General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Black Feather said:
VTM: Redemption.

He, I played that game when it was new. I remember being amazed by the graphics and general atmosphere.
Every time I think about replaying it I decide to go with the far better (IMO) Bloodlines.

I'm about to install I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. It boggles the mind why I didn't find this beauty before.

That game is crazy, in a good way.

Currently playing Dawn of War II. Great tactical game, I don't even mind the gameplay changes that much.
Thanks to great Amazon Deals I bought for PS3

Heavy Rain
Little Big Planet
Dragon Age (the one with awakening and all DLC)
Demon's Souls

What should I play first?
Surf Solar said:
I'm about to install I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. It boggles the mind why I didn't find this beauty before.

Holy crap, I NEED this game, too.
Where did you get it? I just love the story and always forget that there is a game about it :D
I'm currently playing:

Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare (Mostly for the online, i've finished the single players)
Assassins Creed Brotherhood

I love Brotherhood, much better than the pas two games in the series, it's just brilliant, but the story is far too short for me, but I don't really like the online. I 100% Red Dead Redemption and near to doing it in Undead Nightmare but having fun and basically crapping about with my friends is whats so fun about the RDR online, the coop mode is fun as well.
I started playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare online again. Started a profile from level 1 and went up to level 44 in one week. For some reason MW's multiplayer still appeals more to me, compared to MW2 and Black Ops.

Other than that I made the mistake to start a character in the now F2P-ish Lord of the Rings Online, and got hooked.
sea said:
Easily the best RPG I've ever played,

Wow, better than Fallout? I've been meaning to buy a couple of those games for a while-- that and Arcanum. I may have to accelerate the process at some point.
actually I always want to play PT again ...but sorry. What ever people say. I never liked its combat. Not even as wizard. And I like playing wizard in a DnD game.
I never got too far into PS:T but sea's review makes me want to give it another go.

Musta gotten outta the mortuary 10 times already, but I always get lost/confused/sidetracked once I get into the main town. I think I need to not be stoned off my ass when I try it again.

Currently playing ARMA II Operation Arrowhead. Great milsim. Was playing a TvT tonite that has the insurgents planting IEDs and roadside bombs.
I wish Arcanum wasn't so complex-looking. I'm a massive fan of the Fallouts and PS:T, but every time I started Arcanum I got freaked out by the complexity and the new world it's set in... :sad:

Everyone who did get through it says it's awesome, however...
The thing about Arcanum is that there aren't really good NPC's. Try playing the game as a Half-Orc or a Woman and you'll see that almost everyone is a bigotted asshole, especially Gilbert Bates.

I missed NPC's such as Harold in it.

It is really really hard not to play evil in Arcanum. I don't know any other game that gives you more reasons to be evil.

Mild spoiler: [spoiler:373b88117d] I had so much fun joining the Orc Uprising and slaughter every single Tarantian.[/spoiler:373b88117d]
So.... KotOR 2.

It's been a while since my first playthrough, and despite being submerged in a diseased pool of bugs and cut content, i enjoyed the game enough to give it a second spin, now.

I've done some research and apparently there are some mods and restoration patches about that improve the experience, by a large margin. Would any of you kind, wise gentlemen be privy to sharing the esoteric knowledge of what and from where to grab and in what order to install the labour of obsessed fanboys?

I've already grabbed the official patch, Darth Stoney's restoration mod and the "Prologue, Peragus and Harbinger" mod. Would i need anything else? Is there some eldritch wisdom to be had in handling said items so they can work together?

Also, i vaguely remember i had some major issues with making the game work back when i first played it (i'm on XP SP3 and radeon 3850hd). :| I hope i'll be spared editing ini files and whatnot this time around.
Fallout. I want to play Planescape: Torment, very much.

My part-time job doesn't keep me busy enough, and waiting for my rotation in the Caterpillar factory to begin leaves me with time to finally play these relics. Yay!