General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I fear I fell back to my addiction for shmups. Just bought a jap XBOX 360 and cant get out of Ketsui Extra scoring system, so addictive game :

Approach your target and attack, your mission starts now, are you ready ?
Or a VGA cable instead. I use one and they are pretty cheap like this one.
Only downside being you also need an audio jack like this one.

Also it's not only EA, first game this was a problem on was Capcom's Dead Rising 1 I think.
Alphadrop said:
Also it's not only EA, first game this was a problem on was Capcom's Dead Rising 1 I think.

yup, i remember that. Actually i have the same thing you mentioned earlier. I have connected my ps3 to a LG moniter with a HDMI to DVI cable.
I have to also buy a VGA cable because i have recently bought a xbox 360, just to be able to play Deadly Premonition! :oops:
Alpha Protocol.
Just when I came to a conclusion that this game was worth it no matter how buggy, Omen Deng boss-fight comes along. Well fuck you Obsidian. I wonder now whether to continue playing tomorrow or unistall the game. Ridiculous piece of shit design decision.
Altogether the whole mission is just plain idiotic, your companions ruin any and all choices of approach by appearing out of thin air and starting firefights.
Will this kind of shit go on during rest of the game? Spare me by telling.
yes. If you love tactical games. Definetly. But dont give up on it. It can be quite frustrating. But the missions are so damn entertaining ... its awesome.

Though no clue if it was commandos 1 or 2 ... I think 2 ... it had some mission where the target was to kill a general. Jesus ... I almost gave up on that completely. It was so damn hard. Almost impossible.

The addon which is playing in the mediteran area is awesome as well. Great soundtrack as well by the way.

If you enjoy a bit "older" games I definetly can recomend it.

It was the good old times.

If you enjoy such tactical games I think there was some very similar gmae called desperados, just with a wild west theme and one about Robbin Hood and his gang (forgot the name).

Damn ... now I HAVE to get it again as well :D


*Forget about Commandos Strike Force though (Commandos 4 if you want so ...) as it basically killed the franchise. They made some kind of Moha or CoD clone ... changing a top down tactical game in a mindless shooter ... hmm ... feels familiar ... where have we seen that as well
I'm currently digging into 'Armed Assault' by Bohemia Interactive, the makers of Operation Flashpoint. I loved Flashpoint because of it's difficulty and realism (no you vs the entire enemy army). Now, ArmA is even harder - possibilly too hard (but isn't war hard?), and it's graphics are more dated than what I'd expect from a game of that age.

However, it is really refreshing change to CoD and it's clones which are spreading like a virus. Just watching a CoD 'veteran' playing it and dying within seconds again and again warms the old heart. Oh, note that the games labeled 'Operation Flashpoint' are not like this - they are just yet another CoD clone, admittedly a little harder than most. Damm Codemasters.
Still, the old MTG game for PC (Shandalar) is superior to duels of the planeswalkers. It is pain in the ass to run on modern system though. Staying on topic, beating King's Bounty: Crossworlds on impossible difficulty now, challenging.
Xellos said:
Still, the old MTG game for PC (Shandalar) is superior to duels of the planeswalkers. It is pain in the ass to run on modern system though.

Not really; with all the fan patches it runs smooth as butter on my buddy's Win7 laptop, and all the fan-updated content makes it worth replaying.

As for Duels of Planeswalkers, it can hardly be considered a Magic game at all. It's OK for those unfamiliar w. Magic, but IMO useless otherwise.

On Topic: I was going to re-re-re (xn) - play TOEE again, with the first non-beta Co8 release, but then I realize that I didn't bring the game CDs with me when I went to visit friends for holidays. Me saaad.
Ausdoerrt said:
Xellos said:
Still, the old MTG game for PC (Shandalar) is superior to duels of the planeswalkers. It is pain in the ass to run on modern system though.

Not really; with all the fan patches it runs smooth as butter on my buddy's Win7 laptop, and all the fan-updated content makes it worth replaying.

Any link/guide ? I managed to run it on W7 with ManaLink (2.0 I think) but it still was bugged in some issues (deckbuilder etc.)