General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Finished Fallout, unplanned. I've been playing it in the last couple of days extensively with my broken mouse, which I've finally fixed.
Interesting thing happened to me, one that I've never experienced before. One guy from the Followers strike force that entered the Cathedral with me survived, and returned to Adytum, while all my companions were left for dead (as usual). Never happened to me before. They'd usually get themselves killed on the first floor of the Cathedral...
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Anyone picked up LA Noire yet?

I'm waiting for Rockstar to release it on PC. I still refuse to cave in and buy a console.

Currently playing Bioshock 2.
LA Noir is baller as fuck. Between the style of both the characters/old tyme Hollywood/LA, the cars, the writing, and cases, it's basically all awesome. The only thing that can be unfairly difficult is the interrogations, where you'll hit points where you can just rely on your guts. Oh, and there are random 'street crimes' that pop up on your radio; if you can't help yourself, a case could take hours because you're answering radio calls. But all in all, it's pretty damn good.

Fable III really does want you to have with itself inspite of itself. The biggest problem is that when you get towards the end of the game you get the chance to make BIG CHOICES and choose to help people at the cost money and risking the members of the kingdom in an EPIC WAR or being a hard ruler who says fuck the people and sides with Reaver on everything so people can survive the EPIC STRUGGLE. Except if you bothered to buy a bunch of property you can just fuck off and let the money pile up and then donate it to the kingdom, because while you only have a year to raise this money, time doesn't actually pass, other than the automatic (and sporadic) jumps between decisions.
Someone gave me an Xbox360 last week, bought Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire.

At the moment I'm just riding around on my trusty steed enjoying the scenery and the excellent music while hunting some animals and claiming some bounties.

What an amazing game.


Wintermind said:
LA Noire is pretty damn good.


I have just completed the first two desks and love the art/ setting/ atmosphere.

I'm not really a fan of the linear path the game forces you to follow, it makes the (amazing) huge city seem devoid of life.
Unless you like collecting small unimportant things there is little reason for exploration which is a shame IMO.
But then again this is not GTA 1947.

Anyone here played Brutal legend, Is it worth buying?
Any other games that were not released on PC I should check out?

Thanks :)
I didn't play Brutal Legend because I don't care for the whole metal thing; but don't go by the demo in case you didn't hear because it was incredibly misleading apparently.

I'm still on the first Homicide case so I dunno about how linear it remains because I"m still in the beginning of the game, kinda.

The Gears of War franchise is pretty entertaining and requires basically no thought whatsoever. I dunno if Red Faction Guerrilla was ported to PC but it's also awesome fun. Saints Row 1/2 are also the best sandbox crime games ever, though if you're going to play both, play the first one first because between introducing characters/cameos, the second is just far more polished/superior and you can't play the first after playing the second.
Damn Rocksttar and their decision to not releae LA Noire on the PC, I don't want to wait two years to play LA Noire (I always buy consoles in their last year, they are cheaper then).

So I just completed Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne, got the True Demon ending, wich has to be the most badass ending in a videogame, very subtle too.
Now gonna start Playing Digital Devil Saga 2, the first DDS was disappointingly easy, so I am gonna start this one on hard, also on my DS I am playing Ghost Trick, pretty interesting game.
Courier said:
Currently playing Bioshock 2.

Just beat it. Ending was tons better than the first Bioshock, which always felt a little lacking.

Speaking of Bioshock, I just found this which I thought was funny,

A couple posts down on the second page a guy links to an NMA post to support his claim that Bioshock somehow supports the raping of children. I'm not really sure what to think either.
Ooh someone mentioned Vikings and Dinosaurs in the same sentence, to the google!

Edit - Oh, Vikings, East Asians and Africans with dinosaurs and steampunk technology. If they released the game today it would have been a hit.
Well, 5 years ago isn't that long time.
Game was well received, but it was the marketing's fault if I remember correctly. Had a potential for a sleeper hit though.
I'm currently waiting for my new rig (i need one to play Witcher 2/Shogun 2 properly *sigh*) so i'm back to Civ IV again...ultimate timesink.

I actually played Dragon Age 2 yesterday. I hated Origins and the Hype surrounding it, but's just funny.
I just finished phase 1 of Ar Tonelico 3. Another one with the crappy switch to 3d/real time combat. And, unlike Ar Tonelico 1, both girls bore me (at least their character design does). Music and animation isn't up to par compared to the rest of the series despite an upgrade of platform. Why the helll havoc?

Dynasty Warriors 7, another lame attempt to reinvent the series. Why can't people stick to what they are good at and stop messing with teh rest. No character choice in story mode - fail. No second player in story mode = double fail. Repetitive conqest missions that don't have much to do with the story mode = triple fail.
Yeah I took a look at Dynasty Warriors 7 in the store the other day and quickly decided against purchasing it, realizing the numerous Dynasty Warriors titles I already had would assuredly suffice. What I'm still waiting for however is a new Romance of the Three Kingdoms, any word on them working on one?

Currently I am playing L.A. Noire, my character has a hat, it demands respect.
Ordered alpha protocol for ps3, $12 new on Amazon. Bought Blue Dragon for Xbox360 for $10 at gamestop. 30 minutes in I thought it was going to be another kiddy JRPG but it's actually pretty innovative for the genre, at least as much as the genre can be these days. Hironobu Sakaguchi of FF fame designed and wrote it.
Fable 3 PC at the moment, borrowing it and kinda glad I have as it sure ain't worth 30 squidolies.
Still finding it fun in the traditional light hearted way Fable does so well. It's just the mechanics are so back asswards it makes no sense, and they decided to screw the inventory system so hard it'll never be able to sit down again.
Maybe Peter was victimised by a menu when he was a kid or something.