General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

lol @ 1:25 :rofl:

I_eat_supermutants said:
Now...I'm probably going to sell all of these games and buy a PS3.

I'm kind of bummed tho'. None of my friends own a PS3.

I have a ps3 and i am quite happy with it but be warned that some ps3's also get the bluray drive problem, and ps3's usually have only a 1 year warranty(at least it's like this here in Austria).

but there are a lot of interesting exclusive games coming out for the ps3 and they are definitly worth checking out.

If you are going to buy a ps3 then go for the 80 GB version because they use 65 nm chips...both gpu and cpu.
Serge 13 said:
If you are going to buy a ps3 then go for the 80 GB version because they use 65 nm chips...both gpu and cpu.
What difference does that make?
PlanHex said:
What difference does that make?
It's a die-shrink from the previous 90nm chips. Chips that use smaller manufacturing processes typically run cooler and use less power, and are less expensive to produce due to higher yields and all that. In the PS3 it's pretty much limited to that, and I've heard that it dropped a good 60 watts or so from its power consumption. In the Xbox 360, it's supposed to have the added benefit of saving it from heat-related death, but heh, we all know that the 360 is made out of papier-mâché and whipped cream.
Playing Little Kings Story on the wii. It's quirky and fun and doesn't use motion controls.

I_eat_supermutants said:
EDIT2: It was an error 74, after replacing the AV cable I know for a fact I'd have to send it away for repairs. The saddest part, the year warranty was up in December. The one that was purchased with the machine. Only the RRoD is covered with an extended warranty. What a gyp.

No, error 74 is part of the three year warranty now.

Fairly decent, 'purty' graphics. The voice-command system is horribly implemented in the local Polish version. Wish I could install a patch/file to run the game in English.

The Polish blurbs are fun, though. Nothings says hilarity like commandos shouting in TV-serial actors' voices things like "we're entering the badgers" (wchodzimy do borsuków). Not only it's hilarious in itself, the double meaning is "we're fucking badgers".
The Dark Spire on the DS, a straight up Wizardry clone for the most part, good fun, not spectacular, but it hits the spot.

Aside from that I've been playing God Hand, my hands down favorite last generation beat 'em up. It's absolutely vicious. A good serving of Warcraft III on the side, going through the campaign again.
Quake, Quake 2 and Quake 4.
Sadly same thing for Doom series is impossible.
Doom, Doom II are great i am also going to play them soon.
Doom 3 with its repetetive, BORING , TEDIOUS combat and "scary" :roll: moments really doesnt encourage me to play it.

Also, i am aquiring some RPG collection boxes.
Broken Steel: good so far, but poor mod support. I've got two versions of the EXE backed up and I've had to switch to the 1.5 to pass certain spots, switching back immediately to the old exe so I can use all my mods. Otherwise I like it, althought I "finished" the game with my non combat character so he is having a hard time with all the fighting. Oh, and the Heavy Incinerator is one of my alltime favorite weapons in games... I love lobbing fire at a great distance and having it rain down on a raider campsite.

FALLOUT 2: somehow my low level character became a boxing champion in New Reno. I dont remember ANYTHING bout this game so it has mostly surprised me, although I've wasted a lot of time going back and forth too.

History In the Making: an oldschool war scenario game... really deep but a little cumbersome. I picked it up for $10 off impulse and it might take a while before I really get into it, everything I do takes a bunch of turns to execute.
Ratty said:
That looks like loads of fun. How does it compare to The Lost Vikings?

Sorry, I wouldn't know. Never really played it, just watched my friend play it a bit a very long time ago when I was a kid. Trying to remember it wouldn't do much good. The Humans doesn't seem to be exactly same type of game though, it seems to be more similar to Lemmings.
Hmmm... Lemmings were pretty awesome as well, especially the first game in the series. Anyways, thanks for the recommendation, I think I'll check this The Humans game out. Lately I've been having odd bouts of nostalgia and this game might be exactly what I need.
Finished Quake-O-marathon that i started in the last weekend.
Now decided to play Hexen and Hexen II
Nothing more fun than killing enemies as a magic user.
Hexen window smashing is still fun.
Been so long since I've played Hexen... or Heretic... always get the buggers mixed up.

Just finished playing the Fable 2 DLC, was short yet pretty creative. Seemed more of a tech demo than anything else really but does add some stuff for the fans and a spanking redcoat uniform.

Spose I better get back to slogging through Fallout 3 to see whats so awesum about Broken Steel.
Ports Of Call and AirPort Mania. Two games I can really, really, recommend. The first for its holiness. The second for its excellence.