Mildly Dipped

Risen is pretty damn great so far. I'm still at the beginning (I chose the Don's camp) so I can't say much, but what I experienced so far was very much up my alley. Pretty much every NPC I got to talk to had quests for me, also everyone is stronger than me in the beginning, I got my ass kicked quite a few times on normal difficulty. I also got the impression a lot of quests have multiple solutions, but I can't say for sure cause I've spent more time collecting quests than actually doing them. Dialogue and voice acting is quite decent for the most part, of course not on the same level as Bloodlines, but acceptable nonetheless. And smoking weed gives you some experience, that made me smile. I hope to play it some more today once I get rid of my girlfriend, heh..
Also, from what I hear and screenshots I've seen, PC version is a lot better than Xbox360. Xbox version also looks like shit.
Here's some more :
Yeah, reviews are so useful these days..
Someone who played Gothic games better give their impressions as I haven't played them yet.
Also, from what I hear and screenshots I've seen, PC version is a lot better than Xbox360. Xbox version also looks like shit.
Dragula said:
Here's some more :
dialogue and character interactions are a very poor copy of the system used by Bethesda
Yeah, reviews are so useful these days..
Someone who played Gothic games better give their impressions as I haven't played them yet.