General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Ilosar said:
Also, brftitos, ME never was an RPG, the first one was just a bastard system that was clunky and didn't work. ME2 has some flaws, but turning the combat system into a full-fledged, much more responsive shooter was a good move in my books. And ME2 had more interesting decisions and moral ambiguity than the first if you ask me.

Not to mention ME1 had at least as much explosions and shooting as it's sequel (Virmire, Tech powers, Sovereign, need I go on?). I hate this stupid complaint that people throw around for no reason.

Yes, Mass Effect was an RPG and the marketing was about an RPG. This fact annoys people a lot, because Bioware tried joint an RPG with an TPS and was unable or unwilling to solve some problems.
And if you give a closer look, some problems were carried to ME2, like squad crontrol: in the first the mechanics were too slow and in ME2 you are simply unable to command them properly. Plus the dumb AI remainned.

Then they marketed ME2 as an RPG again, but this time they just maded a very good action game.

If you are in doubt of what I'm saying, read this Cristina Norman interview.
She even confess that ME1 was not dumb enough, so they needed to address this "problem" for ME2.

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@LinkPain: actually, that's completely in accordance with canon. Indoctrination is not direct control, simply a kind of suggestion, and victims always lose higher cognitive functions. So, the usual villain stupidity is completely plausible in that scenario.

@Brfritos: ME2 was marketed as an RPG? I am not so sure. Maybe on forums in such, but big sites like IGN only talked about shooting, and the official releases were always very action-heavy. Mind you, both Dragon Age games got the same treatment, and we can safely say they are RPGs (less so for DA2, but that's another topic now is it).

Anyway imo the RPG aspect, for the combat at least, was a weight that needed to go, I vastly prefer a good shooter to a half-assed hybrid system.

And I didn't get that impression from Norman. Have you seen her slide-show? She acknowledges most of ME2's problems and says they will endeavor to fix them, which is more than what most designers do (cough Mike Laidlaw cough). Me, so long as they add weapon and armor mods, clear stats for weapons and remove these damn red veins and jelly when you get hurt (and apparently they are looking at that, as well as the UI in general), I will be happy.
Damn, I forgot that Mass Relays can survive stellar novas, that makes the plot device indeed even more stupid.

Indeed, misaligning the Relay would have made more sense.
Also, if it was to serve as an alternative to the Citadel Mass Relay, why not take the artifact into play?
It being some sort of mass effect booster so to speak.

So many retcons and plot holes in this DLC.
Hell, it would have made more sense and not even have affected the plot; touching a relay is an act of war (it's why Turians attacked Humans in the first place), so the end result is the same, sans genocide.

Also, there's a pretty touchy implication; if you can redirect asteroids in Relays to destroy them with just scrap available from Omega, why go into the Omega 4 Relay in the first place? Why bother risking Shepard's life again? Just Armageddon that shit. If it also takes out Omega, who cares, it's the galaxy's worst shit-hole. And IIRC there was a big asteroid belt in the Omega system.

Well, to be fair, TIM wanted Reaper data that was on the Collector Base, so disclosing that information makes sense. Still...
Meh, there are many ways in which this DLC could be made better and I could write it all down, including an ending that would really make people anxious for ME3 but why bother?

The damn thing is out and its quite irrelevant despite the claims of the developers of how it will affect the next game.

Going to play Okamiden more and I have a few more games around here I have not finished yet.
And of course finishing that Dead Money review.

By the time that is done I hope Honest Hearts is out.

One thing does bother me, some of the reviews are ridiculously positive as are the reactions of die hard fans.
Don't they realize they have been taken for a sap?
I have and I am pissed because of it.
Ilosar said:
And I didn't get that impression from Norman. Have you seen her slide-show? She acknowledges most of ME2's problems and says they will endeavor to fix them, which is more than what most designers do (cough Mike Laidlaw cough). Me, so long as they add weapon and armor mods, clear stats for weapons and remove these damn red veins and jelly when you get hurt (and apparently they are looking at that, as well as the UI in general), I will be happy.

Well, it seems that at least that damn plannet scanning will be dumped for good.
Gosh, I hate this thing, after my 5th playthrough I discovered the savegame editor and use it for the another 20 playthroughs I've played.

