a game that's really fun, but hard to play again in any kind of close time period.

Anywho, right now I'm playing some Warhammer Online.

In a bit I'm gonna try out Insurgency and see if it's worth keeping downloaded.
Daimyo said:
I know I have to press LMB or ENTER to make the game accept the resolution change, and I have, but it still seems wrong - there is no discernible difference to the game after I change the resolution...)

I seem to recall having this problem as well. Not able to check now but I believe you have to make the change before you actually start/load a game file. Any change after you start playing won't have an effect.

Definitely a fun game, hope you'll get to enjoy it. Did you have fun with GTA3?

(GTA 3 looks sweet on my computer in comparison.)

Turning off the trails in display settings (which I think are on by default) makes it look even better IMO.
KQX said:
1. I seem to recall having this problem as well. Not able to check now but I believe you have to make the change before you actually start/load a game file. Any change after you start playing won't have an effect.

2. Definitely a fun game, hope you'll get to enjoy it. Did you have fun with GTA3?

(GTA 3 looks sweet on my computer in comparison.)

3. Turning off the trails in display settings (which I think are on by default) makes it look even better IMO.

1. Yeah, I know - the option is greyed out during the game; but it does not seem to change at all even when I do it correctly :shrug:

2. I sure did - I was actually surprised by GTA 3 - I had more fun than I thought I would have before I started it :)

3. I have not tried that yet - will do when I get home :)
Serge 13 said:
replaying bioshock.
saw the Bioshock 2 gameplay and i suddenly had horniness for Bioshock.

Did they ever fix the 15 min level loading issues with that game for PC? I have it, but it took literally minutes to even start the thing, and when the level changes took place, sometimes upwards of 5 minutes would pass before it loaded, really killing my enjoyment for the game.

I want to finish it though...
rcorporon said:
Did they ever fix the 15 min level loading issues with that game for PC? I have it, but it took literally minutes to even start the thing, and when the level changes took place, sometimes upwards of 5 minutes would pass before it loaded, really killing my enjoyment for the game.

Sounds like a problem with your PC. Too slow maybe? For me loading times were never longer than 20 seconds or so, patched version or not.
rcorporon said:
Did they ever fix the 15 min level loading issues with that game for PC? I have it, but it took literally minutes to even start the thing, and when the level changes took place, sometimes upwards of 5 minutes would pass before it loaded, really killing my enjoyment for the game.

I want to finish it though...
well, i first played the game when it was out. i played it on my pc and didn't have that problem. so my guess is that it must have something to do with your pc. i am right now replaying it on the PS3 since my GPU got toasted a while ago. :(
rcorporon said:
Serge 13 said:
replaying bioshock.
saw the Bioshock 2 gameplay and i suddenly had horniness for Bioshock.

Did they ever fix the 15 min level loading issues with that game for PC? I have it, but it took literally minutes to even start the thing, and when the level changes took place, sometimes upwards of 5 minutes would pass before it loaded, really killing my enjoyment for the game.

I want to finish it though...

Yeah, my PC is maybe like 4 years old now and it finished Bioshock with not real issues. Might not even be your hardwares fault, you might have some spyware running in the background that eats up memory.

Right now I'm playing Fallout 3 to test mods I'm working on and because I kind of dig just going out there and exploring. I also downloaded the mod that lets you travel anywhere in the world (!) and I want to start exploring that.

I'm also playing a lot of company of heroes (my favorite RTS) and I'm considering going through Fallout 2 because I've probably forgotten enough of it to get surprised. I've got some cool indy games pre-purchased on Steam which I'll be playing when they are officially out.
Regarding my problems with GTA: Vice City

I discovered that one of the MB ports for the RAM was busted. Moved the RAM in question to an other MB port and GTA: Vice City all of a sudden looks a lot better :)
I just started playing Escape Velocity Nova years and years after I first played the original. What a great game. It's almost hard to believe how fun it is - and that's even though the story parts aren't as good as the original.

It's just so damned simple, and yet somehow it completely captures the imagination.

Escape Velocity is a classic.
Well, I rented and beat Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena.

Firstly, I had to go back through Butcher Bay. Which the slightly improved the graphics, which they really didn't need to. But it's Butcher Bay. What can be said, already has been. Well maybe a few things. They changed the music. Lip syncing is off. There also seems to be little glitches on the skin of the "new" models (mostly just painted over and put in high def). Still, a solid game.

Dark Athena, was also good. It was really like playing Butcher Bay said for one point and was also Butcher Bay's weak point. When it turns into a shooter it falls apart. These games would be awesome if they were more stealthy the whole way through as opposed to turning into a shooter roughly half way through it. Or I may not have tried to sneak around as much as I could have. Either way. Still fun. Same mission based set up as Butcher Bay. Sneak, kill, and one of the new features, control drones. Although it's more of a section or two. It was neat. Very good game.

I might also add that these games are probably made more cool by having Vin Diesel so involved with everything about it.

Now that I'm done with those, I've moved back to GTA 4....It was Saint's Row that moved me back to sandbox games. This time around I'm having fun and figured out why I didn't like it before. I was living with a nagging girlfriend. Those days are over and I can enjoy my games. At least my new girlfriend plays games with me. :D
System Shock.
The game creeps me out.I am SCARED to play it alone.
a 1994 game with blurry graphics scares the living crap out of me, but a 2008 "horror game", dead space with its top notch graphics didnt even startle me. Tells a lot about current gaming industry, doesnt it.

The silence is awful. I turned out the music to enhance the situation. All i kept hearing for 5 mins was a freaking malfunctioning door closing and opening, again and again.
Then i tried to fix the situation by turning music back on but it didnt help, it only made it worse. Knowing that there is no one else alive in the base, that your the only one alive.....with a psycho AI constantly monitoring you.

Dammit, it was worth buying again.
I tried Arcanum several times but the combat system is just awful and the lack of autosave frustrating. Now I don't know what to do. I am thinking about purchasing BF2142 :/
OpenBVE. It's a free train simulator. Downloading trains and routes is a bitch, because you have to download a whole bunch of separate archives. But the game itself is great, and even though it's not the most advanced graphically, it is one of the most advanced simulations out there. Has realistic cab sway and all that. Even the relatively new Rail Simulator has no cab sway and World of Subways has fake cab sway.