General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

The trading posts are a lot more balanced than the cottage economy in my opinion. As it is now, I can't automatically support an enormous army during the modern era. In IV that was easily done, and gold still kept pouring in allowing you to just buy airports in newly conquered cities and dump new units.

I've never seen the AI deal well with a stack of doom. The only thing it does to counter it is put more units into the city you're approaching. It doesn't throw a lot of artillery at them. It doesn't properly protect the few units it decides to throw at it.

If it's too easy, just raise the difficulty. If you're breezing through on Deity, I don't know what you're doing.
Gave up on NV after yet another game-breaking bug (this one having to do with the BOS quest line getting locked up because of a scripting error). Fucking game makes un-patched Fallout 3 look bug-free by comparison.

Back to some good old Diablo 2.
Honestly Phil, it seems more to do with individual computers than that everyone suffers from the same bugs.

A few bugs I had seem to be ones most people experience but for the rest the game runs stable.

Topic related; just bought Deathspank 2, and waiting for that.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Honestly Phil, it seems more to do with individual computers than that everyone suffers from the same bugs.

If only it worked like that. All of those scripting errors are well documented across both consoles AND the PC, which totally blows that theory out the window.
Dead Guy said:
The trading posts are a lot more balanced than the cottage economy in my opinion. As it is now, I can't automatically support an enormous army during the modern era. In IV that was easily done, and gold still kept pouring in allowing you to just buy airports in newly conquered cities and dump new units.

I've never seen the AI deal well with a stack of doom. The only thing it does to counter it is put more units into the city you're approaching. It doesn't throw a lot of artillery at them. It doesn't properly protect the few units it decides to throw at it.

If it's too easy, just raise the difficulty. If you're breezing through on Deity, I don't know what you're doing.

Well maybe they patched the AI then. But still i'll propably never like this game, theres just too much stuff that i don't like. The skill-treelike policies for example, it just doesn't suit my playstyle at all...i tend to play rather "evil" in classical and medieval ages and switching to democratic goody-two-shoes in the modern era, and those damn policies are permanent.
Try out Assassins Creed 2! It's far less repetitive and there are much more interesting NPC's! (such as Leonardo da Vinci.)

I hated AC1, never played through it, but loved AC2.
Shame they still kept that lame future tech plot thing. Would of preferred it if it was straight up Renaissance baby.

Playing Black and White 2, got it from work for 3 quid which is about as much as it's worth.
Also got BG 2 in it's box in mint condition and ToB for the same price, the joys of working in a charity shop.
Besides being on my 3'd New Vegas playthrough and taking a short break from it, I've been playing Delta Force 2. Forgot the awesomeness of this old game and it made me think a little bit about modern shooters.

When you use the "scope" in Delta Force, you bring up a little "window in the window" thing that has the zoom effect, wich brings to mind why none of the modern games pull this off with their scopes?

It always annoys me to bring up a scope and either get the whole screen turn into the scope, or the weapon up showing the scope and gun while the entire screen zooms in.

Does anyone know if this is something particularly difficult to code or?
Alphadrop said:
Shame they still kept that lame future tech plot thing. Would of preferred it if it was straight up Renaissance baby.

Playing Black and White 2, got it from work for 3 quid which is about as much as it's worth.
Also got BG 2 in it's box in mint condition and ToB for the same price, the joys of working in a charity shop.

Yeah, that whole Sci-Fi part was bullsh...and more RPG-elements would also have been cool.

Most epic scene in Assassisn Creed 2:

playing Jagged Alliance 2. taking over Cambria at the moment and this is the farthest I've ever gotten in this game. a pretty damn unforgiving game, but so much fun.
Strangly enough Fallout tactics. And even more strange is the fact I like it now.
F3 did more damage to my brain than I thought it seems.
Maybe I should start F3 again and then play this BoS shooter afterwards and then come back and praise this priceless gem. :crazy:
Well, I gave Stalker: Clear Sky another try. I never finished it, because it pissed me off too much. Now that my PC can actually handle it, it's actually quite fun. Who would have thought?
It still pisses me off that apparently you can't avoid losing all your money at some point, but otherwise it's not all that bad.
Sometimes, the AI is incredibly stupid and annoying, and the faction wars are still kinda buggy, but it's bearable.
Though, all weapons except for sniper rifles seem to be completely useless for ranges longer than ~10m. Especially shotguns are pointless beyond point blank. Can anyone recommend a mod to fix that? The spread and nonexisting damage is just ridiculous.
Man, I might even get Call of Pripyat now, though I swore that I'd never buy a GSC Gameworld game again.
/edit: Also, is there a mod that adds more arm textures for different suits and adds gasmask/goggle effects to the HUD? Couldn't find them.
Call of Pripyat 's good in my opinion, it takes what was good about SOC and CS and not really any of the drawbacks.

If you want more deadly and accurate weapons try the Ballistics mod, from what I remember it was pretty good.

Raw, unupgraded, shotguns are pretty shit even with Ballistics mod from what I remember, but they're unrivaled for fighting mutants in my opinion.

Don't know about Gasmask/goggle effects, but you could check GSC's clear sky forum, or browse I suppose.
Playing Arcanum again, with a pure tech party. My Character just equipped the party with Power A...err, Electro Armor and sophisticated tech weapons, and we are ready to kick some serious ass (-:
Yea Metro has some damn annoying quirks. Doesen't help it can get as laggy as hell because even the smoke is physx.
Could of really used some more spooky ghost levels, it's a great mechanic for telling the story and making you scared but they really underused them.

Aaah Arcanum, the only game where I rooted around in bins, Fallouts attempts at scrounging are rubbish in comparison... or maybe I should of just stopped using the reapeating rifle.
Arcanum was really nice.
I really loved how Troika (or more or less Tim, Leonard and Jason) went for more exotic RPG worlds than the standard Fantasy ones.
I really would like to see a second part of Arcanum (well if it would get produced from some really talented company with great writers).

Just bought Empires Total War so far i like it. Even though it got some downsides compared to Medieval II.
I really like how the line battles look.
Trying out ArmA 2 and operation Arrowhead with a friend in co op, very difficult 'games' but fun none the less after the first couple of rather frustrating hours plus it's an amazing game from a technical point of view.

I also bought Bloody good time and Deathspank II, the first seems like a nice little game to play once in a while, the latter is simply an hilarious 'anti fantasy' lite RPG IMO.
I am not sure. I liked the realistic side on Arma 2 and arrowhead, but I really dissliked the controls of the game. I think they could have done more to make the controls more simple without a sacrifice in realism. Red Orchestra has not even half of numbers in controls like Arma 2 and yet feels almost as realistic.
PainlessDocM said:
I also bought Bloody good time and Deathspank II, the first seems like a nice little game to play once in a while, the latter is simply an hilarious 'anti fantasy' lite RPG IMO.

Got the first one on Das Box deu 360 and want to give the second one a try on Steam, mostly because guns are pretty dang neat (seriously the chat filter can't take a self ironic joke).