Ur.., DDS is a off shoot series of SMT, just like the Persona series. There is only 1 SMT available on ps2, and that's Nocturne. And you can't get to The hard boss fight in DDS 1 unless you finished the game at least once, everything else is just cake walk. The game is also pretty much over if you get null atk, which I did get because I had too much money and nowhere else to spend it.
As for recommendations, that's hard. How old school can you handle? I can't base your taste on one or two games. If you don't mind really old school stuff, the Sega Ultimate Genesis Collection is great. Phantasy Star 1-4 (still remember 4 when it came out, costed me USD 89.95 because it was a special cartrige, the release on 2 was also funny). Shining Force 1-2. And couple other oldies. You can't find those anymore. Hell, I couldn't even find the PC version of Sega smash pack that came out a few years ago anymore, and that one only had Phantasy Star 2 and Shining Force 1.
If you have access to older hardware, than you might be able to play some great jRPGs. I always find it a crap shoot trying to play ps 2 games on ps 3. And let's not talk about ps 1, dreamcast, saturn or sega cd.
Anyway, the so called holy trinity of jRPGs (some would dispute it, I just use it as a reference) would be SMT (Shin Megami Tensei), DQ (Dragon Quest), and FF (Final Fantasy). Out of the 3, SMT is probably the least known or understood series and DQ is probably the most often misunderstood series in North America. I really don't need to explain FF any more than the press time it already gets. A quick note on SMT - 3 main games, and 3 off shoot series. The off shoots are, DDS (Digital Devil Saga), Persona, and Devil Summoner. As far as I know, most of it is on PS 1 or PS 2. DQ is very traditional jRPG series, so that's up to personal taste. The last one ported is DQ 8 on ps2.
I won't go through the list of possible choices on ps 2 or even ps 1 jRPGs. That would take all day. As for ps3, let's see, Valkyria Chronicles was a good choice. My brother said Resonance of Fate was good, but I didn't have time to play it. Cross Edge was too much of a time sink for me but it might be fine if I have time for it. Eternal Sonata is decent, but probably only for certain audiences. I saw At Tonelico came out for ps3, but I haven't had time to check it out yet. Hell, I haven't even finished At Tonelico 1 yet. Maybe I'll list some obscure and fun stuff next time on older systems.
edit to add: Last Hope also has a bit of unintentional humour whenever the main's name is called. Then again, given the mood, I am not sure of the fact that his name sounds like ecchi is unintentional or not.