At least she is honest, I will give you that.

But I'm extremelly disappointed for what they did in Arrival, there was a lot of possibilities to explore, instead of simply refurbishing some aspects in the story and giving us information that we already known.

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dunno. I liked the scanning of planets. It gave the game a nice touch and feeling - though I agree might have ben better to shoot that scanner in to the planet and simply get all the resources at once.It was at least a lot better then this mako-driving and level layout in the first ME game.
Problem with the Mako was the level layout imo, it was all just so bland. boring, and immensely frustrating to drive around (those mountains!), at least on side-quests, main quests had some fun driving, like on Feros. If all the vehicles sequences were like in Overlord, well damn, give me the Mako or Hammerhead over planet scanning any day. I too used the savegame editor, damn that was welcome.

I do agree Arrival told us few things new. Some new info on the Reapers by way of the Artifact would have been good, but the devs also stated that they did not want to disadvantage people who didn't get what remains a 7$ DLC come ME3, so maybe that influenced the story. Still, I enjoyed it, the 5 waves were really hard at Insanity, even for my buffed up Vanguard.
I don't like those plot holes. It's not only the story about Shepard, it's about all the galaxy. It's about all the species and all the characters. And it was good until Arrival. I wish they did not make this. I wish i did not play it. I don't like spamming one skill with Vanguard, I don't like simpleton team fastforwarding their quests so that they can be "loyal", I don't like not having my shotgun blasts, I don't like the secretary spamming do this do that, I especially don't like how everything turns out to be epic in name (Lazarus project, Pureblood krogan, strongest Biotic etc.) but fails miserably to deliver any reasonable explanation or design, I don't like many things but I choose not to notice them too much because some of them can get unnoticeable in time. But now I don't like how the story went, actually I don't know what the hell happened to the story. So wtf Bioware?
Earth gets trampled in the trailer and people know about the Reapers but they don't do anything?

In ME1 and in ME2 people who stay near the Reaper artifacts become husks, always, not Harbingers. They even specified it's in Collectors goddamn DNA. People who are near that big fucking artifact just dream badly? OK, we don't know how much time it takes for them to indoctrinate but you get the impression that it was there with them a long time. And i state it's a big fucking artifact.
Second, why not (try to) kill Shepard? Why not destroy that asteroid with self destruct? All those logs were before you get to the asteroid, not while you were sleeping and the bitch never had a chance to destroy it? Hardly. How the hell did the batarians get her in the first place? Reaper lure to Shepard is plausible, except they did not want to kill him, fail! If that artifact was really important we would get some indication but it isn't since they don't have a problem for destroying it, so why wait? I get bored with all the epicness "keep your enemy near you" so that they can argue constantly, Shep and Harbinger, unless Reapers want something with him but we don't get any indication of that and it's stupid to see it like that, don't you agree? If i was a Reaper i would have killed him. And if i wanted him alive i would try to stress to keep him alive or something. Harbinger does not know what the hell he wants anyway, except destroooy univarz. And why is only Harbinger awake, when a shitload of them is moving? Cat bite their tongue? And why does Shepard have to be court martialed when it was a COVERT OP?! WTF Hackett? There is any evidence left after that supernova? Yeah right. Reapers are coming and it's Shepards fault because there is a trailer destroying Earth.
Third, Cerberus did not know any of this or even got a tip about it? Cool story bros.
Fourth, did we really need more combat? After ALL the DLC and side missions done? Hell no!
Fifth, I want to take a drawer and hit Biowares head with it, who the fuck places 10 fucking bookshelves in the room sideways and all in the middle, it's not a library when they use flamethrowers there.
I think sea pretty much nailed it. ME2 seems like a prologue to a main game more than anything, or would be a great $30+ expansion pack. The main quest is short and doesn't advance the overall plot until the very end. They should have either extended the game 15+ hours or cut the team building aspect in half.
Not to mention the stupid start of the game working with Cerberus. I played Me2 before Me1 and it didn't bothered me that much. But after Playing Me1 I seem to always ask my self. Why do I not throw a bomb on every one of those Cerberus bastards ? It actually makes no sense to play with them when you consider that Me1 made them the Nazis of space. And it is pretty "stupid" how the game always tries to show the Cerberus leader (that you know) as a "gray" person. Oh look a laboratory with secret evil experiments on children. But the great mofo in his chair didn't knew about it! Because if he would he would have closed it ! Does the same count for all the other labs you "closed" in Me1 ? What is he actually REALLY knowing ?

