General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Playing through Final Fantasy 7 currently; just on the first disk just after Junon. Its been ages since I've had a go at this.
I own that one as well. I quite like it, I'll need to have a go again at it some time too. On the whole I probably like FF7 more, and yes FF6 is the best anyway. I mean who is more of a badass then Shadow? Answer: noone.
You're both wrong. Final Fantasy is TERRIBLE. Unless you're talking 12. 12 was alright.
It didn't have "random suck into battle, then have goblin dance while waiting for my gauge to fill to attack it" crap that ALL of them had. 'Cept 11 and 12. 12 was quite alright.

EDIT: Notice the only consistent part of any FF story is the generic Japanese story of "mysteriously got amnesia".

Tellah: Magic amnesia
Galuf: Amnesia
Terra: Amnesia
Cloud: Amnesia
FF8 cast: Amnesia
Zidane: Amnesia
Titus: Amnesia

If memory serves me correctly that's most of the FF games with amnesia involving main characters.
Point being is that the story is the biggest part of any FF game but just seems uninspired when put in that context.
Tho' I liked 9's music and loved 12 for it's willingness to change.
I've been playing WipEout Pulse pretty much exclusively ever since I beat Cryostasis.

Speaking of, I think that Cryostasis was pretty great, but was also a really rough diamond. Great graphics with a terribly unoptimized engine. Great atmosphere with some totally mood-ruining moments (Fuck YOU, electrified water! ..and other cheap deaths) and equally mood-ruining abundance of enemies. A story that's intriguing in the way that it's told but doesn't actually make sense half of the time.

I really, really liked it. I also think that there is so much about it that could have been better. Also, the translation was mostly phenomenal by the standards of other Russian-native games.

@I_eat_supermutants: I do not!
started playing Penny Arcade Adventures: On the rain-slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One.
the atmosphere is wonderfull!
well, so far i have been through the firt part of the game and i must say that it's really hilarious!
from what i have heard there are only 4 different types of enviroments... but oh's an episodic game afterall.
the combat has been fun so far, your character will learn differnt abilities through the game which are kinda fun. you can also use different items during the combat. you can also search the enviroments(trash cans, mail boxes, boxes) for different items.
i would say it sure is worth a playthrough, but keep in mind that it's and episodic game.
but you can also download the demo and playthrough it and see if it tickles your fancy.
but i am liking the game so far, the atmosphere is wonderfull and one of a kind.
Lately I've been playing :

-Left 4 Dead ( love it, it's the only multiplayer game that I still enjoy )
-Penumbra Black Plague
-Sheep ( I suggest you try it )

Waiting for my Alone in the Dark 5 collector to come. Tried the game last summer and didn't like it at all but read a couple reviews, including here, and it seems that it's really a rough diamond after all. Hope I'll be able to get past the sucky gameplay and controls...
Playing Way Of The Samurai and FFX right now along with Ninja Gaiden II.

Also, Bumble or anyone else playing, how is Penumbra Black Plague?

I've been looking at it but I wasn't sure if it was worth the buy, what do you think?
Currently playing Atlantica Online, X-Com, and Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PSX). Atlantica Online is good for a couple of hours every once in awhile, I have a good and supportive guild which helps but the number of Fed-Ex quests bothers me, as does the fact that I'm overleveled at the moment. Started playing X-Com again after a buddy of mine sent me an amusing video someone made of it (those of you who know about X-Com know that he's playing on beginner after the first mission due to a bug in the DOS version), great game that makes me wish that a good sequel or even a remake with an updated UI would be made. Playing Lunar because I always thought it looked good, read good things about it, and finally got my paws on it. So far I'm happy that they removed the world-map random encounters (I hate random encounters done in classic JRPG fashion) and find the combat system decent (not great but a little different from the standard JRPG fare).

Unfortunately, splitting my time between three games means that I don't spend much time getting very far, very fast in any one of them.

