General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I've been playing a good amount of Black Ops (I really enjoyed playing Modern Warfare with my buddy on his PS3). I'd suggest that we do a NMA meet but Black Ops is up there in terms of how shitty it deals with lag. It doesn't help any that some of the servers can't really handle the game and create lag-like problems. Aside from that I'm having a pretty good time with it, just wish that there were more maps... Only now do I think about Activision releasing massively overpriced map packs...
^ CodBLOPS? Here's a funny video I found recently. :D

I laughed and cringed when he said "Cod Blops". To be fair, I doubt that you can do that for the second or fourth mission (as far as I've gotten) but that is still incredibly stupid. I've died multiple times so it's not like the entire game is a total cake walk, then again, I've never tried the no minimalist approach... It very well may be possible to beat the game only shooting where the game forces you to. I'd like to see him beat the whole game that way.

Wow, nothing like whining about consoles being the doom of gaming. I'm amused by the AI problem, I bet it's because that one enemy was hiding somewhere and needed to be killed.

EDIT: All in all, I'm glad that I got it as a gift and didn't fork out for it myself as I would say that it's probably a $30 value game. I've enjoyed what I've played of the single player campaign, I like the zombie mode, and I like multiplayer. That said, the lack of maps in multiplayer, the poor handling of lag, the lack of SDK, and the assuredly overpriced map packs (which should be FREE) means that I really can't recommend it for full price. That all said, I see myself playing a lot of multiplayer (I've already put in 28 hours thanks to being sick for 5 days).

Valve doesn't help any with all of the free additions to TF2 making all other multiplayer games look like they lack support.
Ausdoerrt said:
and also how much inferior it is to NWN2


NWN2 combat possibilities are more varied and the character progression is more complex. Battles are actually challenging and fun once in a while. Party banter is also more believable and VA is outstanding. DA:O basically took all of that and dumbed it down, making it less good.

At the same time, any of the things I don't like in NWN2 are still there in DA:O meaning they didn't even bother to learn from others' mistakes (bad camera etc., horrible party AI etc.)

Ergo, NWN2>DA:O.

Good points, but that's all arbitrary. I breezed through NWN2 without much trouble, while DA:O threw some pretty darn tough encounters my way (Flemeth, High Dragon, Revenants, Hurlock Omega, and several others). Yeah, the combat system is not nearly as detailed and complex, but at the same time i don't think NWN2 utilized the possibilities it had with it. Now, if you'd put MotB in there...

I found party banter in NWN2 to be extremely cheesy and lackluster. It's not better in DA:O, but at least the characters themselves are a bit more interesting, for me, at least.

I dunno. I wouldn't really put one above the other. DA:O gets more points for having a much more engrossing and interesting world, though, and a slightly better plot.
^ CodBLOPS? Here's a funny video I found recently.

In soviet Russia the game plays you...

I breezed through NWN2 without much trouble, while DA:O threw some pretty darn tough encounters my way (Flemeth, High Dragon, Revenants, Hurlock Omega, and several others).

Well, agreed, NWN2 (like NWN) is mostly a breeze on normal, except for a few battles that keep you on your toes, you really have to play on "D&D core rules" to get any challenge, because otherwise you can just hurl overpowered spells at your own party and get 0 friendly fire damage. But what appeals to me more in NWN2 is the variety, and the game actually forcing you to use different characters for different sections. In DA:O you build a dream team and you're done for the game, rinse and repeat. All of the tough encounters you list (not sure about Hurlock Omega, don't remember him) pretty much come down to making sure you time healing and potion-drinking correctly so that noone dies.

Combat overall was pretty disappointing in DA:O, especially when it came down to stronger enemies, cause all you did was whack at them for prolonged periods of time. I still remember the massive facepalms I was throwing at that first boss encounter with the ogre, where you basically just run around in circles ad nausea.

Now, if you'd put MotB in there...

I'm not there yet.

It's not better in DA:O, but at least the characters themselves are a bit more interesting, for me, at least.

That's what I meant. It feels like the characters actually have personalities and opinions, which is way better than DA:O's "hey here's a bunch of gifts for you so let's make out yay". I also can't get over how awesomely written and VA'd Sand and Bishop are. The jokes some party members throw around are great too.

DA:O gets more points for having a much more engrossing and interesting world, though, and a slightly better plot.