I agree with you people. While Me is a "nice" game it is full of plot holes and wtf moments. I really hope they somehow avoid that for the third game.
I felt that Mass Effect was like a good opening season of some space opera, and hoped that the sequel would continue on that. Seems it didn't...
well it has its moments though. The characters you have around you particularly some of the companions are for the most part very well written and the progress here makes sense compared to Dragon Age for example where the relation between the characters and the player felt very forced to me. Particularly the romances ... ugh. I don't want to even think about that. How so many can like Alistair or any of the other schmocks is something I will never understand. In Me2 it felt a lot more "believable". But that is my opinion.
sea said:
The story and world were by far the best parts of the first game, and after its best writers left to work on The Old Republic, the team was left with a lot of B-grade writers who didn't really know quite where to go with the series, hence: crazy retcons and a bunch of fucking bullshit at every turn rather than anything logical, or even plausible. If it seems like they're making things up as they go, well, yes, that is literally exactly what's happening.

I liked a lot the worlds in in the first Mass Effect, you really think you are in outer space, some worlds have life at beginning stages, some are barren rocks and others pure ice, you even have pressure and heat affecting you on some of them. Plus when you look to the "sky"...marvellous.
Manny complains about the exploration are in fact because of the Mako and the crazy decision of using the engine physics of a human in a 15th ton vehicle!
No wander you can climb the Everest with him, but a simple rock makes the tank "top" and roll over like crazy.

And this was not corrected in ME2, the Hammerhead has the same problem, but since isn't a wheeled vehicle people don't notice much.
But hit a high obstacle and you will see the same type of behaviour from the Mako.

It's funny that Bioware have the care to hire Lance Henriksen again to voice Hackett, so the character isn't disrupted, but couldn't maintain the logic in the story, hence the retcons and plot holes that plague Arrival.
Another company destroyed by EA?
Time will tell...

Crni Vuk said:
well it has its moments though. The characters you have around you particularly some of the companions are for the most part very well written and the progress here makes sense compared to Dragon Age for example where the relation between the characters and the player felt very forced to me. Particularly the romances ... ugh. I don't want to even think about that. How so many can like Alistair or any of the other schmocks is something I will never understand. In Me2 it felt a lot more "believable". But that is my opinion.

I've found the romance in the first ME pretty good, Liara and Ashley are very well written, but Kaidan was plagued by the nice guy syndrome. Plus, if you resolve to turn them down, they don't act like a wall, they still talk to you professionally.
But in ME2 the romances were childish at best. So, I have interest in a person and he or she is the love of my life?
And if I only want to be friends I'm the scum of the universe?

It's funny that one of the most hated characters by a lot of players have the best romance lines in the game: when Shepard shows interest in Miranda and she talk about love, he reply he was only thinking about sex. Garrus work with femShep because he reacts very natural when hitted by her.
And Jacob actually is a lot of fun, the guy is the only one that don't take shit from Shepard like the rest of the crew and depending of your choices, only treat you in a professional manner.

I still prefer the love in NV, though, it pissed me that I was in Omega, in a bar full of hookers and wasn't able to hire one.
brfritos said:
I still prefer the love in NV, though, it pissed me that I was in Omega, in a bar full of hookers and wasn't able to hire one.

Hahahah soo true! :clap:

Guys you do all realize this was the only true and one of a kind Reaper artifact, not just the simple Dragon Tooth, and they blew it right in our face.

"Shepard it showed me visions, the Reapers are cumming!"
"You don't say?!"

Why is it called Rho and why does it look like a jacuzzi for illithid?
I mean ffs it's either Prothean or some indoctrination but this one Cerberus missed like i can miss catching the eye of a fly with chopsticks. Epic fail for Cerberus, Martin Sheen I'm disappoint.

