Penumbra: Overture. What was said above about the crappy combat is very true. However, this game is succeeding in living up to the name, "survival horror." I am constantly worried about surviving! It's great to be scared to death of a dog/wolf thing and some big spiders instead of blasting through lots of enemies and only getting worried when the 2-story mutated octopus-dinosaur-alien shows up.
Also, I no longer have my copy of Farenheit (it walked away, dunno), but I really liked that game. I have agreed with practically every criticism of the game, and yet I still really enjoyed it. The thing is, it's a truly unique game. And it was actually innovative. Some of the new things it tried didn't work, but I enjoyed trying something new.
Also playing:
The Nameless Mod- Man, it's great. I'm a big Deus Ex fan, and to see the imaginative and loving treatment of talented and dedicated modders (7 years!) is wonderful. On top of all that, it's fun!
Arcanum- I never really stop playing this game. I alternate between playing with Drog's patch and with Carcanum. Despite what people say, I like each for different reasons.
Also, I no longer have my copy of Farenheit (it walked away, dunno), but I really liked that game. I have agreed with practically every criticism of the game, and yet I still really enjoyed it. The thing is, it's a truly unique game. And it was actually innovative. Some of the new things it tried didn't work, but I enjoyed trying something new.
Also playing:
The Nameless Mod- Man, it's great. I'm a big Deus Ex fan, and to see the imaginative and loving treatment of talented and dedicated modders (7 years!) is wonderful. On top of all that, it's fun!
Arcanum- I never really stop playing this game. I alternate between playing with Drog's patch and with Carcanum. Despite what people say, I like each for different reasons.