General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Ausdoerrt said:
Downloading RFOnline, again.

Wow, some small time MMOs really are tenacious in their ability to hang on.
May give it a whirl when I get time as shooting stuff was pretty fun in that game and one day I may actually get a damn mech suit.
Time to find the soundtrack I have somewhere in my room.
^ Well, I guess a plenty of people liked it >__>

I'm trying out this special server they have where you can speed-level and then transfer the character to the other servers. Massive XP boost - I got 20 levels in 2-3 hrs. Acc. Specialist, let's see how it goes.
Never thought I'd ask this, but are there any good iPad RPGS or strategy games? I got one for my birthday and I hope I can get some decent gaming out of it.

The best I've found so far is Doom 2 RPG. It's an iphone game, but it blows up to full size and looks just fine. It's turn based, funny, has some strategic combat, uses the doom assets, and is rather cheap.

For a decent hack n' slash try Dungeon Hunter 2. The skills are all really fun with 6 possible classes, but the writing is atrocious.
I am just finishing up Digital Devil Saga 1, but I am not sure if I want to do another run to get to the extra boss. It's a great little game, and I like all the references.

I also started Star Ocean: Last Hope. All I can say after 10 hrs is that it has a horrible director. It's like he is trying to direct a space romance comedy using a epic space opera as backdrop, which doesn't work the work the way he is going at it. If you can't do 3D facial expressions right, then just stick to 2D.

A friend dragged me back to play Demon's Souls, and I still find it tedious. I guess a castor build isn't suitable for action games with lots of pvp action.
Starseeker said:
I also started Star Ocean: Last Hope. All I can say after 10 hrs is that it has a horrible director. It's like he is trying to direct a space romance comedy using a epic space opera as backdrop, which doesn't work the work the way he is going at it. If you can't do 3D facial expressions right, then just stick to 2D.

I assume you're playing on PS3 because you mentioned Demon Souls; I'm at the very end of Star Ocean International and I've heard it's a million times better to use subtitles and the original japanese voice acting, in case you aren't doing that.

The gameplay is fun but the item creation, which should be one of the best aspects, is far too simple. It reminds me of MGS4 in that it ends up being a long movie with some fun battles mixed in.
I always stick with original VA. It actually p*ss me off to no end to listen to dubbed tracks on anything, anime, movies, games or tv shows. That was my biggest gripe for Digital Devil Saga 1 and Persona 3..., since dubbing just didn't work, esp when they tried to sing. *shudders*

The Japanese voice acting is fine in this game, but the directing of the scenes weren't. I understand the story line is written like a gal-gae, and it has multiple branch paths to take. I also get the whole harem comedy thing (I've seen enough anime or manga to write a book or 2), but this does not mean that other scenes with weightier moods should be down played or toned down to keep a lighter mood. That's bad pacing, and it undermines the integrity of the characters. I also find the mini 3D facial expressions awkward in the dialogues.

Oh, boy, I am getting into anime/manga critique mode, which isn't suitable for here. Anyway, maybe I'll feel better about it when more things happens later. But at this pt, I'll probably rate it lower (on ps3) than Eternal Sonata.
gonna be doing a kind of Shin Megami Tensei Marathon, but that "Marathon" is gonna take me a lot to complete, I don't like speed running a game, and I have not played all the SMT games on the PS2. I just Played Persona 3 (meh game in my opinion, but still better than most JRPGS), Raidouh Kuzunoha vs The Souless Army (30's + SMT demons? FUCKING AWESOME), Persona 4 (A HUGE improvement over 3, with better story and characters and better combat system with a lot mroe challenge) and I am playing Digital Devil Saga 1, I have yet to get to the ball bsutingly hard boss battle they tell me it has (I just defeated Bat for the THIRD time) after that it would be Digital Devil Saga 2, then SMT 3: Nocturne and then Raidouh Kuzunoha 2 vs King Abbadon.
Ur.., DDS is a off shoot series of SMT, just like the Persona series. There is only 1 SMT available on ps2, and that's Nocturne. And you can't get to The hard boss fight in DDS 1 unless you finished the game at least once, everything else is just cake walk. The game is also pretty much over if you get null atk, which I did get because I had too much money and nowhere else to spend it.

