General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?


Santa Bloat tried to come down from the mesh but got stuck and shot by a medic and some Unidentified 'tard running around in a pyro costume nicked all the presents.
Bought Resident Evil 5 gold edition, this'll be my second playthrough (I had the original version but traded it in, then had the urge to play again.

I'm contemplating buying Killing Floor and have been since it came out haha.
Faceless_Stranger said:
Think I might do another Morrowind playthrough.

I started a Morrowind game last weekend, mostly for nostalgia. the graphics haven't aged well at all. I usually don't care about old graphics, hell I might even prefer them, but Morrowind is not pleasant on the eye. it gets better after a while though.

I promised myself I wouldn't abuse the skill system this time around, but it only took until Balmora before I realized I'll never be able to boost my Stealth skill at a reasonable pace without some abusing. in other words, skill system still sucks ass.

the music and game world almost bring a tear to my eye out of pure nostalgia though.
I'm considering getting Alpha Protocol - i was pretty scared off from buying it by certain very negative reviews.

Any thoughts? Do the gameplay-flaws outweigh the apparently decent story?
New Vegas and some replaying of Dragon Age on the side in preparation for the sequel (forgot how much I liked this game, despite some of its flaws).

@Black Feather: I recommend it personally. The story is nice, but the writing and choice and consequence are exemplary. Combat reminded me of Deus Ex meets Mass Effect a bit and would be decent if not for the camera getting stuck on obstacles, and (for me, on a PC that runs ME2 at medium settings) the game has a terrible stutter that is unacceptable given that it doesn't look very good, and the animations make Beth's "efforts" look magnificent (seriously, I could not help but laugh at the stealth walk)

But I quite liked it overall when I got used to the flaws, and IMO the critics saw the bad but completely ignored the good.
I have no problem with it's animations whatsoever, also don't really know why the people bitch about APs graphics... Buy it Black Feather, it's a good game.
Thought it was only the stealth walk that was a crap animation? Saying that haven't seen the rest but if you can diagonal run then the animation is still miles ahead of Beths.
aenemic said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
Think I might do another Morrowind playthrough.

I started a Morrowind game last weekend, mostly for nostalgia. the graphics haven't aged well at all. I usually don't care about old graphics, hell I might even prefer them, but Morrowind is not pleasant on the eye. it gets better after a while though.

I promised myself I wouldn't abuse the skill system this time around, but it only took until Balmora before I realized I'll never be able to boost my Stealth skill at a reasonable pace without some abusing. in other words, skill system still sucks ass.

the music and game world almost bring a tear to my eye out of pure nostalgia though.
As far as I remember, there are a few pretty good mod that make the graphics at least a little better.
Better NPCs, Visual Pack Combined, Morrowind Graphics Extender sounds nice...
Damn, now I'm thinking about another play, too :D
I think I've still got some savegames somewhere, and I never got around finishing the addons...
Thanks guys, will buy Alpha Protocol. Hopefully i can roleplay as a Jack Bauer-like agent, heh.

Still playing Amnesia though. It's so goddamn creepy, i'm almost too scared to start it up. :oops:
Black Feather said:
Still playing Amnesia though. It's so goddamn creepy, i'm almost too scared to start it up. :oops:

Played Amnesia for a bit today. It's really creepy. I've got a livestream going if anyone wants to watch.
Oh man, I got creeped out just by watching some YouTube videos of that game. It looks awfully immersive, but I'm afraid that I don't have the guts for it-- I get spooked by the slightest thing in games once I get into them. :shrug:
I just finished Amnesia. The ending was a bit disappointing.

[spoiler:7325db03d1](that fucking Iron Maiden made me piss my pants.)[/spoiler:7325db03d1]
aenemic said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
Think I might do another Morrowind playthrough.

I started a Morrowind game last weekend, mostly for nostalgia. the graphics haven't aged well at all. I usually don't care about old graphics, hell I might even prefer them, but Morrowind is not pleasant on the eye. it gets better after a while though.

I promised myself I wouldn't abuse the skill system this time around, but it only took until Balmora before I realized I'll never be able to boost my Stealth skill at a reasonable pace without some abusing. in other words, skill system still sucks ass.

the music and game world almost bring a tear to my eye out of pure nostalgia though.

I played through it on the xbox 360... that was... interesting. The load times were pretty insane, took like 8 minutes to even get into the game.

At least in Morrowind if you had the cash you could just buy your skills (less grinding than Oblivion). As for sneak I just crouched behind a vendor NPC and left the console on over night. Easy 100.
Surf Solar said:
korindabar said:
As for sneak I just crouched behind a vendor NPC and left the console on over night. Easy 100.

And this is fun for you?

No, but neither is walking around in sneak mode for 12 hours, moving roughly at the pace of cold molasses trying to level it up.
Man, I think I know too many ways to break Morrowind. Infinite Intelligence potions, permafortification, enchantment exploiting, spellcrafting exploitation, etc.
Thinking about getting STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl. Worth it? Any good? Any windows 7 conflicts?

Oh I have a computer that can play games now btw.
Just needs a beefier video card.

Re-edit: Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines=Windows 7 compatibility issues?