General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Just bought "Braid" off of Steam, and it's really good.

Anybody else try it?

Yeah, just finished it a couple of hours ago.
Really liked it, though I wish it had been a little longer. I'm not really up for chasing all the secrets or doing speedruns to prolong it though. :P
fedaykin said:
What's retarded, though, is that there is no demo of the PC version. Buy a cat in a bag and get nasty DRM for free, wohoo!
No demo of the PC version!!!
hahaha, now that IS retarded.
They were talking about the demo of new Riddick game. I'd like to play it, as I love Escape From Butcher Bay, and the new package features remade EFBB campaign too, so even if the new one isn't very good I'd still get my beloved old one with better graphics, but this DRM that Atari put into it.. I heard it has 3 install limit too. How could anyone in their right mind pay for that?
Yar, I was reading the box at the store last night and saw the Butcher Bay content was in it too.
I must have it now. Escape From Butcher Bay, unlike the Riddick movie, was great.

It's a must own now. Oi, too bad I'm busted ass broke, also, not available to rent for another two weeks.

Also. DRM. Stupid. I feel bad for you PC fellas on that front. That's where I'm kinda glad I do have a console. Tho' I do miss out on some cool stuff because of it at least my xbox doesn't tell me I can only do this or that with something I own.
With that in mind, I've installed the older version of Escape From Butcher Bay and currently breezing through it. Just beat the arena part. I gotta say, this game still looks pretty good. Makes me wonder why did Starbreeze went on to do a remake, I mean Dark Athena was supposed to be just a remake with additional level tacked on and only due to developers getting carried away with their enthusiasm did it eventually become a full sequel.
How does the Dark Athena content feel to old one? Is it like they say in gamespot review that old one beats it hands down and the Athena one is boring back and forth fetch quest running?
I'm gonna go pick up Riddick today for my 360 because I loved Butcher Bay and even if the new one's not that good the old awesome one's there.

Also, I just got Crysis from a buddy and I'm installing it right now, hoping my comp can run it well enough and hoping it's as good as anyone says it is.
I've just finished replaying GTA IV, myself. Probably the last time I'm ever gonna do so, too. That said, the "running-around-causing-havoc" part of this particular GTA is really underrated. I love using the physics to my demented advantage. Like bumping people down flights of stairs, getting someone caught on my bumper and then slamming on the breaks and gunning it again, etc. I've even stalked a NPC for an hour, once.
Now i have unresistable urge to install Deus Ex and play it again because you mentioned it.
Thanks a lot. :P

Playing Icewind Dale + FEAR 2. And in 10 minutes Deus Ex
Talking about |Deus Ex 1 always makes people want to play it again.
I wonder what it is that makes this game so replay-able, like most people here I also install it at least once a year to play it again.

Such a shame that Deus Ex 2 has none of those qualities.

I just finished Sigma Star Saga for the Gameboy Advance, a combination of shoot em up and adventure action with stat elements.
This is actually quite a nice little game which unfortunate didn't get much attention as people probably think its a Zelda clone.

It reminds me a lot of a favorite SNES game of mine: Big Sky Trooper.
Crysis didn't work out too well, it looked pretty bad but at least it plays pretty well which is alot more than I thought I would get. X3

Anyhow, I'm also playing the old Riddick now on the "Assault On Dark Athena" disc and still loving the hell out of it, they spruced up the graphics a bit, added a bit more clarity to the voices, and overall made it a bit better in all the little ways.
I was considering getting FEAR 2, but after I heard about the plot and how much they altered the game to make it suitable for consoles I decided to pass.

Its actually been a long time since I played any decent sci-fi ish FPS game.
Its the DRM crap that prevents me from getting games like Crysis.
Far Cry 2.

Not THAT bad. It looks very good, reminds me of my trip to Kenya/Tanzania, and the 'effectzors' are fan-tas-tic. Animations, the way enemies react to the player, the way fire works, etc etc. Firing a rusty, malfunctioning RPG-7 has never been this much fun.

On the other hand, the missions are repetitive, and a lot of things don't make much sense. Some elements seem forced and contradict each other.

Still, worth the eye-candy and non-linear shootin'
Emerald City Confidential
I mean how, why, what....
Adventure game that puts you in the shoes of an ex-soldier that takes a high paying job to find a missing fiancee. You will be meeting old buddies, war heroes and also the scum of the city. A very good Film-Noir like detective story.

In the streets of Emerald City, Kingdom of Oz!

You just have to try the 1 hour demo to appreciate the beautifulness of the whole thing.