As for recommendations, that's hard. How old school can you handle? I can't base your taste on one or two games. If you don't mind really old school stuff, the Sega Ultimate Genesis Collection is great. Phantasy Star 1-4 (still remember 4 when it came out, costed me USD 89.95 because it was a special cartrige, the release on 2 was also funny). Shining Force 1-2. And couple other oldies. You can't find those anymore. Hell, I couldn't even find the PC version of Sega smash pack that came out a few years ago anymore, and that one only had Phantasy Star 2 and Shining Force 1.

If you have access to older hardware, than you might be able to play some great jRPGs. I always find it a crap shoot trying to play ps 2 games on ps 3. And let's not talk about ps 1, dreamcast, saturn or sega cd.

Anyway, the so called holy trinity of jRPGs (some would dispute it, I just use it as a reference) would be SMT (Shin Megami Tensei), DQ (Dragon Quest), and FF (Final Fantasy). Out of the 3, SMT is probably the least known or understood series and DQ is probably the most often misunderstood series in North America. I really don't need to explain FF any more than the press time it already gets. A quick note on SMT - 3 main games, and 3 off shoot series. The off shoots are, DDS (Digital Devil Saga), Persona, and Devil Summoner. As far as I know, most of it is on PS 1 or PS 2. DQ is very traditional jRPG series, so that's up to personal taste. The last one ported is DQ 8 on ps2.

I won't go through the list of possible choices on ps 2 or even ps 1 jRPGs. That would take all day. As for ps3, let's see, Valkyria Chronicles was a good choice. My brother said Resonance of Fate was good, but I didn't have time to play it. Cross Edge was too much of a time sink for me but it might be fine if I have time for it. Eternal Sonata is decent, but probably only for certain audiences. I saw At Tonelico came out for ps3, but I haven't had time to check it out yet. Hell, I haven't even finished At Tonelico 1 yet. Maybe I'll list some obscure and fun stuff next time on older systems.

edit to add: Last Hope also has a bit of unintentional humour whenever the main's name is called. Then again, given the mood, I am not sure of the fact that his name sounds like ecchi is unintentional or not. :lol: :| :shrug:
What I really want is a new Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I could have built a bridge across the Pacific in the time I have spent playing those games.
Just finished up Arrival in ME2. As did all DLC before.

This has got to be THE SHITTIEST DLC they made. Everything was almost obvious (reaper artifac, no shiiieiit) except destruction level which turned out to be another shoot em up save the day thing. They added a lot of enemies in clustered close space and stupid covers that are almost out of place everywhere (a fucking bookshelf in the middle of the room?!, i can't miss that one can I?!). When you start to run with space button pressed expect to be killed, because Shepard will stand near the dumbest "cover" saying while you press like a retard your powers: "i can't do it, can't target the enemy"...IT"S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!
And i had that same bug where you end up in wall god knows how many times. And that's serious shit if you save while in it!
It's too goddamn corridored! WTF?! Where is variability?

And it doesn't add up nothing that really matters to the central story, you just see the Reaper like Sovereign at Virmire, spew some shit and that's it, stupid fucking DLC. All they wanted is some fast fucking money. To hell with this Bioware.
They could come in two days but they could come later YAY! - i see this as one of their employees while making this DLC, too bad i wasn't there to shoot the bastard.

Passing through my rant tops, there is a lot of indication that Shepard is not normal human anymore. Don't know is it because of the Lazarus or what, but it's good to make him different. I just hope they don't fuck up story add those "not really human" points to his insanely good persona and not something more logical.
Was also playing the last DLC for ME2; Arrival.

I had just finished up at the project control center and was about to enter the next map and suddenly the game crashes.

On top of that, none of the save games I made are working anymore.

I actually wanted to try out this piece of crap and had been waiting for it for hours today, and this is what we get?
An it has the same savegame problems like Overlord had.