FrattBorrigan said:
Final Fantasy 8 (If anyone says it sucks, eat me. FF7 = overrated. FF6 is best anyway.)
FFVIII pissed me off at the end with the inescapable areas with no warning of such. Having to draw magic is garbage and the single biggest problem with the game, it was just too tedious and grind-tastic. Otherwise, it's an enjoyable game and it certainly had an enjoyable plot. FFVII lacks that giant flaw, though the materia system isn't good for character variety. FFVI is good and makes good use of most of the characters, it's problem lies in balance between characters. FFIX is probably the best FF game, though FFX has a good system (sphere-grid) coupled with two of the worst protagonists ever.

I_eat_supermutants said:
You're both wrong. Final Fantasy is TERRIBLE. Unless you're talking 12. 12 was alright.
It didn't have "random suck into battle, then have goblin dance while waiting for my gauge to fill to attack it" crap that ALL of them had. 'Cept 11 and 12. 12 was quite alright.
12 is a garbage game. It's a single-player MMORPG with a crappy experience system (give me the sphere-grid over that crap any day), horrible optional crap (rare hunts are a giant piece of shit design), excessively amounts of running due to excessively large areas (Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, case and point), too little story, too spread out, the gambit system (collecting gambits [you should have them all from the start] and being limited in your gambit setup is another piece of shit design), and boring combat. Fun fact, Vann and Pennelo were added in for marketing reasons, Square didn't think that Basch would be an appealing protagonist to the Japanese (would have been something of a second person story), so they added in bishounen (pretty boy) Vann. They added in Pennelo so that they would have a clumsy/stupid female character (like Yuffie, Selphie, and Riku).
I liked Basch, he could punch the fabric of reality.

Also, busy going insane trying to get the level 40 weapons in Disgaea 3.

I now remember why I didn't try to go for them in the first place.
Well that explains all the , im the leading character jokes in ff12.
Basch was the only playable character i actually gave shit about, they should have just kept him as the main man.

But anyways i just finished gta4 and i thought that the game really gets better about halfway trough (story/mission wise). It may have had a slow start, but all and all it was very enjoyable experience, and when i finally finished it i craved for more, even when it took me over 60 hrs to complete. (i did every possible mission)

Next game ill be bying would propably be armoured core 4. A series i have had strange love/hate relationship with. It seems its not that respected among reviewers or even most gamers but it looks like it has stayed pretty true to old games so ill propably like it.
and it costs only 9e in local market.
The Raging Russian said:
Also, Bumble or anyone else playing, how is Penumbra Black Plague?

It has very frustrating gameplay ( especially Penumbra Overture : atrocious fighting ) but it sure knows how to create a creepy atmosphere. It has very good writing too.

If you like Lovecraftian atmospheres, very stressful passages and adventure games, you should probably get it.
PastaMasta said:
I'm replaying Farenheit ( That's Indego Prophecy for all you yanks out there.)

Let us know your thoughts. I finished it one day. Definitely had me going during the early stages but man did that game go down hill in every sense the further I got into it.
KQX said:
PastaMasta said:
I'm replaying Farenheit ( That's Indego Prophecy for all you yanks out there.)

Let us know your thoughts. I finished it one day. Definitely had me going during the early stages but man did that game go down hill in every sense the further I got into it.
Well I'm replaying it but I haven't beat it yet. I love it so far though, forgot how good it actually is. I'll give my thoughts about the ending if i actually get it to work since every time I enter the police station office the game crashes. :/
PastaMasta said:
Well I'm replaying it but I haven't beat it yet. I love it so far though, forgot how good it actually is. I'll give my thoughts about the ending if i actually get it to work since every time I enter the police station office the game crashes. :/
Sounds like my experience with HL2 Ep1, damn thing crashes on me periodically and, while I reduced it's problem (turned down settings, think dynamic lighting was one of the main triggers), I haven't eliminated it. Part of the reason I haven't beaten it actually...

EDIT: fixed quote