General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

mobucks said:
Currently playing ARMA II Operation Arrowhead. Great milsim. Was playing a TvT tonite that has the insurgents planting IEDs and roadside bombs.

Hi if you are looking for someone to play some co op feel free to add me on Steam. ( A Smooth-Skin )
Back to playing/grinding Killing Floor. With the wicked sick (dare I say sick nasty) christmas event coming out I want to get all classes to at least level 3.
sea said:
You'll want to use The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, seen here:

Although I will say, first time through the game, you probably don't need it. The official patch, widescreen mod and perhaps the high-quality music/movie patch should be enough.

Yep, those are the ones i installed, including the "Prologue, Peragus and Harbinger" mod. Apparently i worried for naught, everything works fine, much to my surprise.

I barely started playing and am already getting little geek chills, there's just something about the SW universe that resonates with me.
You said it bro!

Im having a feeling of geekery over the game just reading about you feeling geeky.
I think after finishing Stalker:Clear Sky and Metro 2033 I'm going for Arcanum. Just tested the demo and I like it. There's not nearly enough steampunk games out there :D
Hassknecht said:
Ah, thanks for the Ballistics mod, exactly what I was looking for.
I also found a HUD mod that adds the mask effects.
Maybe after finishing CS I might actually get CoP. It's quite cheap now, I think. We'll see.

No probs, New Vegas and C.o.P are the two games I've bought this year that feels like I've gotten the most money out of.

Hassknecht said:
I think after finishing Stalker:Clear Sky and Metro 2033 I'm going for Arcanum. Just tested the demo and I like it. There's not nearly enough steampunk games out there :D

Thief. <3
Hassknecht said:
I think after finishing Stalker:Clear Sky and Metro 2033 I'm going for Arcanum. Just tested the demo and I like it. There's not nearly enough steampunk games out there :D

If i may give you a tip - if you wanna play a tech character, go for the Electrics Techtree first. 3 of the best items in the game are in it (Electro Armor, Healing Jacket, Tesla Gun).

And eat an Intelligence Potion (or its tech counterpart) before each levelup, that way you meet the intelligence requirements for new schematics and you won't have to waste skill pts on int.
First rule is: DON'T mix Magick with Technology. Play either a tech or a magickal character. Magick is stronger in the beginning, but a Techie is much more fun.

Firearms are worthless in the beginning, so use for the first few levels a melee weapon, you can craft some really neat techweapons for example a "Charged Sword" or "Pyrotechnic axe", you can buy the Schematics needed to build those in Weapon Shops. Stun Grenades from the Explosives Techtree are also very useful. Later in the game you can make a Tesla Gun, which is basically a Laser Weapon. Really kicks ass.

Set Charisma to 9 so you can take Sogg MeadMug along with you, he's in the Inn in Shrouded Hills. He's a very useful melee fighter and with Virgil that will make a good team.

There are some Schematics you can't just get through leveling up - you can buy them in Junk Shops and Tech Weapon/armor shops. Ususally they need different Tech Disciplines (for example you'll need both skills in Gunsmithy and Electrics for the Tesla Gun and Explosives + Electrics for Electrocution Grenades and so on).

"Intelligence" has the same importance as in Fallout1/2 by the way. More Int = cooler Dialogues, more Quests.
A word of advice, if I may. Don't forget to install the Arcanum Unofficial Patch, and never-never-never use RT combat option, it simply doesn't work.

Easiest is to go for one direction: magic or tech. Magic has a lot of schools but few spells, and I think limiting yourself to 3-4 school would be a good idea.

Herbology isn't very useful for magic users, since they have potions. Tech users can use it to create tech-alternative of potions.

If you play a magic user, by mid-end game you won't be able to use any of the tech transportation systems, so perhaps the transportation (or w/e it was called) magic is worth investing into. Don't invest points into Stun and/or don't use Stun if you don't want to ruin the game for yourself - the"saving throw" doesn't work, which makes the game way too easy overall.