Garrus is bishonen...don't ask me why, my girlfriend said that when she saw him too even though she never played MassEffect. He is "made" for girls. Fan boy. Or fan service w/e. And he looks way too cutish with that face "omfg, shep have i done it wrong?spank me!" -__-
But i like his Punisher style :D
Problem was that Dragon Age's characters felt way to similar to Kotor for me. Hence I always had that "been there done that" feeling.

But I mean ... com on! STEN! He was :S urgh ... pretty shit. Definitely not what I would have expected from a warrior society. He felt sometimes more whiny then Allistair. (I am not saying that a warrior cant show feelings. But dunno. It's hard to explain what I mean. Maybe it had something to do with it that Sten had a pretty weird face. And would always make some strange comment when I did something "nice" but on the other side bitching about his sword and such stuff)
I'm playing The Neverhood for the first time in about 10 years. Still as great as I remembered it.

We will have to disagree heavily Crni Vuk, I tought the Sten was a very good character. I loved how he went from asking if you should be the group's leader (basically calling you an incompetent) to declaring you a lifelong friend if you completed his story arc. You know you earned his respect when he calls you ''Kadan'', the voice actor does a great job of making the word seem meaningful. Him wanting his sword didn't feel like whining to me, people can want something without coming off as whiny.

And the Arishok in DA2 is even better if you ask me, perfect example of a villain who is calm and composed and becomes violent because he has every reason to do so. In general, I really like the Qunari in general, definitely a very interesting piece of lore, what with their society being based on Plato's perfect Republic and all that. At long last, a community-based society in popular fiction that isn't an evil communist copy-paste.

And agree on ME2's characters being very varied. Some were pretty bad, like Jack and Jacob (Miranda gets sympathy points in her personal quest and in the Shadow Broker DLC). some good (Kasumi, Grunt, Samara) and I believe Mordin to be the best character Bioware has ever done, and the best video game character of these last few years (in fierce competition with Ezio Auditore, Arcade Gannon and now Varric from DA2). For a character-based game, it's only logical to have varied tastes for all, however, lots of people like Jack and Samara from the looks of it.

As for what I am playing, a friend passed over a copy of Napoleon: Total War, and I am really enjoying it, especially since the man may be my favorite historical figure. Just a bit... weird the game takes almost 20 GB HD space when Empire was much less IIRC.
Hey people, remember my suggestion of using the iD Tech engine to make a Fallout game?
Say no more, the guys will do it.

ROCKVILLE, Md /PRNewswire/ -- Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, today confirmed the upcoming release of Fallout: RAGE®. The game, previously known as RAGE®, will be set in the beloved Fallout® universe. It takes all the action, humor and post-apocalyptic grime and grit of this legendary series, and raises the stakes.

Fallout: RAGE® is the latest game from id® Software, the acclaimed designers of such classics as the Wolfenstein®, DOOM®, and QUAKE® series. Eagerly awaited by the gaming community, RAGE is already being touted as one of the industry’s most innovative first-person shooters, winning numerous awards at E3 2010, including ‘Best Overall Game of Show’ from IGN and three ‘Best of E3’ Game Critics Awards including ‘Best Console Game’. Set after a nuclear apocalypse, you emerge into a vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself against such forces as bandit gangs, mutants, and more.

When Lt. Nick Raine emerges from his Vault, he finds the human race has not been wiped out. And people, as resilient as they are, are scraping together a new world from the rubble of the old. This was not what anyone in the Vaults expected–a new society where might is right, mutants plague the Earth, and “friend” is a term for the person who hasn’t stabbed you in the back.

"We have decided that instead of developing two separate post-apocalyptic intellectual properties, releasing Rage under the Fallout brand will strengthen the franchise and help the game reach new audiences," says Pete Hines, Bethesda VP of Marketing. "This will allow us to show a whole new aspect of the Fallout® universe. It will be a treat for all Fallout fans and fans of id® Software games alike."

It will be a friggin' good game or a total POS! :crazy:

I started playing Machinarium, the art is sure something.
I'm in the beginning, I liked so far, very humorous situations and solutions.

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