General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Ok, can anyone recommend something new i should play ?
I kinda ran out of games to play, and i have 3 days before i have to go do stuff.
Patton89 said:
Hearoes of might and magic III ?

Exactly :clap: and the Wake of the Gods expansion brings it to the whole new level of awesomeness (8lvl creatures, monster exp, etc )
Can someone kill me and end my suffering ?
I just started replaying Army Men: Sarge's War.
This game is terrible, first off, they managed to make shooting using the mouse awkward and clumsy. IF you manage to get over the controls, the gameplay and shooting itself is uninspired and unintresting. Weapon sounds are outright pathefic and weak.
Sounds in general are awful, the sound quality is just too low .
Second thing that you notice is the godawful graphics that really look bad for 2004 game, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon manages to look better, and it was made in 2001.
I am not even going to criticize the awful, nonsensical plot.
Then there is the ultra-linear level design that manages to suck any fun or replay value the game could have, leaving a game that simply is so bad you wish you could take revenge on the developers.

At times like these i regret that i cant drown my memories in booze.
Patton89, I gotta ask - why then do this to yourself? Personally, I'd rather enjoy something really good countless times, than experience something shitty even for a single time. That goes not only for games, but also movies, TV shows and books.
Well, i didnt really have anything else to do. Batman :AA wont be here until Thursday/Wednesday.
And besides, playing shitty games makes me appreciate great games even more. Also, i dont buy these games knowing that they are utter and total garbage. I just buy them for the DVD cases so i can replace if a better game loses its case to a accident. They rarely cost more than a euro, so i just order them along with much better games, that i will actually like.
Patton89 said:
Can someone kill me and end my suffering ?
I just started replaying Army Men: Sarge's War.
This game is terrible, first off, they managed to make shooting using the mouse awkward and clumsy. IF you manage to get over the controls, the gameplay and shooting itself is uninspired and unintresting. Weapon sounds are outright pathefic and weak.
Sounds in general are awful, the sound quality is just too low .
Second thing that you notice is the godawful graphics that really look bad for 2004 game, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon manages to look better, and it was made in 2001.
I am not even going to criticize the awful, nonsensical plot.
Then there is the ultra-linear level design that manages to suck any fun or replay value the game could have, leaving a game that simply is so bad you wish you could take revenge on the developers.

At times like these i regret that i cant drown my memories in booze.
Haha, I remember that game.
Multidirectional said:
Serge, just force yourself to pick up RE5. If you actually managed to enjoy crap like Dark Sector, you'll certainly like this one. Then wait till the price for BAA drops, it's a really good game, at least on Hard it is. And I really think you should skip the new Wolfenstein.

hmmm, i might give RE5 a try, and i would also love to try BAA once the price has draped a bit.
The reason that i want to play Wolfenstein 09 is that i LOVED return to castle wolfenstein and according to what The Dutch Ghost is saying, it might be worth playing since i am a big fan of FPS games.Damn, RTCW should be re-released on xbox live with updated visuals and achievments. :( that's my second big wish...the first one being the same for Perfect Dark 64...but that is coming true in a couple of mounths! :)

thanks for the hints guys, right i have managed to have some fun with Crackdown. it's fun to level up your character and of course the jump from one skyscraper to the other one is amazing. also i traded Bully for Kameo today. heard that the game was quite good back then. i am also a big fan of games with a fantasy setting so i guess it will be good.
Serge 13 said:
The reason that i want to play Wolfenstein 09 is that i LOVED return to castle wolfenstein and according to what The Dutch Ghost is saying, it might be worth playing since i am a big fan of FPS games.

Well I'm a big fan of FPS games too, and I also love RTCW, but didn't manage to like new Wolfenstein. If you still haven't realised, it doesn't have much in common with RTCW. Of course I'm not saying there is no chance you might enjoy it. I suppose it's an ok game, if judging my modern piss easy console shooter standarts but I'd rather replay older shooters. Hell, even Prey is much more challenging.
Knight 'n' Grail. My disk has just arrived. This game has very good art and nice atmosphere.
I have no where else to say this since it's not related to any previous topic.

I just found out from an interview that Joe Kucan (the man who plays Kane in all the C&C videos and has always played that character) ten years ago was diagnosed with cancer. Either he beat it or has kept it dormant this whole time, because he is still alive...

...maybe he is the messiah...
Are there are people in this topic who have played Red Faction Guerrilla?

I am suddenly somewhat curious about the game but would like to know if its worth it before I buy it for the PC.
Hind. One of my favourite copter sims - with lovely graphics and brutal flight model :D .
I just finished a second training mission :D .