General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Trying for the third time to finish Baldur's Gate 2, I always have enough (or find something to do in RL) at about the Underdark. Still in Athkala (whatever it's spelled) I and actually just discoved you can exit the city, missed many quests on my first runs because of that.

Still, I hate the magic in this game. Memorizing spell and having to rest 8 hours after every second battle is tedious, and most mage enemies seem to have super barriers of invincibility already ready to cast before you can even possibly begin to damage them. So either I wait until the spell wears off, and risking terrible terrible damage done on my party, or reload, fiddle in my spellbook for the right counter, and easily curpstomp the annoying pest.

The battles against the Beholders and such in the sewers were great, however.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Ordered alpha protocol for ps3, $12 new on Amazon. Bought Blue Dragon for Xbox360 for $10 at gamestop. 30 minutes in I thought it was going to be another kiddy JRPG but it's actually pretty innovative for the genre, at least as much as the genre can be these days. Hironobu Sakaguchi of FF fame designed and wrote it.

Well, it was meant for a younger audience. Anyway, did you try Lost Odyssey too already?
Trying for the third time to finish Baldur's Gate 2, I always have enough (or find something to do in RL) at about the Underdark. Still in Athkala (whatever it's spelled) I and actually just discoved you can exit the city, missed many quests on my first runs because of that.

Well, it's a long game, but you're missing out. Sahuagin city and Underworld are IMHO the best section of the game, with some of the best quests, dialogue and battles. Kinda downhill after that, though.

Still, I hate the magic in this game. Memorizing spell and having to rest 8 hours after every second battle is tedious, and most mage enemies seem to have super barriers of invincibility already ready to cast before you can even possibly begin to damage them. So either I wait until the spell wears off, and risking terrible terrible damage done on my party, or reload, fiddle in my spellbook for the right counter, and easily curpstomp the annoying pest.

I dunno, I liked magic in BG, especially the Wild Mage. He's f-ing br00tal. The traditional DnD rest system works, too. The whole system of gazillion magic shields and piercings is, agreed, kinda lame and unnecessary complicated, IMO they should've implemented a system of counter-spells instead, like what TOEE has.

it's actually pretty innovative for the genre, at least as much as the genre can be these days.

JRPG and its close relatives are probably the most innovative game genre today, compared to the rest, if you dare to venture outside the mainstream titles like FF and its copycats. Part of the reason is, a lot of them are made by smaller developers who aren't afraid to experiment, and even the bigger companies occasionally venture outside their comfort zone, unlike in the West. And, thankfully, unlike Western developers, they don't loathe TB combat systems, and can come up with some very inventive ones on occasion (Last Remnant, Seinarukana, etc.).
C2B said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Ordered alpha protocol for ps3, $12 new on Amazon. Bought Blue Dragon for Xbox360 for $10 at gamestop. 30 minutes in I thought it was going to be another kiddy JRPG but it's actually pretty innovative for the genre, at least as much as the genre can be these days. Hironobu Sakaguchi of FF fame designed and wrote it.

Well, it was meant for a younger audience. Anyway, did you try Lost Odyssey too already?

Yea, I've been sitting probably halfway through Disc 4 for almost 2 years, I just lost interest in the characters and their motivations pretty fast. I've been meaning to finish it up though.
Replaying Pikmin 2. Just remembered how awesome it is. The problem is that the pikmin are too damn adorable. I can't let a single one die without becoming depressed for an hour.
Ha, I had forgotten how much Minsc (and Boo) crack me up. ''Minsc shall inspire you by CHARGING BLINDLY ON! Feel the backhand of JUSTICE!!'', that guy is endlessly quotable and the voice acting is spot-on. Jan Jansen also has several choices lines, his interactions with the more literal-minded party members are priceless.

By the way, any tips to kill the Shadow Dragon in those ruins next to the Umar Hills? Is he magic immune? At what enchantment level do weapons hurt him? I have a stone that makes him ignore me, but I want his loot :V
A friend has just sent me a link to the official site of the game (or something like a game) called Entropia Universe.
Does anyone here know anything more about this?

Apparently, some people earned hundreds of thousands on this one by selling virtual estates and such...
PainlessDocM said:
Probably in Ethiopian money.