Well, the world in DA:O IS certainly pretty cool, and fresh. I still love Faerun though, but it is a bit old. I think I'm actually liking the NWN2 plot better thus far; sure it's kind of cliched, but at least it's well-written. I find the main antagonist being a hero and martyr of his people a cool idea, and well-executed. DA:O was trying too hard to be "gray" but eventually devolved into the usual "save world from baddies" plot which was disappointing.
Nuka-X said:
Started playing GTA: San Andreas and like it alot due to the games roleplay elements and how your character can progress and get better in the game.

This is how I felt....until I got to a certain mission in San Fiero where you need a certain amount of Breath Capacity to progress. Grinding up the Breath Capacity skill was extremely tedious....
ATM, I'm playing Borderlands but I stop every now and again for either Fallout 3 or New Vegas.
Playing the wacky JRPG Persona 3

Not a big JRPG fan but i like anime, and this game seems to be more mature than kiddie JRPGs. It has some pretty funny parts too.
Not long ago, I finished S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Awesome game, great atmosphere. Today, I just finished Clear Sky, which is also very decent (and with the latest unofficial patches it's not even too buggy).

Now I'm gonna start the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. title - Shadow of Chernobyl. I've heard it's the best in the series and that most bugs have also been fixed with the unofficial patch.

No idea why I'm playing the series backwards, either, but it works :)
sea said:
I didn't know there were any organised, unofficial patches. Got a link to them by any chance?
It's just one fan-made 'mod' that makes the graphics a lot more beautiful, fixes most bugs and tweaks some small things for better playability. It's called 'Complete' and will be released for all S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s (the one for Pripyat is still being made).

The emphasis is on improving the vanilla game, so it's no crazy game-altering modification, just a general clean-up. All you need is the vanilla game and a single patch from the links below:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl Complete Mod
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Complete Mod

Pripyat is already good enough to play, but I wouldn't play the first two titles without the Complete mod at all.
I didn't have any problems with crashes in BG1/TotSC, but I wasn't using any mods except for my own mini-fixpack which has exactly one bugfix, a house crash.

I realized that Anomen is voiced by the same person who does Zyzyx in Sacrifice.
does anyone still remember this old awesome game ?


well they definetly dont make those kind of games anymore ...

Also the game had awesome missions and music

Ofcourse, played the fuck out of it. :)
But I remember at some point I couldnt move further in some mission... The music was awesome too!
RRT 3 was the one I played the most. Also had good music. All in all great games.

Sid Miers railroad game sucked.
thing is, is Sid even still in the actual developing or just giving his name for the big buck ? Wikipedia lists him still in a few civilisation games ... but well that has not to mean that much. He could simply be some kind of adviser.
Well i bought Civ V...huge disappointment, i'm still a fan of the franchise but man, the game just got dumbed down.

I just reinstalled Civ IV with the awesome Quot Capita mod (which now features an extended stoneage) and i'm gonna start a game there soon.
Black Feather said:
Well i bought Civ V...huge disappointment, i'm still a fan of the franchise but man, the game just got dumbed down.

I don't understand this sentiment at all. Some things changed from local to global, ie happiness. Healthy/Unhealthy was baked into food and happiness management. Civics were changed into policys, which arguably could be tweaked a bit to make more sense (ie changing policys) Some arguably minor things got removed, like religion.

The only thing that seems dumbed down is the diplomacy with the AI, with weird things like pacts of secrecy which aren't explained in game.

The combat certainly isn't dumbed down. If anythings dumb it's massive stacks of every kind of unit being the ultimate strategy. The AI ain't very good at it though, but it wasn't very good at it in CIV IV either.

I'm still getting my ass handed to me neatly on Immortal, so I'm not complaining. There are things to criticize, but I don't think it's just dumbed down.
Sorry but CIV V is far too easy, the AI just doesn't get the new "semi-complex" hex-based fighting style, while they could perfectly handle the "stacks of doom" in CIV IV. It might not have been a sophisticated tactical challenge, but CIV isn't about tactics. It's about strategy.

And why did they kick villages out of the game? Tradeposts are ugly and it makes no sense to build so many (and you have to build many if you want a decent economy)

Besides, i really got used to the varietas delectat mod of CIV IV, where every single nation has unique architecture and unit styles - no more white zulus. I think i just miss that too much too.