Try vanilla Stalker 1st then with mods, its worth it. Right, since Space Rangers 2: Reboot was released, I have chance to play it for a day and damn this game is hard. I mean I did well in SR2, but SR2:R on Impossible is a tough nut to crack. Basically you might start with 4 unoccupied systems and rest are under dominator control. But at some point you end up with 2 or 1 since the dominators go on all out assault. Right on the bright side lots of new stuff or should I say tweaked stuff, you can customize space station armament, not that it helps when 6-7 dominators are shooting it. Some new hulls and new types of equipment. Overall same basic SR2 but with more polish and damn lot harder. I mean the game encourages to cheat, its like its part of game play. Without it its a long and hard journey.