General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Still playing Close Combat, now part 3. I've got the Finland-mod (winter war) installed. I got CC3 in -98 or -99 and still playing it. That's the type of longevity that only games like CC and the Fallouts have.
Finished FNV for the second time, needless to say it exceeded my expectations.

Finished Metro 2033, loved the game for what it was, a highly polished and atmospheric PA FPS with amazing love for details and insane difficulty.
I also liked the fact that I could play with the original voice acting (+ English subs)

Reminded me of STALKER for obvious reasons so that's what I'll be playing the next few days.


Oh yeah, I'm also playing Metro 2033 right now, it's pretty cool.
After that (and after finally finishing New Vegas), I'll replay Shadow of Chernobyl. With OL and all that mumbojumbo of course :D
Struggling with yet another replay of Fallout (win 7, crashes every 15 mins, etc), while steadily raping my eyes with Heroes of Newerth.

Can't wait till next week when New Vegas is to arrive finally!
Still busy playing Fallout New Vegas with Metro 2033 on the side.

I hope to find some people here who would like to play L4D and L4D2 with me.
I am a beginner though.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Still busy playing Fallout New Vegas with Metro 2033 on the side.

I hope to find some people here who would like to play L4D and L4D2 with me.
I am a beginner though.
Add meh! I'm always up for some L4D1&2, the more the merrier.

The Orderites on these forums are also good at L4D1&2, I've always had a good game with them - here
Completed a replay of GTA: Vice City, love that 80's atmosphere. :)

Guess I'll finish up my most recent playthroughs of Diablo 2, or Baldur's Gate 1 next.
I am playing Call of Duty Black Ops, and I am really digging this conspiracy theoryish red scare campaign, fun stuff.
Fallout: New Vegas for single player and Black Ops for multi player time sinks.

I'm thinking of getting Metro 2033 but I've heard that its quite short (playing time-wise) or is this justified given the quality of the gameplay (or at least fits the story)? Thanks for the help.
Small Framed said:
Fallout: New Vegas for single player and Black Ops for multi player time sinks.

I'm thinking of getting Metro 2033 but I've heard that its quite short (playing time-wise) or is this justified given the quality of the gameplay (or at least fits the story)? Thanks for the help.
I recently got Metro 2033, and while I didn't finish it yet, it's quite cool. The atmosphere is great and it's quite scary at times.
A little like the Stalker SoC underground levels :D
Speaking of which, I'm replaying Shadow of Chernobyl. With Ol2.2 and a few graphic mods. It's incredibly awesome. Still not what the game could have been, but until someone cleans up Build 1935 it's the best one can get, I think :D
Two Worlds 2. But just a few words. Two world's shit.

Not only is 60% of the landscape not accessible (only for multiplayer or something no clue ... seems their marketing had not seen much reason in telling that) but its pretty dull, the combat and controls boring and using the horse ... is a nightmare. Not to mention the bugs as I could not finish a few quests because it was crashing all the time when I approached the area so I had to skip it. And I really hoped they learned from their first mistakes ...
Aasimar Paladin lvl.9 in NWN2 OC. Delicious h'n's! It's interesting how, in hindsight, it's obvious how many ideas DA:O nicked from this game, and also how much inferior it is to NWN2, even with all the flaws the game has.

It also makes me wonder where all the Obsidian hate comes from. Sure they aren't perfect (who is), but these last two games by them I've played (this and FONV) are probably the best RPGs released in the last 5 years.
I'm playing through the Morrowind xbox GOTY edition. Friend of mine sold it to me for 5 bucks. Pristine condition. Works on the 360 and everything. Graphics are definitely hurtin' though.

Was never a fan of Neverwinter Nights single player, I just couldn't get into it. If you want to try an online roleplay experience, I would recommend checking out "Narfell":

I use to play there back in my NWN1 days. Hardcore DND ruleset with enforced roleplay (no talking publicly OOC). Persistent world, so a lot of the events are player driven. Any time you log on, you're literally roleplaying. The characters you meet in the game are human. They do DM run events and all that as well though. Last time I was there you couldn't even exceed a specific level cap, you had to be awarded DM experience for roleplaying.

And also death is permanent (last time I was there).
sea said:
I have to say that whoever designed this game, and especially the expansion content, is a complete and total masochist. Even with a guide it took me about two hours to clear out the first basement of the Tower, moving slowly as possible, paranoid that any footstep could set off a trap and ruin my day.

You know there is a find traps skill on your thief? Just walk slow. Do yourself a favor and dont use guides for these games, at least till you played them once, since the maps are always the same, there is little "suprise" to future playthroughs.

Man I wish i could go back and play a few games for the first time again. So awesome. I'm so jealous of you!!!!!
and also how much inferior it is to NWN2


NWN2 combat possibilities are more varied and the character progression is more complex. Battles are actually challenging and fun once in a while. Party banter is also more believable and VA is outstanding. DA:O basically took all of that and dumbed it down, making it less good.

At the same time, any of the things I don't like in NWN2 are still there in DA:O meaning they didn't even bother to learn from others' mistakes (bad camera etc., horrible party AI etc.)

Ergo, NWN2>DA:O.
Just finished replaying HeXen and Strife. Now I'm between games; Fallout: New Vegas, HacX and HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel.

I've halted my recent Baldur's Gate 1 playthrough because the game crashes whenever I go inside a building in the city of Baldur's Gate. :(

As for Diablo II, as expected, I got bored shortly after I got to Act III. It can never stand up to the awesomeness of Act II. :?
sea said:
Reconite said:
I've halted my recent Baldur's Gate 1 playthrough because the game crashes whenever I go inside a building in the city of Baldur's Gate. :(
Yeah, that happens. I think it might be related to the widescreen mod, especially if it's installed when you have a game already in progress. I learned that the hard way.
I didn't even have the widescreen mod installed, I just went through it Vanilla + Patched for the most part. Couldn't be bothered with mods, really.

TotSC might be what's causing it. When I installed it off my 4-in-1 BG boxset right after Cloakwood it said it was a US/Canada version, despite it being a EU boxset. So I patched it from BioWare's site with the TotSC EU patch or whatever it's called and it started working again.

But now when I start it up it tells me to put in the TotSC disc, then when I load my normal BG save it tells me to put in my BG1 disc, really tedious shit, now it crashes every time I enter a building. After remembering certain "improvements" over the original game installing the TotSC expansion has, I was inclined to install it, doing so fucked everything up though it seems.

Checked google for a while, couldn't find an answer to my problems, so I've really just halted it until I can think of what to do (start all over because I was intent on finishing it, or find some way to fix it).

Also, there is no chance to uninstall TotSC now, because it already converted my save files over to it (unless there is a program to turn them back into normal BG1 saves?) I really should be playing with BGTrilogy but I couldn't be bothered initially.