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

The Entropia Universe entered the Guinness World Records Book in both 2004 and 2008 for the most expensive virtual world objects ever sold, and in 2009, a virtual space station, a popular destination, sold for $330,000. This was then eclipsed in November 2010 when a player sold a virtual resort on Planet Calypso for $635,000; this property was sold in chunks, with the largest sold for $335,000
Frankly, I was completely surprised when I've seen it for the first time.
But, I guess it's not really a waste of money, if you can make some proper business out of it, and half a million of dollars is a nice sum, after all.
Still, I am feeling...uncomfortable. I guess that the idea of investing so much money in something that doesn't actually exist is a bit of disturbing, or better said, too advanced for me. Hell, I still haven't done any sort of online shopping in my life so far.

But it's a 21st century, everything's possible...
I'm playing Stacking (yes yes I own an the xbwaks), the first game in a long long time that made me laugh out loud.

I'm playing my free copy of infamous, the one I got because Sony doesn't believe in network security or anything like that. it's kinda terrible. I think I would've been pissed if I actually bought the game.

Black and white moral choices, which the game ALWAYS warns you about in advance, and shows the consequences and it's generally ME or the POOR INNOCENT FUCKERS and then after you do it to stops to let you know that what you did was bad or good.

It also uses that dumb cliche where being EVIL makes you look all sick and twisted and deformed and means you don't wash your clothes.
PainlessDocM said:
I was only kidding, it's truly insane how people waste money on these virtual things.

Aye. I remember playing Second Life for some time. Game was dull and...Well, nothing special at all. The only thing I liked was an option to create your own things+textures et cetera.
I made like 3-4 different human skins and few other objects and wow, I've earned so much money on that! Funny thing is that you could sell those "lindens" or whatever it was called on e-bay etc. I've sold 'em to some guy for 100bucks.

I'm not sure if it's still possible to earn money on that game. But hell, it was terribly easy to do that.

And back on topic:

Project Zomboid right now. Messing around with new version. Pretty nice game, I must say. Waiting for more things like NPC's you can mess around with and abillity to mod your game.

I'm also makin' my turns in Galactic Civilizations 2. Game is ultra harsh on harder difficulty levels. One warmonger civilization just conquered 1/2 of galaxy, destroying 3others and they've got more millitary than all civs in one alliance. We're fucked. But hey, I'm still enjoying this! (Trying to make them cry with terror stars)

@Down: And how about technologies and combat? Gotta look into that. Love 4X games.
Playing Distant Worlds right now (fairly new 4x Spacegame), like it so far. Graphics are 2D but the rich, deep gameplay got me right from the start. Oh, and the galaxies are friggin huge, up to about 10'000 colonizable planets!
Currently enjoying Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls on my PS3.

Fun game. Aquire (Tenchu and Way of the Samurai) did a fine job on this down loadable title and I've gotten plenty of play time out of a game that only cost 15 bucks.
Reinstalled Far Cry 2. I love the atmosphere of the game and the superb gunplay. What a welcome change from Fallout: New Vegas gunplay...
Ilosar said:
Ha, I had forgotten how much Minsc (and Boo) crack me up. ''Minsc shall inspire you by CHARGING BLINDLY ON! Feel the backhand of JUSTICE!!'', that guy is endlessly quotable and the voice acting is spot-on. Jan Jansen also has several choices lines, his interactions with the more literal-minded party members are priceless.

By the way, any tips to kill the Shadow Dragon in those ruins next to the Umar Hills? Is he magic immune? At what enchantment level do weapons hurt him? I have a stone that makes him ignore me, but I want his loot :V

You play vanilla ? If so, just spam 7 or so traps near him and cast breach. He will become hostile and traps will be triggered the moment he loses his buffs. More traditional approach - buff your team, especially protection from negative energy and hack him to death, AFAIK +3 weapons work well
Tagaziel said:
Reinstalled Far Cry 2. I love the atmosphere of the game and the superb gunplay. What a welcome change from Fallout: New Vegas gunplay...

I've never played the second one.
From what I've heard, it basically has no connections to the first game, aside from the title, right?