General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

SomeBritishDude said:
I thought it was awful. Most disappointing game ever for me. I still have the creature creator on my desk top however, if they just applied they creation system to a half way decent game I'd be all over it. It really is a very well made system, even way over a year down the line I still find myself playing around with it and discovering ways to make my creature that I never thought of before.
Yeah, it's a kiddie game. But the creature editor and the way you can control your creature's evolution were very well thought-out, indeed. Never heard of this Dark Spore...
*Googles furiously*

SomeBritishDude said:
The recent Left 4 Dead comic has got me playing the sequel again
The comic is out?!
*Googles furiously*
My new rig is finally up and running (as of a couple/three weeks ago) after having bad RAM and a bad video card (my monitor has been worrying me this past week) so I'm hitting up the newer stuff.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Who doesn't love blowing zombie heads off? Too few campaigns is the biggest problem...
Borderlands - A very fun game, I'm quite impressed. The music reminds me of Fallout in parts.
Vindictus - I see a lot of potential for this MMO but we'll see if they manage to exploit it.
Minecraft. Dont play it, its more addictive than Jet

[youtube]<object><param></param><param></param><param></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Lynette said:
Minecraft. Dont play it, its more addictive than Jet
I love how the author spends $0 at marketing, and yet he's had 100.000 sales over the 2 past weeks because of videos like these, Rock Paper Shotgun doing a series about it, and two comics in Penny-Arcade. The "free-to-play weekend"(server overloaded) also helped for sure.
I'm getting more and more addicted to Grand Theft Auto 4 multiplayer. Team Mafiya work with 10+ teams can be especially satisfying. Fuck the haters, GTA 4 is great fun.
On top of that, I started playing Diablo 2 yet again, after introducing my girlfriend to this game. She agrees that it's way more awesome than Borderlands, game that is the reason why she agreed to try out D2Lod in the first place. The neverending search for items and levels and more power ensues...
I hope I'll get me a new job soon cause this is getting crazy.
Alphadrop said:
Civ V or as it is also called Civ crashes every V minutes.
Witty. :)

As for me, all I've found the strength to play for the last few weeks is Team Fortress Classic (the Half-Life 1 retail mod). I'm kinda in a slump. :?

EDIT: If it would fucking work with Windows 7. I hate progress.

BTW: I just realized, I'd probably bone the hell out of Lynette. I've got a thing for black chicks.
That's why I ripped out 7 and put XP back on. It's not progress when the new can't do what the old did before. That and about 30 of my games refused to run.

Though it does mean I can't play Civ V. Well, back to IV and III. Still playing Civ III - I finally have a PC which can handle 32 civs with 20-60 cities and 100+ units each. Though each turn takes a half hour to line up jobs for workers and build orders. 'Tis never crashed, neither.

Morrowind - more a epic tidy-up of all the mods I use, merging them all into one and then archiving it. The sites I got them from, the tumbleweeds are appearing.

Oblivion - just killing time for NV. I believe that I should have finished all the game by the time I get it.

STALKER - attempting an Iron Man armed only with sidearms. When I feel the urge for ol' ultravolence...
Been playing through Morrowind for the hundredth time.

Made it a goal to lead every faction (barring the Great Houses) and do all the fun Daedra quests in this save. The two community patches make the experience relatively bug-free, which is pretty awesome.
Juggling Diablo 2 (great soundtrack IMO) and Demon's Souls.

Someone online in Demons Souls kinda killed the game for me, I am on my fist character, a player invaded my world, he was Soul Level 100 or so to my SL 20, and what does he do? Drops 99 Legendary Heroes Souls at my feet and disconnects. So i spent like half of them (500,000 souls!) And am now SL 69 on my first playthrough, and I havenet even beaten half the game.
Just started playing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Damn was that hotel scary. But I got to fight a guy who tried to beat me to death with an arm so it balanced out.
mobucks said:
Juggling Diablo 2 (great soundtrack IMO) and Demon's Souls.

Someone online in Demons Souls kinda killed the game for me, I am on my fist character, a player invaded my world, he was Soul Level 100 or so to my SL 20, and what does he do? Drops 99 Legendary Heroes Souls at my feet and disconnects. So i spent like half of them (500,000 souls!) And am now SL 69 on my first playthrough, and I havenet even beaten half the game.


Oh man, that is classic.

First time I got invaded, it was some guy who thought he could be clever and stab me from behind his shield.

Course, a shield doesn't do you much good when your opponent can set you on fire and fire magic arrows.
Playing Civ V like a motherfucker.

All in all it's a step back for the franchise, but it's still a Civ game, so it's still hella fun.

GAH Now Morrowind won't even start! One thounsand "Fuck you's", Windows 7.

Made an account on the Bethesda forums just to ask the guys over there.
morrowind wont play on 7? Damn i need to stop giving my old PCs away.

New thing guys. Dont give old PCs away with older OSs. Put them in a sarcophagus, untill you have that urge to play, say, Trophy Bass 2! Then, ...... open the sarcophagus!....

Really that shit pisses me off. IKOT:Srbeawjkltg
Chinz said:

EDIT: If it would fucking work with Windows 7. I hate progress.

BTW: I just realized, I'd probably bone the hell out of Lynette. I've got a thing for black chicks.

I did a Kotor1/2 run recently on Win7. Had trouble at first, then figured out it was due to Windows storing game files in a profile folder. Moved those back into the game folder and presto - worked like clockwork.

I don't get all this Win7 hate. Then again, maybe people haven't had to endure Shitsta whereas I had to use it and had to dual boot XP/Vista. Then I got Win7 Beta and never looked back (at either).

Currently playing Baldur's Gate with BGT and starting to get seriously bored/annoyed having just reached Nashkel. Is it going to get better any time soon? Been years since I played BG, so long in fact I actually forgot I played the damn thing and was like WTF this looks familiar!

Also installed Torchlight, then remembered why I quit the last time - poor click detection.

Also started a playthrough of Breath of Fire for SNES and the random encounters are driving me nuts.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Playing Civ V like a motherfucker.

All in all it's a step back for the franchise, but it's still a Civ game, so it's still hella fun.

I don't know if it's that big of a step back. I like most of the moves they made, as it removes a lot of things from CIV that were, at least to me, nuisances and not additions to the gameplay. Like espionage, religion and corporations, which didn't add much to the game from my perspective, and I especially hated the Apostolic Palace wins that made no damn historical sense. Moving to a hex grid was smart. The feel is more simplified, but I think the streamlining of the system allows for greater strategic and tactical depth as individual decisions have a bigger impact. The only thing I'm not fond of is the Social Policies, which should be changeable - if not at a whim, at least at a cost. Deciding on a direction for your nation 5 turns in and having it remain stable like that for the next 3,000 years is silly, though it does mean you can't game the system by simply switching back and forth constantly.

But the biggest and most influential change was the military change of limiting the game to one military unit per hex at the end of a turn. That changes a lot as it increases the significance of a single unit, it increases the tactical and strategic depth in warfare, it changes the way resources are used (as one resource supports one unit now). I really like that change, though the Archers shooting over several hundred miles makes very little sense.