General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

The title, the open ended game play style and the enemies that can spot you five miles away and head shoot you with a pistol.
Though there is less of that in this one.
From what I've read it's an alright game let down by being really repetative, on the other hand it has a badass flamethrower in it.
Was only a couple of quid on Steam the other day.
The enemy AI is absolutely unfair and ratty T shirts hold an amazing resilience to bullets; other than that if you can remain sneaky you can have hideous fun with the game. Or sniping at long distances, you can wound enemies, force others to come out of cover to help, light stuff on fire, etc. That's a lot of fun to be had with the game, I just don't think I'll ever finish it because of how dull it eventually becomes.
I'm playing Dead Nation on the PS3 (one of the PSN freebies). It kinds of reminds me of a deeper, more poorly lit Robotron, with zombies. I'm liking it.
Completed my first VTMB playthrough as a Brujah, so that was pretty neat. Probably the coolest game I've played in a while, although the end was a little too combat heavy. I'd love to do another run through as a Tremere, but the thought of doing the [spoiler:591c2c1ee9]Werewolf[/spoiler:591c2c1ee9] section without Celerity has me thinking that's probably not a great idea.

I've also managed to get back into League of Legends after a year's break from it. One of the best free to play games out there, but the community is fucking atrocious.
Slowly coming back into Company of Heroes, the new patch made wonders in terms of balance. Now I'm in the top 300 of my favored faction, yay me. I can't believe how I love that game, I would probably be embarrassed if I had the Steam version telling me how many hundreds of hours I wasted in 4 year's worth of blowing the shit out of the Allies.

Also, it seems BG2 becomes really easier as you go. Just finished the Underdark, and not much can stand up to my Kensai if it doesn't have a shield spell or is one of those accursed Ilithids. I guess Beholders could be a threat, but the shield that reflects their attacks is just too broken not to use (and at least it makes Jaheira look somewhat useful), come to think of it a lot of stuff seems utterly broken in this game (Boots of Speed and Frost Giant girdle anyone? and a friend told me Throne of Bhaal is pretty much nothing but ridiculously overpowered and cheesy stuff used by both sides). Not that it's bad per se, it's certainly a change from the much tighter balance most RPGs have these days.
Just started playing Planescape: Torment, don't know how I never played this before. I'm searching for the Puzzle lady trapped in the maze at the moment and I have to admit, the game was harder before I realized I could revive my dead companions. I was playing like Fallout and trying to stop them from dying. :facepalm:
I finished Torment twice in my native language version, and now I'm trying to do so with English version. Man, it's like a fantasy novel not a game, the amount of vocabulary I learned is ridiculous
Xellos said:
I finished Torment twice in my native language version, and now I'm trying to do so with English version. Man, it's like a fantasy novel not a game, the amount of vocabulary I learned is ridiculous

Damn, it's gotta be hard to play in a language you're not familiar with. At least half the words are made up.
I started Planescape: Torment some time ago, and this time I intend to finish it.
Another game that I should own...and I can't. I really feel bad when such things happen.
I just found out that the companions in Torment lose their items when they die. Back to trying to keep them alive I guess.

Of course I find this out after Annah loses her one of a kind magic dagger.

Edit: That I had to kill someone for.
Have just ended a binge on VTMB. I did enjoy playing as someone who was insane. Though it has it's problems (too short, not open enough) it was quite different to play. I'm just suprised that nobody's thought of doing a sequel to it.
Xellos said:
Atomkilla - has it in stock

I know, but I can't order stuff online. :wall:

Before I started Torment, I finished my second playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins. A friend of mine asked me to write some sort of review (yeah, I'm like pro at that), so I gave it another try.

I've played in quite in-depth this time (one might say powergamed it) to finish most of the side quests, and drain out the majority of dialogues, choices etc. In the end, I'd say this is a good game. Yes, it has many flaws (both technical ones and story-wise), illogicality in good number, plot holes, stupid developer decisions, (now) classical BioWare-idiot manner in creation of some characters (especially considering the relationships of those characters), and the now (unfortunately) omnipresent rule of "cool is good".

The biggest problem is perhaps that there is so much combat, too much, if you ask me. By the end of the game I earned the achievement of killing 1000 darkspawn. In my opinion, having a character that commits such genocide in one playthrough is a bit over the top.

All in all, I'll keep this game in a more-or-less fond memory. It could have been fonder if it wasn't for all in-game DLC adds ("Will you come with me on this epic quest?" - "Sure, man, just a sec (Download the DLC)"). After all, this is probably the last "normal" RPG made by BioWare.
Bioware did release a "Complete" version of the game with all the DLC and expansions (Or atleast they did for Consoles) which was pretty cool.
A soap opera? can you elaborate :scratch:

Anyway, wow does Baldur's Gate 2 become utterly broken at high levels. Between summoning hugely powerful Planetars, Time Stops, a hammer to sets strenght to 25 and 5 attacks per round on a Katana that does 40 damage and stuns, absolutely nothing lasts more than a minute, most battles are just about dispelling any magical barriers and then clicking on stuff to whack it to death. I prefer the Dragon Age system in the end, less cheese and more actual challenge.