If you play a techie, be aware that the game will likely be a bit more challenging, especially early on. If you go for rifles, beware - in early-game bullets are rare and costly. A tech character is very fun to play though, IMO better than magic-user, so it's worth the effort.

Unlike what Black Feather says, it's probably possible to dabble in both magic and tech, but you won't be good at either. It'd be fun to try it sometime, but it would definitely be a challenge.
I didn't say that mixing tech and magick is impossible. I just said that it isn't a good thing at all.

You CAN use transportation systems as a magickal character, you just can't drive 1st class - they put you in the "Mage's Caboose", far away from the Steam Engines.
I didn't say that mixing tech and magick is impossible. I just said that it isn't a good thing at all.

Actually, I'm playing such a mixed character right now, and it's working out quite well. I'm also thinking that any character that's not designed to rely on either crafting or magic (so, any thief or warrior) is best off staying neutral, to have access to best of both worlds.

You CAN use transportation systems as a magickal character, you just can't drive 1st class - they put you in the "Mage's Caboose", far away from the Steam Engines.

Whoops, forgot about that train option. Can't use the Tarantian underground though, and running around the city on foot is quite annoying.
I just reinstalled Bloodlines too :>

@ausdoerrt: didn't know about the Underground, i guess your magickal alignment meter has to be really high then. I usually play tech so i never noticed.
@ausdoerrt: didn't know about the Underground, i guess your magickal alignment meter has to be really high then. I usually play tech so i never noticed.

That was from my one straight-magician playthrough last year. Unfortunately, I don't have the saves and don't remember what the cut-off point is, but once the magic meter is above a certain point, you can't use the Underground because you could mess it up. Getting around Tarant gets REALLY annoying, and coupled with lack of difficulty playing a mage, I never finished that playthrough...

Since we're still on topic of Arcanum, I'm trying to pick a magic school for my current character to stay tech-neutral, but can't decide what to go for. I've already learned two conveyance spells but I don't think I want the rest of them, so I'm deciding b/w Force, Summoning and Temporal... Suggestions? My character is a gnome w/ masteries in Dodge, Trowing, Haggle and currently learning Explosives.

ON TOPIC: So yeah, I'm playing Arcanum now, and my playthrough of 风色幻想6 has been halted because the difficuly has spiked again and I feel like I need some time away from that game...
@Metro 2033: Hmm, I got that game from a friend over the summer, but it lagged too much on my old laptop so I gave up. Maybe I should try it again on my new one. I certainly liked the setting and visuals, though not so much gameplay.

@Arcanum: The interface IS horrible. It takes too long to get used to, and they also obviously tried to re-invent the bicycle with it, too. It works once you find out how to operate it, but it feels very unintuitive.

-light on character interaction and quests-
A plenty of quests if you ask me. The whole RE system tends to get annoying by the end of the game though, and some dungeons are too tedious.

-a few places where it seems like you should be able to do/say certain things, but can't-

Maybe you just don't have the required Persuasion skill for it ;)
I just bought Arcanum yesterday, and I'm having a hard time getting into it past the field with the crash. I guess that I'm just too lazy and/or bored but after I walk around for a little bit I just give up. I recall that this happened to me when first starting Fallout as well, so I think that I just need to buckle down and get past the first couple areas.
things like not being able to tell the Constable in Shrouded Hills about the bank robbery

You probably noticed that Constable isn't the bravest soul. You can mention the robbery, but not to him. Rather, seek out someone who's the real law-enforcer in town (Doc Roberts).

or the lack of reward for turning in the mage who wanted me to destroy the town's generator, or even the inability to convince him to move elsewhere.

You're right. But I guess there just isn't a quest about that. But overall your character does feel a lot more constrained by the world than in some other games, you can't really convince anyone to make life-changing decisions.
Played some Killing Floor with some advanced NMA monster hunters . Good times.


It's also on sale right now:
Found Blade Runner for $1.90 at a thrift store, so I'm burning through that before I play one of my 8 new PS3 games.

I also found Spycraft which I might play on and off.