General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

My buddy who was really into WoW convinced me to get Rift so I've been playing that in my spare time. If anyone's interested I'm Uncannygarlic on Gnarlwood.
Wow, they release Duty Calls as satire and then Bulletstorm contains the same fucking elements?
It feels like a goddamn rail shooter. There are absolutely no different directions, the enemies are as dumb as bricks, the autoheal is completely overpowered, and yes, there is also a "Bloody Screen!! SO REALLLLL!!!!".
Also, it's made more of cutscenes than gameplay, especially in the beginning.
This is just another example of shitty PC-ports. The ingame-menu is awful, the main-menu is awful. Wtf, I can click on buttons but then I have to use the keyboard to confirm? Is this 1998 or what?

Enough rant, the game is fun, though, at least for some time. The over-the-top-violence and skillshots kept me entertained a little, but it's good that the game is so freaking short, because any longer and it would have become even more bland.
I really liked the voice acting, especially the player character. The oneliners are awesome. Too bad there are no facial animations.
Oh yeah, the graphics. The cityscape looks good from far away, but close up you see that the textures are just shitty. Goddamn consoles.
And finally, NO FUCKING JUMPING? Seriously. What kind of faggotry is that? At first I thought it was going to be an old school shooter with testosterone, violence and some classic movement, but noooo, they had to ruin it.
But it only makes sense, jumping might enable you to get out of the corridor.
The worst thing is that they actually sell this at full price. I hate.
Found myself some N64 and SNES ROMs, and I am in glorious nostalgia mode. It's a bit hard to play Mario 64 or Legend of Zelda without a gamepad, however.

Replaying DA2 a bit on the side too, on Nightmare. Origins 'nightmare' is a cakewalk compared to that, it's pretty brutal.

Also, yeah, I saw some videos of Bulletstorm and was a bit surprised at how much of a CoD clone it was. Remove the skillshots, and it's CoD with a boot and even dumber enemies, my friend said. If you are going to satire, don't do the very same thing. At least please, please friggin stop throwing jelly in the player's face when he takes bullet, this trope is becoming incredibly annoying. I can look at an health bar, thank you very much.
Dragon Age 2 and it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu:breath:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkss.

Seriously it's boring, repetitive and mindless as all sin. I can't even really find a somewhat likeable character. Also, mashing A until everything dies suuuuucks.
Ilosar said:
Found myself some N64 and SNES ROMs, and I am in glorious nostalgia mode. It's a bit hard to play Mario 64 or Legend of Zelda without a gamepad, however.

You're doing yourself a disservice by not using a gamepad. I've been using my cordless rumblepad 2 for years now, and I can't imagine trying to play N64/PSX games without working force feedback, let alone without a gamepad. N64 games require some clever re-binding because of the goofy controller, but it's not hard to get it set so the controls are superior to the original.

Do yourself a favor and go get a gamepad. Here's two that would be just fine, depending on which style you like.
can someone tell me anything about the Story in Shogun 2 ? I don't mean the details of it more like how it is "told". If it keeps you entertaining and interested. I really cant comment about the gameplay of the game but I would really like to know if they managed to keep you motivated while playing.
In all honesty, you don't play the Total War series for the story Crni Vuk. It's basically just conquering Kyoto and becoming Shogun because, hey, why not. It's history, not a story. It's still a mighty fine game, with excellent gameplay and art style (I still prefer Empire myself, maybe because I prefer shooting to melee), but if you are in for the story it's not for you, even if imo you are missing something out.

@Phil: yeah, it's more laziness from my part, there's a store nearby that sells gamepads for pretty cheap. But I am going to get one soon, it's basically impossible to do advanced moves with only the keyboard, especially in Mario 64. I still managed to tie all the buttons to the left side of the keyboard (from Q to C and the spacebar, and arrow keys for movement), but it's really an hassle.
Shogun 2:Total War is set in one of the most historically important period in Japan, it has got to have at least some interesting story in the game. Even some in game descriptions would work good.
Or is it just the usual Japan=katana ?
Ilosar said:
It's history, not a story.
Just because it covers "some" part of history it doesn't mean it can not contain an interesting story to keep you motivated (I really doubt Total War is anything on the level of education it is a game afterall and designed as such). See Age of Empires 2 while it was neither a history class it felt good enough to convice you to be more believable then C&C and it had still a pretty entertaining plot which even was somewhat related to history as you could go trough the French history following Jeanne d’Arc or fighting with Dschingis Khan to build his empire.

LinkPain said:
Shogun 2:Total War is set in one of the most historically important period in Japan, it has got to have at least some interesting story in the game. Even some in game descriptions would work good.
Or is it just the usual Japan=katana ?

That is how Age of empires did it. And it worked very well for the game



It would be a nice thing if Shogun 2 did at least something similar and not just let you "rush from one battle to another" without even any conection or story as motivation.
Downloading RFOnline, again. It appears that someone finally picked up the game for US again. Seems like it's slightly better managed than the Codemasters nightmare - more content, more events. Should be a bit easier to level atm, too, with all the special events. New server here:

So, debating what race/class I want to pick up. I used to have a lv25 Cora ranger on the old US version, and I think I still have a ~lv30 Cora Spiritualist on the Russian version, though it's been a while. Thinking of trying out the Specialist, though I'm a bit concerned about the amount of grinding that goes into it. Still undecided on the race, too.

Also, if anyone wants to play, shoot me a PM ;)
Hehe. I'm actually playing Age of Empires 2 atm. It's all that works on this old laptop of mine, that and the original Diablo.

Yeah, sucks.