Like the poster above me I feel severally insulted as a customer by Bioware.
I have been playing Rock Band 3 with the Fender Squier... easily the hardest game I have ever played.
The problem is this is not like Bioware. They usually start DLC story as crap but then it gets some interesting twists. Looking at Overlord or Shadow Broker, but Arrival is wtf happened?
And this was supposed to bridge ME2 to ME3? Bwhahahaha, it was cash in only. We expect an awesome twist in the story but we get nothing, just a simplified shootout. That's the worst case scenario you can get from Bioware now and the only one it seems.
They pumped up the hype and that's it, same as DA2. Aw to hell with all, I'll go play an mmo now.
Yeah LinkPain, I honestly had hoped some interesting twist would happen like for example [spoiler:611799cf04]the player failing to destroy the Mass Relay and loads of Reapers appearing in the system. All the player can do is cut their losses and run for it, perhaps fighting for the first time the Reapers' regular troopers (something else than husks or indoctrinated beings) that now overrun the asteroid.[/spoiler:611799cf04]

Instead we got this pointless filler which is not even an Epilogue or a connection to ME3.

Overlord and Lair of the Shadow Broker in particular were far more diverse than this.
I don't see them as brilliant but they were better than Arrival.
That kind of a twist would have been awesome. But I don't think that's going to happen in ME3 either. But we'll see, i love surprises, the good one.

David from Overlord had the best get up that Bioware could come up width, and him not being a husk or anything reaperish. Seeing that same Harbinger commander assimilating over and over and spewing shit at Shepard clinging to some epic talk is not fun, it's too much cliche in Arrival making your ears bleed after some time.

And how the hell could he get into that woman's head and "assume control" when they can do that only to the Collectors? They stated that like a genetic explanation to the Collectors having that ability. Humans have innate powers? wtf?!
We will never know, because the whole fucking thing was destroyed before we even got a straight answer.
Well, it's official: Mass Effect 1 never existed. The so called "gap" or "bridge" between ME2 and ME3 is nothing more than this. :?
They even reused the plot of Bring Down the Sky, only switching sides of humans over the Batarians.
And that's the purpose of this DLC.

ME2 contradicts a lot of the lore introduced with ME1, but since they want to erase the first game from our memories, they did it again (Harbinger can only control genetic modified entities, the Collectors, remember? Humans are indocrinated and turned into husks).
It's funny that the decision to make the Reapers annihilators of the universe emptied every moral decision you have to make. Nothing is forbidden, everything is allowed.
You are saving all life that exists, right?

I'm losing all hopes over ME3, wich makes me sad, since ME1 had a lot of problems, but it was a good game with a good story and a lore that is very interesting, only lacking more profund decisions that affects the player immediately.
This could be fixed in the second instance, but Bioware decided to reboot the series and forget the RPG aspect of it, turning the game into a pure action one.

And I bet that ME3 will be fun to play after a hard days work, with lots of explosions.
But that's it, don't expect to use your brains too much.

[ ]'s
As far as DLCs go, it wasn't bad per se (I have seen far worse), but yeah compared to Overlord and especially Lair (best DLC I ever played hands down, it's longer than some full games ffs) it's disappointing.

But what makes me angry is the plot holes. As stated in canon, as Mass Relay can survive a fucking Supernova and not move an inch. Yet an asteroid (which, I am sure, has less destructive power) easily destroys it? And they hand-wave it by saying nobody just tried it before? say what? (IMO the plan should have been to change the course of the relay to Dark Space by hitting it hard enough. Back to square one suckers)

And wow, that ''twist'' came from a mile away. Absolutely nobody but Shepard who deals with Reaper tech comes out sane. At least the battles were a bit harder than usual, with no squadmates to save your ass if you get into trouble, and the Batarian prison had a nice atmosphere.

Also, brftitos, ME never was an RPG, the first one was just a bastard system that was clunky and didn't work. ME2 has some flaws, but turning the combat system into a full-fledged, much more responsive shooter was a good move in my books. And ME2 had more interesting decisions and moral ambiguity than the first if you ask me.

Not to mention ME1 had at least as much explosions and shooting as it's sequel (Virmire, Tech powers, Sovereign, need I go on?). I hate this stupid complaint that people throw around for no reason.
Why lure Shepard into the system you don't want to destroy and keep him sedated when clearly you know that he is not human like he used to be. What the hell, when did Reapers get so dumb?

But i concur with brftitos on some points. We need more skills, not 4 and spamming only primary one. And more weapons/armor, whatever. I used one armor through the whole game, and it's from add on pack.
ME2 does have more interesting decisions and moral ambiguity, just not so cool characters like Wrex. Garrus and Tali ftw.

And why do Batarians always get killed? Wtf...are they MEs Al-Qaeda?